Agenda_Special Meeting_03/25/2019 V���a e of Ten uesta Tequesta Village Hall � `7 345 Tequesta Drive �" Meeting Agenda .,,, Village Councii - Special Council Meeting Mayor Abby Brennan Council Member Vince Arena Council Member Kyle Stone Council Member Laurie Brandon Council Member Kristi Johnson Monday,March 25,2019 4:00 PM Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 1. COUNCIL OATH OF OFFICE - Seat 4- Kyle Stone Sponsors: Village Clerk McWilliams APPROVAL OF AGENDA COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITIZENS NEW BUSINESS 2. RESOLUTION NO. 10-19, A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR AN ADVISORY COMMUNITY CENTER DESIGN TEAM COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR COMMITTEE COMPOSITION, AUTHORITY 8� RESPONSIBILITIES; PROVIDING FOR COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS; PROVIDING FOR SUNSET OF SAID COMMITTEE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Sponsors: Village Attorney Davis Public comments / communications from citizens are limited to 3(thr�e) minutes. Anyone wishing to address Council should complete a "Comments by the Public" card and present it to the Village Clerk prior to the Communications from Citizens. When you are called to speak, please go to the podium and state your name and address for the record prior to addr�ssing Council. Council will not discuss this item this evening; however, Council may choose to have the item placed on a future agenda fo► discussion. Reference Resolution 25-18 regarding public pa�ticipation. ANY OTHER MATTERS ADJOURNMENT Village of Tequesia page 1 Viliage Councii-Special Counci! MeeNng Agenda Mar�ch 2l5,2019 Meeting PIEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED: if any persan decides to appeal any decision made by this Councii w�h respect ta any matter considered at this meeting ar hearing helshe wili need a record of the proceedings, and that, fos such purpose, hefshe may need to ensure that a vetbatim recard of the proceedings is made, wt�ich record inctades the testimany and evidence upan which the appeal is to be based. CQMMUNICATI(3NS FROM GITIZENS: Public comments J communications fram citizens are limited to 3(three) minutes. Anyone wishing to addre:ss Council should complete a "Comments by the Publica carc! and present it to the Vilage Glerk prior tp the Cammunicafions ftom Gitizens. When you are ca{led ta speak, ptease go to the podiurrt and sta�e your name and adcfress for #he record prior to addressing Couneil. Cc�uncil will not discuss this item this evening; however, Council may choose to have the ikem placed on a future agenda for discussion. Reference Resplution 25-18 regarding public participation. OTHER AGENDA ITEMS: Any ci#izen is entitled to be heard an any officiat agenda item when the Viltage Council calls for public comments subject to the three-minute fimitation. 1�tiage Cauncit Meetings are public business meetings, and as such, the �tlage Council retains the right ta lim�discussion on any issue. N�TE: Qisabled persons who need an accommodation in order fa part'tcipate in this Village Caunc"t1 Meeting are requested to contact the Village Cterk's t}ffice a# 768-Q440 at least #hr�e working days before this meeting. Hearing impaired persans please note wireless hearing system receivers are available by requesting the same from the�Ilage Cterk. wi�9e af rey�a n�ye 2