COVERT OPER 13.9A INVESTIGATIONS TEQUESTA POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL ORDER TITLE: COVERT OPERATIONS GENERAL ORDER: 13.9A EFFECTIVE: December 1, 2002 REVISES G.O. 13.9 ACCREDITATION STANDARDS: CFA 18.06, 18.16, 18.17, 18.18, 18.19 PAGES: 5 CONTENTS: This order consists of the following numbered sections: I. CRIME ANALYSIS II. SURVEILLANCE OPERATIONS III. UNDERCOVER/DECOY OPERATIONS IV. RAIDS V. GLOSSARY PURPOSE: To establish guidelines for covert investigations. SCOPE: This order applies to all Police Department members who participate in covert investigations. DISCUSSION: The agency is committed to the investigation and arrest of persons involved in criminal activity. Covert investigative methods are techniques available to identify principals and co-conspirators involved in organized crime. Guidelines are necessary to ensure officer safety and to meet operational objectives. POLICY: Covert operations will be used to investigate cases with care taken to safeguard individual constitutional rights. PROCEDURE: I. CRIME ANALYSIS: A. The detective division will evaluate information in agency offense reports and reports from other jurisdictions. When a particular pattern or trend involving specific crimes, victims, suspects, or locations are identified, it will be detailed in a Criminal Activity Bulletin and distributed to appropriate divisions. \[CFA 18.06 A; 18.17B; 18.18B\] B. The assigned detective will also attend central intelligence meetings to gather intelligence and identify any noticeable patterns or trends in criminal offenses. Any such information will be forwarded to the appropriate division. C. Background information will be gathered on an identified probable offender(s). Information will include the following: \[CFA 18.16 B\] G.O. 13.9A 1. Names of associates. 2. Habits and methods of operation. 3. Vehicles used by the offender. 4. Personal and criminal history. 5. Locations the offender might frequent. II. SURVEILLANCE OPERATIONS: A. A surveillance may involve a simple, periodic check on a stationary subject or location conducted by one officer, or a continuous long term, multi-person, multi-vehicle operation. The following apply when conducting surveillance: \[CFA 18.06 D\] 1. The lead investigator may authorize surveillance operations and will be designated as the coordinator. \[CFA 18.16 A\] 2. Procedures for observation, arrests, and tails should be established in advance. \[CFA 18.16 D\] 3. All operatives will familiarize themselves with the suspect, vehicles used by the suspect, and the neighborhood or target area. \[CFA 18.16 C\] 4. (Electronic surveillance of a telephone or Appropriate surveillance vehicles and equipment will be utilized. within a residence will be in conformance with F.S. 934, and requires the Chief’s approval.) \[CFA 18.16 G\] 5. A means of communication will be established between participants via hand-held radios, mobile telephones, or other means. \[CFA 18.16 F\] 6. Participants will be supplied with expense funds, when needed. \[CFA 18.16 E\] 7. The coordinator should be kept advised of all ongoing surveillance operations, and he shall notify the patrol supervisor responsible for the target zone. In long term operations, the coordinator will arrange for relief personnel, as needed. \[CFA 18.16 H, I\] 8. If the surveillance extends beyond the agency’s jurisdiction, outside agencies will be notified, as needed. 9. All personnel will be notified when the surveillance is terminated. 10. All surveillance operations will be documented. B. To avoid detection by the suspect under surveillance, the following procedures should be followed: \[CFA 18-14 D\] 1. The lead person will maintain visual contact with the subject. 2. The lead person will be periodically switched to make detection more unlikely. 3. The exact location of the suspect will be communicated frequently. 4. Visual contact will not be broken by the lead member until another member has confirmed visual contact. III. UNDERCOVER/DECOY OPERATIONS: Certain investigations require undercover or decoy operations. When such an operation is warranted, the following apply: \[CFA 18.17; 18.18\] 2 G.O. 13.9A A. Supervisors may authorize undercover/decoy operations and shall be kept informed of all details of the operation to ensure that agency guidelines are followed. \[CFA 18.16A; 18.17 A\] B. Victims, crimes, and crime locations will be analyzed to determine appropriate locations, disguises, and methods for conducting the operation and for maximum safety to operatives. \[CFA 18.18 B\] C. Suspects will be identified and analyzed. \[CFA 18.17 B\] D. The neighborhood or target where officers will work will be analyzed to determine appropriate locations and cover for operatives. \[CFA 18-15 C\] E. Participants will be chosen from those who