CAFR_FY Ending_09/30/1971VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT AUDIT REPORT FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 19 71 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT AUDIT REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Auditors' Statement 2 Consolidated Balance Sheet 3-4 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Financial Position 5 Comparative Consolidated Statement of Revenue and Expenses 6 Consolidated Statement of Revenue and Expenses ~-8 Revenue Fund Statement 9 Operation and Maintenance Fund Statement 10 Sinking Fund Statement 11 Reserve Account Statement 12 Renewal and Replacement Fund Statement 13 Certificate Redemption Fund Statement 14 Capital Improvement Reserve Fund Statement 15 Customer Meter Deposit Fund Statement 16 Water Revenue Certificates Amortization Schedule 17-19 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART NOWLEN, LYNCH 8c STEW ART CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 220 FLAGLER COURT EVIL DING POST OFFICE BOX 347 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 EVERETT B. NOWLEN, GPA W. F. LYNG H, GPA 11897-196 41 V. G. STEWART, GPA EDMUND SC MIEVE, CPA ALAN L. TEDAMONBON, CPA March 15, 1972 MEMBERS AMERICAN IN 9TIT UTE OF CERTIFIED PVBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORIDA IN 9TIT UTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS TELEPHONE 833-7738 Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta Tequesta, Florida We have examined the financial statements of the Village of Tequesta Water Department as of December 31, 1971, and for the calendar year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the accompanying financial state- ments present fairly the financial position of the Village of Tequesta Water Department at December 31, 1971, and the results of its operations for the calendar year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to govern- mental entities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. /~ ~~ VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1971 ASSETS Cash Certificates of Deposit Accrued interest receivable Accounts receivable Property, plant and equipment TOTAL $ 31,745.39 276,000.00 3,762.02 41,533.25 1,833,660.46 $ 2,186,701.12 3 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1971 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY LIABILITIES Accounts payable, accrued payroll taxes and utility taxes payable Customer meter deposits Water revenue certificates payable (Page 17) TOTAL LIABILITIES EQUITY Balance, December 31, 1970 Net earnings for calendar year 1971 $ 357,450.03 151,382.19 TOTAL EQUITY TOTAL 4 $ 1,693.90 30,175.00 1,646,000.00 $ 1,677,868.90 508,832.22 $ 2,186,701,12 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1971 SOURCE OF FUNDS Net income for the calendar year 1971 Net increase in water revenue certificates outstanding TOTAL APPLICATION OF FUNDS Increase in property, plant and equipment Increase in working capital TOTAL ANALYSIS OF Increase in Increase in Decrease in Decrease in Increase in INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL cash and invested funds receivables prepaid insurance accounts payable customer meter deposits INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL 5 $ 151,382.19 30,000.00 $ 181,382.19 $ 80,441.87 100,940.32 $ 181,382.19 $ 104,827.89 103.22 ( 1,216.13) 625.34 3,400.00) $ 100,940.32 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT COMPARATIVE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE CALENDAR YEARS AS INDICATED 1968 1969 1970 1971 REVENUE Water sales Connection charges Fire hydrant rental fees Interest earnings Frontage charges Gain on sale of land Miscellaneous income TOTAL REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES Pumping and storage expense Distribution expense Office and administrative expense Connection and frontage expense Reimbursement on fire hydrant rental fees U.S. No. 1 Project expense TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME DEBT SERVICE Interest maturities and paying Agent fees NET INCOME $ 159,280 $ 193,469 $ 257,911 $ 273,636 22,030 30,306 24,272 33,515 4,700 6,000 6,000 6,000 719 9,141 9,878 13,107 1,480 1,835 3,071 5,122 - 9,292 - - 100 93 126 66 ~ 188,309 ~ 250,136 $ 301,258 $ 331,446 $ 15,497 9,482 13,044 15,800 $ 18,147 13,597 19,481 17,458 $ 24,291 12,552 22,190 14,908 $ 24,905 14,789 28,995 24,399 - 4,700 6,000 6,000 - - 1,189 - $ 53,823 $ 73,383 ~ 81,130 $ 99,088 $ 134,486 $ 176,753 $ 220,128 $ 232,358 44,292 64,821 64,804 80,976 $ 90,194 $ 111,932 $ 155,324 $ 151,382 6 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1971 REVENUE Water sales $ 273,635.59 Connection charges 33,515.00 Fire hydrant rental fees for calendar year 1971 6,000.00 Interest earnings 13,107.02 Frontage charges 5,122.25 Discounts earned 66.11 TOTAL REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES Pumping and storage expense $ 24,905.26 Distribution expense 14,788.94 Office and administrative expense 28,995.22 Connection expense 24,398.76 Reimbursement to Village of Tequesta for 1970 fire hydrant rental fees 6,000.