Treasurer Report_Q3_Ruben Cruz, Jr._9/25/2023 WAIVER F REPORT OCT 10 2023 (Section 906.07(7), F.S.) VILLAGE CLERKS OFFICE (PLEASE TYPE) J�•'�, OFFICE USE ONLY Name Office Sought f Address City State Zip Code andidate Lj Pofitcal Committee Party Executive Committee NOTE: This form does not apply to an electioneering communications organization(ECO). An ECO must file a report(not a waiver)that no reportable contributions or expenditures were made during the reporting period(s. 106,0703(5), F.S.). Check here if address has changed since last report Check here if PG has DISBANDED and will no longer file reports. I TYPE OF REPORT(Check Appropriate Box and Complete Applicable Line beneath Box) MONTHLY REPORT L [ PRIMARY ELECTION GENERAL ELECTION LJ OTHER REPORT TYPE I Indicate report# Indicate report# Indicate report# Indicate report type and# M P G as applicable: El TERMINATION REPORT LJ SPECIAL ELECTION NOTIFICATION OF NO ACTIVITY IN CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD OF Z THROUGH �!(� ' X gnature Date I X Signature Date 3 1 REQUIRED SIGNATURES FOR: Candidates: Candidate and Campaign Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer(s. 10&07(5),F.S.) Political Committees: Chairman and Campaign Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer(s. 106.07(5), F.S.) Parry Executive Committees: Treasurer and Chairman(s. 106.29(2), F.S.) Except as noted above for an ECO, in any reporting period when there has been no activity in the account(no funds expended or received)the filing of the required report is waived, However,the filing officer must be notified in writing on the prescribed reporting date that no report is being filed. DS-DE ST(Rev.06115) E