INTERNET 6.13 TEQUESTA POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL ORDER TITLE: E-MAIL USE AND INTERNET ACCESS GENERAL ORDER: 6.13 EFFECTIVE: March 1, 2003 RESCINDS: NEW ACCREDITATION STANDARDS: CFA 34.12 PAGES: 2 CONTENTS: This order consists of the following numbered sections: I. ACCEPTABLE USE II. UNACCEPTABLE USE III. COMMUNICATIONS IV.SOFTWARE V.SECURITY PURPOSE: To establish guidelines for the proper use of e-mail and Internet access. SCOPE: This order applies to all Police Department members. DISCUSSION: Police Department members have no expectation of personal privacy regarding information or communications stored on agency owned computers or transmitted or received via e-mail or the Internet to the extent access to such e-mail or the Internet is provided by the agency. POLICY: The Police Department encourages the use of its computer systems, including use of the Internet and e-mail, as a means to facilitate agency business and related communications. However, irresponsible use of these resources reduces their availability for critical use, compromises security and network integrity, and exposes the agency to potentially damaging litigation. PROCEDURE: IACCEPTABLE USE: . A. The Village of Tequesta provides Internet and e-mail access solely for official use. Access to the Internet provided by the Village is not intended to provide employees with a public forum for the expression or communication of personal employee opinions, regardless of their nature. Every member has the responsibility to maintain and enhance the agency’s public image and to use Village e-mail and Internet access in a responsible and productive manner. Use of Village e-mail or Internet access for personal reasons is strictly prohibited, unless approved in writing in advance by an employee’s supervisor. G.O. 6.13  II. UNACCEPTABLE USE: A. Village e-mail and Internet access may not be used for transmitting, retrieving or storage of any communications of a discriminatory or harassing nature or materials that are obscene in any form. Harassment of any kind is prohibited. No messages with inflammatory or derogatory remarks about an individual’s race, age, sex, disability, religion, national origin, physical attributes or sexual orientation shall be transmitted. No abusive, profane or offensive language is to be transmitted. Electronic media also may not be used for any other purpose that is illegal or against Village policy or contrary to the agency’s best interests. Use of Village e-mail or Internet access for any personal gain is strictly prohibited. III. COMMUNICATIONS: A: Each employee is responsible for the content of all text, audio or images that they store on agency computers or place or send over the agency ‘s e-mail and Internet systems. No e-mail or other electronic communications may be sent that hides the identity of the sender or misrepresents the sender’s identity, position, or affiliation, unless such action is part of a legitimate criminal investigation IV. SOFTWARE: A: To prevent computer viruses from being transmitted through Village e-mail and Internet systems, there will be no unauthorized downloading of software. All software downloaded through the Village’s e-mail or Internet system must be registered to the Village. V. SECURITY: A: The Tequesta Police Department routinely monitors materials stored on its computer systems, as well as usage patterns in its e-mail and Internet communications. All messages created, sent or retrieved via the agency’s e-mail and Internet system are the property of the Village and should be considered public information. The agency reserves the right to access and monitor the content of all computers and all messages and all files on its e-mail and Internet system. INDEXING: E-MAIL USAGE INTERNET ACCESS DRAFTED: RLG/December 28, 2002/Filed: Internet6.13 APPROVED: Pete Pitocchelli, Chief DATE: November 05, 2011 Tequesta, Florida 2