best fit the requirements of the particular investigation. Factors to consider when selecting members include the following: 1. Ability to infiltrate and remain in the target area; 2. Familiarity with procedures and slang associated with the target area; and 3. Ability to establish rapport with offenders. F. Specific plans will be made for suspect contact. Any such plans will address back-up manpower and other resources to ensure officer safety in the event the suspect is armed or becomes physically violent. The location, proximity to innocent persons, and light conditions are some factors, which should be considered. \[CFA 18.17 C\] G. Members will not disclose the identity of any undercover officer without the express consent of the officer or the officer’s supervisor. \[CFA 18.17 F\] H. All operatives will be briefed concerning the objective and details of the operation, and their individual assignments. I. Officers will be supplied with appropriate identification, disguises, or other credentials, as needed. \[CFA 18.17 E; 18.18 C\] J. Officers will be supplied with the proper equipment and expense funds to conduct the operation safely and effectively. All equipment will be checked to ensure that it works properly. \[CFA 18.17 G, H\] K. Provisions for routine and backup emergency communications will be determined in advance, i.e., hand held radio, body bug, mobile telephone, etc. \[CFA 18.17 I, F\] L. Provisions for identifying operatives will be determined in advance. \[CFA 18.18 G\] M. Undercover and decoy officers will be provided backup security. \[CFA 18.17 K; 18.18 D\] N. Legal ramifications will be reviewed with the State Attorney’s Office when needed. \[CFA 18.19 D\] O. The highest-ranking supervisor on duty will be responsible for the target zone. P. Procedures and guidelines for observation and arrest of the suspect(s) will be planned in advance. The risk to nearby property and people should be minimal. \[CFA 18.17 K; 18.18 E\] Q. Evidence will be collected and processed according to agency policy. R. The undercover operation will be documented. 3 G.O. 13.9A IV. RAIDS: A.Purpose: Raids are conducted using the element of surprise to arrest suspects and preserve evidence. A raid requires the approval of the division supervisor. The division supervisor or his designee shall coordinate the raid. B.Scope: Participants in a raid are limited in the actions they may take upon entry. After the premises are declared secure, suspects may be arrested and evidence in plain view may be seized. Information obtained during the raid may provide probable cause to obtain a search warrant for the premises. \[CFA 18.19 I\] C.Execution: The following guidelines will be followed during a raid: 1. One supervisor will be designated to oversee and coordinate the operation,and notify the patrol supervisor responsible for the target zone. 2. The supervisor will hold a briefing for all participants that include the following: a. Confirm target location by diagrams and/or photographs as appropriate; \[CFA 18.19 G\] b. Identify suspects to be arrested; c. Review applicable restrictions on the use of force; \[CFA 18.19 K\] d. Review specific duties and responsibilities with participants; e. Present strategies and tactics for approaching, entering, securing, and leaving the target area. \[CFA 18.19 H\] f. Review limits on the areas to be searched. 3. The supervisor is responsible for selecting equipment and vehicles for the operation. \[CFA 18.19 J\] 4. A means of communications will be established in advance, i.e., hand held radio, cellular telephone, etc. \[CFA 18.19 C\] 5. The Communications Division will be notified of a raid and will designate a radio channel and ensure that it is monitored. \[CFA 18.19 C\] 6. All subjects present will be secured upon entry using appropriate levels of force. Standard procedures will be followed when making arrests and searching for and seizing evidence and/or contraband. Refer to the general orders indexed as Use of Force, Arrest Procedures, and Search Warrants. \[CFA 18.19 E, I, K\] 7. Tequesta Fire/Rescue will be summoned in case of injuries. \[CFA 18.19 L\] 8. The raid operation will be documented. All reports and supplements will be reviewed by the raid supervisor. \[CFA 18.19 M\] V. GLOSSARY: COVERT OPERATION - An operation conducted to avoid detection, which is divulged only to those directly involved in the investigation. DECOY OPERATION - An operation in which an officer poses as a potential victim. 4 G.O. 13.9A SURVEILLANCE - Close observation of a person or location. INDEXING: COVERT OPERATIONS CRIME ANALYSIS DECOY OPERATIONS HIGH RISK ENTRIES RAIDS SURVEILLANCE OPERATIONS UNDERCOVER OPERATIONS DRAFTED: DJR/November 7, 2002/Filed: Covert13.9A APPROVED: Pete Pitocchelli, Chief DATE: November 05, 2011 Tequesta, Florida 5