Agenda_Workshop_4/1/2024 J
Workshop Meeting
Village of Tequesta
345 Tequesta Drive
Tequesta, FL 33469
Mayor Molly Young Vice-Mayor Laurie Brandon
Council Member Patrick Painter Council Member Rick Sartory
Council Member Thomas G. Bradford
April 1, 2024 6:00 PM Council Chambers and
Youtube Live
1. Discussion on Accounts Receivable Policy for the Village of Tequesta 3 - 8
Presenter: Jeffery Snyder, Finance Director
Agenda Memo #24-110 - Pdf
2. Discussion of an Ordinance Amending the City Code of Ordinances Section 9 - 26
74-82 to Add a Process and Allow a Lien on Property for Unpaid Utilities
Service Charges Through a Magistrate
Presenter: Marjorie Craig, Utilities Director
Agenda Memo #24-106 - Pdf
3. Discussion on Final Report of Residential Parking Study Conducted by 27 - 48
Bowman Consulting Group, Ltd.
Presenter: Jeremy Allen, Village Manager
Agenda Memo #24-101 - Pdf
4. Discussion on Brick Donation Policy for Remembrance Park and Village Hall 49 - 53
Presenter: Jeremy Allen, Village Manager
Agenda Memo #24-100 - Pdf
5. Discussion On Council-Manager Form of Government Legal Update and 54 - 61
Upcoming Village Council Reorganization
Presenter: Jeremy Allen, Village Manager
Agenda Memo # - Pdf
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Workshop - Apr 01 2024
ADA ACCESSIBILITY: The Village of Tequesta strives to be an inclusive environment. As such, it is the Village's policy to
comply with the requirements of Title II of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA") by ensuring our records are
accessible to individuals with disabilities. However, there are records we receive from outside entities (contractors,
vendors, other state agencies, etc.) that are not ADA compliant. We take every measure possible to remediate those
documents, however, some records may not be compliant. If there is a file that is not compliant that you wish to access,
please contact the Village Clerk's Office and we will make an accommodation.
DISABLED ACCOMMODATION: Disabled persons who need an accommodation in order to participate in this Village
Council Meeting are requested to contact the Village Clerk's Office at 768-0440 at least three working days before this
meeting. Hearing impaired persons please note wireless hearing system receivers are available by requesting the same
from the Village Clerk.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED: If any person decides to appeal any decision made by this Council with
respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing he /she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for
such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the
testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITIZENS: Public comments/communications from citizens are limited to 3 (three) minutes.
Anyone wishing to address Council should complete a "Comments by the Public" card and present it to the Village Clerk
prior to the Communications from Citizens. When you are called to speak, please go to the podium and state your name
and address for the record prior to addressing Council. Council will not discuss this item this evening; however, Council
may choose to have the item placed on a future agenda for discussion. Reference Resolution 25-18 regarding public
OTHER AGENDA ITEMS: Any citizen is entitled to be heard on any official agenda item when the Village Council calls for
public comments subject to the three-minute limitation. Village Council Meetings are public business meetings, and as
such, the Village Council retains the right to limit discussion on any issue.
345 Tequesta Drive unless otherwise indicated
Workshop-April 29, 2024-6:00 p.m.
Regular Council Meeting -April 11, 2024 -6:00 p.m.
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