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME DEBT SERVICE Interest maturities and paying Agent fees NET INCOME (Note 1) 7 $ 331,445.97 99,088.18 $ 232,357.79 80,975.60 $ 151,382.19 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART NOTE 1 Mandatory transfers of net operating incase during the calendar year 1971 were made to the following funds under provisions of •the Bond Resolution and are subject to certain restrictions: Sinking Fund $ 19,000.00 Reserve Account 17,050.00 Renewal and Replacement Fund 13,195.53 Certif icate Redemption Fund 23,520.00 TOTAL $ 72,765.53 In addition, the following disbursements were made during the calendar year 1971 from funds provided by net operating income: Expenditures, capitalized and shown as property, plant and equipment $ 31,441.87 8 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1971 FUND EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 1971 REVENUE Water sales $ 273,635,59 Fire hydrant rental fees 6,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENSES Transfer of Funds to: Operation and Maintenance Fund $ 57,232.06 Sinking Fund 99,800.00 Reserve Account 17,050,00 Renewal and Replacement Fund 13,195.53 Certificate Redemption Fund 23,520.00 Capital Improvement Reserve Fund 74,327.62 TOTAL EXPENSES FUND EQUITY, DECEMBER 31, 1971 9 $ 64,116.49 279,635.59 $ 343,752.08 285,125.21 $ 58,626.87 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES ' FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1971 FUND EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 1971 REVENUE Connection charges $ 33,515.00 Frontage charges 5,122.25 Discounts earned 66.11 Transfers from Revenue Fund 57,232.06 TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENSES Pumping and storage expense $ 24,905.26 Distribution expense 14,788.94 Office and administrative expense 28,995.22 Connection expense 24,398.76 Transfer to Capital Improvement Reserve Fund 5,122.25 TOTAL EXPENSES FUND EQUITY, DECEMBER 31, 1971 10 $ 7,055.12 95,935.42 $ 102,990.54 98,210.43 $ 4,780.11 ~~~~-- NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT SINKING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1971 FUND EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 1971 TRANSFER OF FUND EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 1971, FROM BOND PROCEEDS ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 1971 REVENUE Interest earnings Transfers from Revenue Fund TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL RESOURCES Interest maturities on outstanding water revenue certificates due 7-1-71 Interest maturities on outstanding water revenue certificates due 1-1-72 Paying Agent fees TOTAL EXPENSES FUND EQUITY, DECEMBER 31, 1971 11 $ 1,323.92 99,800.00 $ 40,400.00 40,400.00 175.60 $ 1,062.99 6,169.56 $ 7,232.55 101,123.92 $ 108,356.47 80,975.60 $ 27,380.87 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT RESERVE ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1971 FUND EQUITY. JANUARY 1, 1971 REVENUE Interest earnings Transfers from Revenue Fund TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENSES FUND EQUITY, DECEMBER 31, 1971 12 $ 6,038.71 17 L050.00 $ 84,580.71 23,0.88.71 $ 107,669.42 None $ 107,669.42 NOWLEN, LYNCH & 3TEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1971 FUND EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 1971 REVENUE Interest earnings Transfers from Revenue Fund TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENSES FUND EQUITY, DECEMBER 31, 1971 13 $ 1,128.72 13,195.53 $ 19,673.77 14,324.25 $ 33,998.02 None $ 33,998.02 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE REDEMPTION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1971 FUND EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 1971 REVENUE Interest earnings Transfers from Revenue Fund TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENSES FUND EQUITY, DECEMBER 31, 1971 14 $ 1,487.20 23,520.00 $ 19,986.00 25,007.20 $ 44,993.20 None $ 44,993.20 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RESERVE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1971 FUND EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 1971 REVENUE Interest earnings Transfers from Revenue Fund Transfers from Operation and Maintenance Fund TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL RESOURCES EXPEL~TSES Reimbursement to Village of Tequesta for 1970 fire hydrant rental fees FUND EQUITY, DECEMBER 31, 1971 15 $ 1,560.67 74,327.62 5,.122.25 $ 151,383.84 81,010.54 $ 232,394.38 6,000.00 $ 226,394.38 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER METER DEPOSIT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1971 FUND EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 1971 $ 3,421.55 REVENUE Interest earnings 1,567.80 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 4,989.35 EXPENSES None FUND EQUITY, DECEMBER 31, 1971 $ 4,989.35 16 NpWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA WATER REVENUE CERTIFICATES An ordinance adopted on November 21, 1967, authorizing the acquisition of a water system by the Village of Tequesta, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, from the Tequesta Water Company, Inc., and the construction of additions, extensions and improvements to said system, authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $1,700,000 water revenue certificates of said Village to finance the cost of the acquisition and improvement of said water system; and providing for the terms of said water revenue certificates and the rights, security and remedies of the holders thereof . Pursuant to the ordinance and the purchase and sale agree- ment, certificates have been delivered as follows: March 1, 1968 at closing: certificates sold certificates delivered TOTAL March 1, 1969 growth of system during 1968 resulting in 463 equivalent connections C $500 each: certificates delivered January 1, 1970 growth of system during 1969 resulting in 32 equivalent connections Cal $500 each: certificates delivered January 1, 1971 growth of system during 1970 resulting in 682 equivalent connections Cal $500 each: certificates delivered January 1, 1972 growth of system during 1971 resulting in 98 equivalent connections Cal $500 each: certificates delivered January 1, 1970 January 1, 1971 January 1, 1972 TOTAL CERTIFICATES DELIVERED Less: certificates maturing and paid from Sinking Fund Less: certificates maturing and paid from Sinking Fund Less: certificates maturing and paid from Sinking Fund TOTAL CERTIFICATES OUTSTANDING 17 $ 200,000.00 863,000.00 $ 1,063,000.00 231,000.00. 16,000.00 341,000.00 49,000.00 ~ 1,700,000.00 $ 17,000,00 18,000.00 19,000.00 $ 1,646,000.00 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $1,646,000 - WATER REVENUE CERTIFICATES VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA OUTSTANDING AFTER MARCH 30, 1972 DELIVERY OF CERT_I_FI_CATES Dated: July 1, 1967 Due: Serially (as shown) ' Coupon Rate: 5% FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 1972 July 1 $ $ 41,150 $ 41,150 $ 1973 Jan. 1 20,000 41,150 61,150 102,300 1973 July 1 40,650 40,650 1974 Jan. 1 21,000 40,650 61,650 102,300 1974 July 1 40,125 40,125 1975 Jan. 1 22,000 40,125 62,125 102,250 1975 July 1 39,575 39,575 1976 Jan. 1 23,000 39,575 62,575 102,150 1976 July 1 39,000 39,000 1977 Jan. 1 24,000 39,000 63,000 102,000 1977 July 1 38,400 38,400 1978 Jan. 1 25,000 38,400 63,400 101,800 1978 July 1 37,775 37,775 1979 Jan. 1 26,000 37,775 63,775 101,550 1979 July 1 37,125 37,125 1980 Jan. 1 28,000 37,125 65,125 102,250 1980 July 1 36,425 36,425 . 1981 Jan. 1 29,000 36,425 65,425 101,850 1981 July 1 35,700 35,700 1982 Jan. 1 30,000 35,700 65,700 101,400 1982 July 1 34,950 34,950 1983 Jan. 1 32,000 34,950 66,950 101,900 1983 July 1 34,150 34,150 1984 Jan. 1 34,000 34,150 68,150 102,300 1984 July 1 33,300 33,300 1985 Jan. 1 35,000 33,300 68,300 101,600 1985 July 1 32,425 32,425 1986 Jan. 1 37,000 32,425 69,425 101,850 1986 July 1 31,500 31,500 1987 Jan. 1 39,000 31,500 70,500 102,000 18 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $1,646,000 - V~1TER REVENUE CERTIFICATES VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA OUTSTANDING AFTER MARCH 30, 1972 DELIVERY OF CERTIFICATES Dated: July 1, 1967 Due: Serially (as shown) Coupon Rate: 5% FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 1987 July 1 $ $ 30,525 $ 30,525 $ 1988 Jan. 1 41, 000 30,525 71,525 102,050 1988 July 1 29,500 29,500 1989 Jan. 1 43, 000 29,500 72,500 102,000 1989 July 1 28,425 28,425 1990 Jan. 1 45, 000 28,425 73,425 101,850 1990 July 1 27,300 27,300 1991 Jan. 1 47 ,000 27,300 74,300 101,600 1991 July 1 26,125 26,125 1992 Jan. 1 50 ,000 26,125 76,125 102,250 1992 July 1 24,875 24,875 1993 Jan. 1 52 ,000 24,875 76,875 101,750 1993 July 1 23,575 23,575 1994 Jan. 1 55 ,000 23,575 78,575 102,150 ].994 July 1 22,200 22,200 1995 Jan. 1 58 ,000 22,200 80,200 102,400 1995 July 1 20,750 20,750 1996 Jan. 1 61 ,000 20,750 8.1_,_750 102,500 1996 July 1 19,225 19,225 1997 Jan. 1 769 ,000 19,225 788,225 807,450 $ 1,646,000 $ 1,609,500 $ 3,255,500 $ 3,255,500 19 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART