Agenda_Regular_9/12/2024 J AGENDA Regular Council Meeting Village of Tequesta 345 Tequesta Drive Tequesta, FL 33469 Mayor Molly Young Vice-Mayor Rick Sartory Council Member Laurie Brandon Council Member Patrick Painter Council Member Jayson E. French September 12, 2024 6:00 PM Council Chambers and Youtube Live Page CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - COUNCIL MEMBER PATRICK PAINTER APPROVAL OF AGENDA PRESENTATION _d 1. Annual Overview Presentation by the Palm Beach County Commission on 8 Ethics Agenda Memo #24-268 - Pdf 2. Presentation by Village Lobbyist Ken Pruitt 9 - 23 Agenda Memo #24-232 - Pdf 3. Proclamation Recognizing October 7 - 13, 2024 as Florida Climate Week 24 - 25 Presenter: Mayor Molly Young Agenda Memo #24-267 - Pdf • M=ILII� All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion . There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Village Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. 4. MINUTES: June 24, 2024 Budget Workshop, July 1, 2024 Workshop, July 11, 26 - 63 2024 Regular, July 22, 2024 Budget Workshop, July 29, 2024 Workshop, August 8, 2024 Regular Budget Workshop - Jun 24 2024 - Minutes - Pdf Workshop - Jul 01 2024 - Minutes - Pdf Page 1 of 646 Regular Council - Sep 12 2024 Regular Council - Jul 11 2024 - Minutes - Pdf Workshop - Jul 29 2024 - Minutes - Pdf Budget Workshop - Jul 22 2024 - Minutes - Pdf Regular Council - Aug 08 2024 - Minutes - Pdf 5. Consider Approval of Contracts Signed by Manager Under $25,000 (Per 64 - 136 Village Ordinance we are presenting the following agreements, proposals, commitments and memorandum of understanding to Council.) A. City Clerk Associates, LLC, $4,000.00 B. Medical Director Fees Increase FY24/25 Fire Rescue $17,970.72 C. Supervisor of Elections Early Voting Agreement $0.00 D. Jupiter Medical Center Urgent Care 2024-2026 Renewal Agreement Addendum E. Engenuity Group, Inc. Agreement Up to $75,000.00/year F. Holtz Engineering Worth Authorization $24,860.00 G. TCI ROOD, LLC Agreement $2)266.00 H. Rangeline Tapping Services, Inc. $13,779.00 I. Mock, Roos & Associates Work Authorization $ 5,000.00 Presenter: Jeremy Allen, Village Manager Agenda Memo #24-273 - Pdf 6. Consider approval to extend farmers market until January 4th 2025. The event 137 - 158 will take place at the same location, in the parking lot of Gallery Square North, located at 361-389 Tequesta Dr., from Sam to 1 pm. Applicant will keep following all necessary regulations and guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved. Presenter: Wayne Cameron Agenda Memo #24-274 - Pdf 7. Consider Approval of Public Utility Management & Planning Services Inc. 159 - 162 (PUMPS), Agreement to Provide Field Assistance for Support of Compliance with the EPA's Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) at an Hourly Cost Not to Exceed $28,000 Presenter: Marjorie Craig, Utilities Director Agenda Memo #24-297 - Pdf 8. Consider Approval of State of Florida DMS Grant Contract 163 - 200 Presenter: Brad Gomberg,Director of IT Agenda Memo #24-291 - Pdf 9. RESOLUTION NO. 17-24 OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF 201 - 208 TEQUESTA, FLORIDA, DECLARING CERTAIN PROPERTY TO BE SURPLUS AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO DISPOSE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VILLAGE'S ADOPTED PROCEDURES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Presenter: Jeffery Snyder, Finance Director Agenda Memo #24-277 - Pdf Page 2 of 646 Regular Council - Sep 12 2024 END OF • AGENDA COMMUNICATIONS FROM Public comments / communications from citizens are limited to 3 (three) minutes. Anyone wishing to address Council should complete a "Comments by the Public" card and present it to the Village Clerk prior to the Communications from Citizens. When you are called to speak, please go to the podium and state your name and address for the record prior to addressing Council. Council will not discuss this item this evening; however, Council may choose to have the item placed on a future agenda for discussion. Reference Resolution 25-18 regarding public participation. Rules of Decorum COMMUNICATIONS FROMCOUNCIL STANDING REPORTS VILLAGE ATTORNEY VILLAGE MANAGER 10. Manager's Report 209 - 220 Agenda Memo #24-314 - Pdf POLICE DEPARTMENT 11. Police Department's Monthly Standing Report 221 - 246 Presenter: Gus Medina, Police Chief Agenda Memo #24-293 - Pdf FIRE DEPARTMENT 12. Fire Rescue Standing Report 247 - 254 Presenter: James Trube, Fire Chief Agenda Memo #24-304 - Pdf UTILITIES 13. Utilities Department Update 255 - 260 Presenter: Marjorie Craig, Utilities Director Agenda Memo #24-248 - Pdf REGULAR AGENDA OLD BUSINESS Page 3 of 646 Regular Council - Sep 12 2024 NEW BUSINESS 14. Conceptual Presentation From Key Estates US LLC For The Development of a 261 - 332 96-unit Townhome Community. Presenter: Jay Hubsch Agenda Memo #24-292 - Pdf 15. ORDINANCE NO. 01-24, FIRST READING, AN ORDINANCE OF THE 333 - 425 VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE VILLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES AT CHAPTER 78. ZONING. TO ADOPT NEW OVERLAY ZONING THAT IMPLEMENTS CERTAIN RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN THE OCTOBER 2022 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR MASTER PLAN AS PREPARED BY THE TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL AND ADOPTED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL ON NOVEMBER 10, 2022; SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: 78-4 DEFINITIONS. BY ADOPTING NEW DEFINITIONS FOR "FORMULA BUSINESS," "FORMULA RESTAURANT," "FORMULA RETAIL," "OVERLAY DISTRICT," "FAQADE TRANSPARENCY," AND "CIVIC OPEN SPACE;" 78-96 DISCONTINUANCE OF NONCONFORMING USES. BY ADDING LANGUAGE TO EXPLAIN THE CONTINUATION OF NON-CONFORMING USES IN AN OVERLAY ZONE; 78-176 C-1 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. BY ADDING PERMITTED AND SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO OVERLAY ZONING; SEC. 78-177 C-2 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. BY ADDING PERMITTED AND SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO OVERLAY ZONING; SEC. 78-178 C3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. BY ADDING PERMITTED AND SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO OVERLAY ZONING; SEC. 78-180 MU MIXED USE DISTRICT. BY ADDING PERMITTED AND SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO OVERLAY ZONING, AND RESOLVING ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN MU ZONING AND OVERLAY ZONING IN FAVOR OF OVERLAY ZONING; FURTHER CREATING AN ENTIRELY NEW ARTICLE VI DIVISION 3 ENTITLED "OVERLAY DISTRICTS." WITH NEW CODE SECTIONS 78-201 THROUGH 78-204; ADOPTING SEC. 78-201 "TEQUESTA DRIVE OVERLAY," CREATING AND DEFINING THIS OVERLAY DISTRICT, PROVIDING PURPOSE AND INTENT, PROVIDING DESIGN, SETBACK, FAQADE, PARKING, FORMULA BUSINESS AND RESTAURANT, OPEN SPACE, AND LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES; PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT IN LIEU OF CERTAIN OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR WAIVERS; RESOLVING ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN GENERAL REGULATIONS AND OVERLAY ZONING REGULATIONS IN FAVOR OF OVERLAY ZONING REGULATIONS; ALSO ADOPTING SEC. 78-202 "US HIGHWAY 1 OVERLAY," CREATING AND DEFINING THIS OVERLAY DISTRICT, PROVIDING PURPOSE AND INTENT, PROVIDING DESIGN, SETBACK, FAQADE, PARKING, FORMULA BUSINESS AND RESTAURANT, OPEN SPACE, AND LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES; PROVIDING FOR Page 4 of 646 Regular Council - Sep 12 2024 PAYMENT IN LIEU OF CERTAIN OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR WAIVERS; RESOLVING ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN GENERAL REGULATIONS AND OVERLAY ZONING REGULATIONS IN FAVOR OF OVERLAY ZONING REGULATIONS; ALSO ADOPTING SEC. 78- 203 "VILLAGE CENTER OVERLAY," CREATING AND DEFINING THIS OVERLAY DISTRICT, PROVIDING PURPOSE AND INTENT, PROVIDING DESIGN, SETBACK, FAQADE, PARKING, FORMULA BUSINESS AND RESTAURANT, OPEN SPACE, AND LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES; PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT IN LIEU OF CERTAIN OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR WAIVERS; RESOLVING ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN GENERAL REGULATIONS AND OVERLAY ZONING REGULATIONS IN FAVOR OF OVERLAY ZONING REGULATIONS; AND ADOPTING SEC. 78-204 "WAIVERS" TO PROVIDE A PROCESS FOR OBTAINING WAIVERS FROM THE VILLAGE COUNCIL FROM CERTAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS, PROVIDING FOR AN APPLICATION, AND PROVIDING CRITERIA FOR THE GRANTING OF A WAIVER; PROVIDING THAT EACH AND EVERY OTHER SECTION AND SUBSECTION OF CHAPTER 78. ZONING. SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Presenter: Jay Hubsch Agenda Memo #24-185 - Pdf 16. ORDINANCE 02-24, FIRST READING, AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE 426 - 434 COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA, CREATING THREE NEW OVERLAY ZONES WITHIN AND OVER THE VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA'S COMMERCIAL CORRIDORS: THE TEQUESTA DRIVE OVERLAY, THE US HIGHWAY ONE OVERLAY, AND THE VILLAGE CENTER OVERLAY; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF SAID OVERLAY ZONES AND THEIR APPLICABILITY TO PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE UNDERLYING PORTIONS OF THE C-1, C-2, C-3 AND MU ZONING DISTRICTS; PROVIDING THAT THE ZONING MAP OF THE VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA BE AMENDED TO REFLECT THE ADOPTION AND APPLICABILITY OF EACH OVERLAY ZONE; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Presenter: Jay Hubsch Agenda Memo #24-184 - Pdf 17. Consider Approval of Property & Casualty and Ancillary Insurance Renewals 435 - 438 2024/25 Presenter: Merlene Reid, Director, HR & Risk Management Agenda Memo #24-235 - Pdf 18. Consider Approval of Payment of The Expert's Invoices in the Amount of 439 - 449 $58,895.20 for Audio/Visual Equipment and Labor for the Tequesta Recreation Page 5 of 646 Regular Council - Sep 12 2024 Center Presenter: Jeffery Snyder, Finance Director Agenda Memo #24-276 - Pdf 19. Consider Approval of a Rangeline Tapping Services, Inc., Proposal for $25,874 450 - 459 for the Completed Emergency Water Main Line Stops on August 14, 2024, Due to a Valve Failure When Connecting the New Water Main on Country Club Dr South to the Water Main on Tequesta Drive Presenter: Marjorie Craig, Utilities Director Agenda Memo #24-298 - Pdf 20. Consider Approval of Florida Technical Consultants (FTC) Work Authorization 460 - 463 to Provide GIS Utilities Updates and Management in the amount of$24,500 Presenter: Marjorie Craig, Utilities Director Agenda Memo #24-296 - Pdf 21. Consider Approval of Chen Moore and Associates (CMA) Work Authorization 464 - 474 for Water Treatment Plant Process and Control Improvements Project for Bid Assistance and Construction Engineering and Inspection Services, at a Cost Not to Exceed $334,100 Presenter: Marjorie Craig, Utilities Director Agenda Memo #24-301 - Pdf 22. Consider Approval of Chen Moore and Associates (CMA) Work Authorization 475 - 479 for As-Needed Engineering Support Services for Utilities Development, Permit Review Services, and Related Applications and Inspections for a Total Not-to- Exceed $30,000 (Most Costs Recoverable Through Fees) Presenter: Marjorie Craig, Utilities Director Agenda Memo #24-295 - Pdf 23. Consider Approval of Advantage Communications, Inc. Contract for SCADA 480 - 490 Radio Antenna Repairs, Spare Parts, and Training at a Cost of $19,700 Presenter: Marjorie Craig, Utilities Director Agenda Memo #24-300 - Pdf 24. Consider Approval of Above Grade Dirt Works, LLC Contract for $17,061.33 for 491 - 511 Road Stabilization at Wells 18, 191 20, and 24, and for Grading and Pad Stabilization at the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Presenter: Marjorie Craig, Utilities Director Agenda Memo #24-299 - Pdf 25. Consider Approval of a Loxahatchee River Environmental Control District 512 - 646 (LRECD) Interlocal Agreement to Partner on Pipe Relocations Required by Martin County's Bridge Rebuild Project on County Line Road and Engineering Services by Kimley Horn as a Part of the Agreement for Engineering Design and Bid Assistance Not-to-Exceed $57,791 and Construction Engineering Page 6 of 646 Regular Council - Sep 12 2024 Inspection (CEI) Services Hourly $32,450 Presenter: Marjorie Craig, Utilities Director Agenda Memo #24-305 - Pdf Irk ADA ACCESSIBILITY: The Village of Tequesta strives to be an inclusive environment. As such, it is the Village's policy to comply with the requirements of Title II of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA") by ensuring our records are accessible to individuals with disabilities. However, there are records we receive from outside entities (contractors, vendors, other state agencies, etc.) that are not ADA compliant. We take every measure possible to remediate those documents, however, some records may not be compliant. If there is a file that is not compliant that you wish to access, please contact the Village Clerk's Office and we will make an accommodation. DISABLED ACCOMMODATION: Disabled persons who need an accommodation in order to participate in this Village Council Meeting are requested to contact the Village Clerk's Office at 768-0440 at least three working days before this meeting. Hearing impaired persons please note wireless hearing system receivers are available by requesting the same from the Village Clerk. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED: If any person decides to appeal any decision made by this Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing he /she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITIZENS: Public comments/ communications from citizens are limited to 3 (three) minutes. Anyone wishing to address Council should complete a "Comments by the Public" card and present it to the Village Clerk prior to the Communications from Citizens. When you are called to speak, please go to the podium and state your name and address for the record prior to addressing Council. Council will not discuss this item this evening; however, Council may choose to have the item placed on a future agenda for discussion. Reference Resolution 25-18 regarding public participation. OTHER AGENDA ITEMS: Any citizen is entitled to be heard on any official agenda item when the Village Council calls for public comments subject to the three-minute limitation. Village Council Meetings are public business meetings, and as such, the Village Council retains the right to limit discussion on any issue. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS AND EVENTS 345 Tequesta Drive unless otherwise indicated Workshop -September 30, 2024 -6:00 p.m. Regular Council Meeting -October 10, 2024 -6:00 p.m. Page 7 of 646