Appointment of Treasurer_Ruben Cruz, Jr._9/25/2023 rc�uzS�l �;.��; . C�►�n APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY FOR CANDIDATES RECEIVED (Section 106.021(1), F.S.) (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) SEP 2 5 2023 VILLAGE CLERKS OFFICE NOTE: This form must be on file with the qualifying officer before opening the campaign account. OFFICE USE ONLY 1. HECK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES): Initial Filing of Form Re-filing to Change: ❑ Treasurer/Deputy ❑ Depository ❑ Office ❑ Party 2. Name of Candidate (in this order: First, Middle, Last) 3. Address (include post office box or street, city, state, zip code) Z— 7,310 1111LlV - �W_we 4. Telephone 5. Candidate's Voter Registration#: Tqu.8STAJVI, Wo2-14S5o � (Not required for Qualifying Purposes) (Not required for Qualifying Purposes)-Phonetic spelling for audio ballot: Print name phonetically on the line below as you wish it to be pronounced on the audio ballot as may be used by persons with disabilities(see instructions on page 2 of this form): 6. Office sought(include district, circuit, group number) 7. If a candidate fora nonpartisan office, check if Ji mc..+ tf l applicable: ❑ My intent is to run as a Write-In candidate. If a candidate fora Partisan office, check block and fill in name of party as applicable: My intent is to run as a ,J Write-In No Party Affiliation ❑ Parry candidate. 9. 1 have appointed the following person to act as my Campaign Treasurer ❑ Deputy Treasurer 10. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer 11. Telephone e"z ( h 6( ) 348, 12. Mailing Address 13. City 14. State 15. Zip Code 16. 1 have designated the following bank as my Primary Depository ❑ Secondary Depository 17. Name of Bank 18.Address 1 1- 4VSr lb i 0S 19. City 20. County 21. State 22. Zip Code �: ues!A k*Lt" Ui rLq TL 33 j 6 q UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY,I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING FORM FOR APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. 23. Date 24. Signature of Candidate �Iz� Z3 X 25. Treasurer's))Acceptance of Appointment(fill in the blank and heck the appropriate block) 1, u t3 e r`( Q.0 Z do hereby accept the appointment (Please Print or Type Name) ,ignated above as: Campaign Treasurer. ❑ Deputy Treasurer. 7i�-7 b 2'� X i, Date Signature o a aign Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer DS-DE 9(Rev.07/23) Rule 1S-2.0001, F.A.C. OFFICE USE ONLY STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE (Section 106.023, F.S.) RECEIVED (Please print or type) SEP 2 5 2023-, ' VILLAGE CLERKS OFFICE 1, �-�6ii,r-c �t2,u Z �Q• , candidate for the office of U 0I qqe `uu r z t j have been provided access to read and understand the requirements of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes. X � IZ� zoZ� Sign a re of Candidate hate Each candidate must file a statement with the qualifying officer within 10 days after the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository is filed. Willful failure to file this form is a first degree misdemeanor and a civil violation of the Campaign Financing Act which may result in a fine of up to $1,000, (ss. 106.19(1)(c), 106.265(1), Florida Statutes). DS-DE 84(05111) 2024 List of Candidate Forms/ Books TAB# List of Candidate Forms 1 The following form must be filed with the Clerk prior to opening a campaign account or collecting/accepting contributions: DS-DE 9 Appointment of Campaign Treasurer (,E fA'r 2 The following form must be signed and returned to the qualifying officer within 10 days after the appointment of campaign treasurer(Form DS-DE 9) is filed: DS-DE 84 Statement of Candidate/ F.S. 106 C 3 The following are to be filed per the dates listed in Tab 2 Campaign Treasurer Reporting Dates 4 DS-DE 12 Campaign Treasurer's Report Summary 5 https://dos.myflorida.com/media/693241/4sdel2.pdf DS-DE 13 Campaign Treasurer's Report—Itemized Cont. DA ' 0/1k 6 https://dos.myflorida.com/media/693243/dsdel3.pdf —� en 02 DS-DE 14 Campaign Treasurer's Report—Itemized Expend. f t,� p= 7 https://dos.myflo rid a.com/media/693244/dsdel4.pdf p i 0 2 DS-DE 87 Waiver of Report 8 https://dos.myflorida.com/media/693282/dsde8Z.pdf ,4c rj DS-DE 73 Campaign Loans Report ��, C4u aI. 9 https://dos.myflorida.com/media/693276/dsde73.pdf The following forms must be turned in during the qualifying period: NOON,TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2023 THROUGH NOON,TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2023 FS 99.021(a) Candidate Oath 10 CE Form 1 2022 Statement of Financial Interests >O �, Q{4r�s W twit fi-311 Village Form Nominating Petitions (Clerk will provide these after you have filed the DS-DE 9) 12 Village Form Notice of Candidacy 13 Village Form Notice of Logistics &Accuracy Test* 14 Village Form Residency Affidavit 15 General Information DS-DE 100 Telephone Solicitation 16 https://dos.mvflorida.com/media/693289/dsdelOO.pdf DS-DE 125 Designation of Poll Watchers 17 https://dos.myfiorida.com/media/696684/dsdel25.pdf Council 18 Procedures Charter https://library.municode.com/fl/teguesta/codes/code of ordinances?nodeld=PTICH 19 Political 20 Signs Sunshine http://myfloridalegai.com/pages.nsfIMain/DCOB20B7DC22B7418525791B006A54E4 21 Law �COZ 5 Z 83S a3n13J32! ELECTION CODE (State of Florida) 22 It is the responsibility of each candidate to read and understand all the Election Statutes and laws ttp://www.leg.state.f1.us/Statutes/index cfm?App mode=Display Index&Title Request IX#TitlelX CANDIDATE HANDBOOK ON CAMPAIGN FINANCING 23 Not available yet COUNTY ETHICS ORDINANCE 24 https://www.teguesta.org/DocumentCenter/View/10734/Commission on Ethics Ordinance effective 9-22-15 I acknowledge that I have received all the forms and documents referenced on the "Candidate Forms List" and I acknowledge that the information contained here is intended as a reference guide only. The Clerk's Office will assist candidates; however, performs a ministerial function and cannot interpret Florida Statutes or determine whether the contents of the qualifying papers are accurate. 20 Z (Candidate Signatur Date ❑ Candidate Declined to sign acknowledging he/she received the forms. Jerk Signature: Witness: