CAFR_FY Ending_09/30/1976~pR ~ 41977 ~ AUDIT REPORT VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA ~~~ STATE OF FLOBIDA OFFICE OF THE AUDITO$ (3ENE$AL TALLAHASSEE ERNEST ELLISON, c. a A. April 11 , 1977 AU OITOR GENERAL Mr. Robert Harp Village Manager Village of Tequesta Post Office Box 3273 Tequesta, Florida 33458 Dear Mr. Harp: Thank you for forwarding to this office a copy of the postaudit report for the 1975-76 fiscal year. I would like to advise, however, that the separate report containing the auditor's comments and the chief executive officer's written statement of explanation or rebuttal concerning the auditor's comments as required by Chapter 10.500, RULES OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL-ANNUAL POSTAUDIT REQUIREMENTS OF MUNICIPALITIES were not enclosed. In order that the files of this office may be complete, please forward the above-mentioned reports at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation and if I can be of any assistance, please let me know. Sincerely yours, Ernest Ellison Auditor General EE:he R APB ~~1g7~ v-~~~E of TEQ~ESta NOWLEN, LYNCH 8c STEWART CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 220 FLAGLER COURT BUILDING P03T OFFICE BOX 347 WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA 33402 EVERETT B. NOWLEN, GPA W. F. LVNGH, CPA (1897-1964) V. C. STEWART, CPA ALAN L. TEDAMONSON, CPA EDWARD T. HOLT, CPA EDMUND SCHIE VE, CPA WILLIAM C. KISKE R, JR., CPA WILLIAM B. MINER, CPA JANET R. BA RICE VICM, CPA February 17, 1 Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta, Florida ~~~ ~e ~4f~~ ~~.~ ~ F~co MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIFIED PUBLIC ACGOUN TANTS FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF IFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS TELEPHONE 659.3060 During the course of our recently completed audit of the Village of Tequesta, Florida, we noted certain areas in which accounting procedures and controls could be improved or expanded. 1. An inventory of fixed assets is required to be maintained in accordance with rules of the Auditor General. Chapter 10.300 of Rules of the Auditor General sets forth the minimum requirements. Adjustments for additions and de le tions should be made so that an updated record is always maintained. Presently, the Village is making progress in attempting to comply with the requirements. 2. Minutes of council meetings should be signed by both the Village Clerk and one of the councilmembers. 3. A procedures manual should be adopted setting forth the duties and responsibilities of employees. If you have any questions or need any assistance regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, Nowlen, Lynch & Stew art NOWLEN, LYNCH 8c STEWART CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 220 FLAGLER COURT BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 347 WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA 33402 EVERETT B. NOWLE N, CPA W. F. LYNCH, CPA (1897-1964) V. C. STEWART, CPA ALAN L. TEDAM ON30N~ CPA EDWARD T. HOLT~ CPA EDMUND SCHIEVE, CPA WILLIAM C. KISKER, JR., CPA WILLIAM B. MINER, GPq JANET R. BARICE VICM, CPA February 17, 19 Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta, Florida MA,p ~ ~f~ ~. 4~~~ ~~'r ,( MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF ~FIED PUBLIC ACCOV NTANTS 1.TELEPHONE 659.3060 During the course of our recently completed audit of the Village of Tequesta, Florida, we noted certain areas in which accounting procedures and controls could be improved or expanded. 1. An inventory of fixed assets is required to be maintained in accordance with rules of the Auditor General. Chapter 10.300 of Rules of the Auditor General sets forth the minimum requirements. Adjustments for additions and de letions should be made so that an updated record is always maintained. Presently, the Village is making progress in attempting to comply with the requirements. 2. Minutes of council meetings should be signed by both the Village Clerk and one o f the councilmembers . 3. A procedures manual should be adopted setting forth the duties and responsibilities of employees. If you have any questions or need any assistance regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, Nowlen, Lynch & Stewart STATE OF FLORIDA OFFICE OF TAE AUDITOE (3ENEBAL TALLAHASSEE ERNEST ELLISON, C. P. A. Aprll 11 , 1977 AUDITOR GENERAL Mr. Robert Harp Village Manager Village of Tequesta Post Office Box 3273 Tequesta, Florida 33458 Dear Mr. Harp: Thank you for forwarding to this office a copy of the postaudit report for the 1975-76 fiscal year. I would like to advise, however, that the separate report containing the auditor's comments and the chief executive officer's written statement of explanation or rebuttal concerning the auditor's comments as required by Chapter 10.500, RULES OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL-ANNUAL POSTAUDIT REQUIREMENTS OF MUNICIPALITIES were not enclosed. In order that the files of this office may be complete, please forward the above-mentioned reports at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation and if I can be of any assistance, please let me know. Sincerely yours, Ernest Ellison Auditor General EE:he E~E~VED. ~ R Apt ~~0971 V1LI.AGE OE ~EQUEStII /~ VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA Iti'ATER FIND OPENING BALANCES 10-1-76 Cash on deposit - Revenue Fund Cash on deposit - Operation & Maintenance Fund Cash on deposit - Meter Deposit Fund Certificates of deposit - Meter Deposit Fund Cash on deposit - Sinking Fund Certificates of deposit - Sinking Fund Cash on deposit - Reserve Account Certificates of deposit - Reserve Account U.S. Treas. Notes - Reserve Account Cash on deposit - Renewal & Replacement Fund Certificates of deposit - Renewal & Replacement Fund Cash on dep nsi t - Cert. ' Reueutpcion Funci Certificates of deposit - Cert. Redemption Fund U.S. Treas. Bills - Cert. Redemption Fund U.S. Treas, Notes - Cert. Redemption Fund Cash on deposit - CIRF Cash on deposit - Water Main Relocation Cert, of deposit - Water Main Relocation U,S. Treas. Notes - Water Main Relocation Petty cash Accounts receivable Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable Deferred charges - unamortized bond discount Cylinder deposits Prepaid insurance Construction work in progress Property, plant & equipment Accumulated depreciation Accounts payable -Operation & Maint. Fund Accounts payable - other funds Employees OASI tax W/H Utility tax payable - Tequesta Utility tax payable - Jupiter Customer meter deposits payable Accrued interest payable Tax anticipation notes payable k'ater revenue certificates payable Total fund equity Dr. Cr, $ 36,945.16 $ 19,083.94 90.94 55,200.00 20.62 50,800.00 1.31 2,000.00 99,811.00 35.90 45,400,00 121.06 50,900,00 45,039.83 91,597.50 3,702.19 36,069.68 5,900.00 106,299.33 100.00 61.00 45,700.56 7,197.31 605.82 190.00 1,388.72 159,251.33 2,443,574.35 361,735.19 449.75 13,175.07 543.10 805.61 168.'LQ 36,590.00 32,634.24 300,000.00. 1,560,000.00 1,000,986.39,E EVERETT B. NOWLEN, GPA W. F. LYNCH, GPA (1897-19641 V. C. STEWART, CPA ALAN L. TEDAM ONSO N, CPA EDWARD T. HOLT, CPA EDMUND SCHIEVE, CPA WILLIAM C. KISKER, JR., CPA WILLIAM B, MINER, CPA JANET R. BA RICEVICH~ CPA February 17, 1977 Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta, Florida MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS TELEPHONE 659-3060 During the course of our recently completed audit of the Village of Tequesta, Florida, we noted certain areas in which accounting procedures and controls could be improved or expanded. 1. An inventory of fixed assets is required to be maintained in accordance with rules of the Auditor General. Chapter 10.300 of Rules of the Auditor General sets forth the minimum requirements. Adjustments for additions and deletions should be made so that an updated record is always maintained.. Presently, the Village is making progress in attempting to comply with the requirements. 2. Minutes of council meetings should be signed by both the Village Clerk and one of the councilmembers. 3. A procedures manual should be adopted setting forth the duties and responsibilities of employees. If you have any questions or need any assistance regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, Nowlen, Lynch & Stewart NOWLEN, LYNCH 8c STEV1 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ?_20 FLAGLER COURT BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 347 WEST PALM BEACHI FLORIDA 33402 ~ ~~~~~~ MAR ~ ~~ ~ 4'19>> ,; ~'~ VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA GENERAL FUND OPENING BALANCES 10-1-76 Cash on deposit Petty cash Cash on deposit - (CFS-9774) Cash on deposit - (CFS-15871) Cash on deposit - (CFS-15872) Cash on deposit - (CFS-15874) Cash on deposit - (Fidelity Fed.) Cash on deposit - Fed. Rev. Sharing Tax sales certificates Accounts receivable - others Certificates of deposit Due from Water Dept. Due from No. County First Aid Property, plant & equipment Accrued interest receivable Utilit;* deposits Prepaic: insurance Employees tax W/H (OASI) Employees hosp. insurance prem. W/H State sales tax payable Surplus Dr. $139,959.75 50.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 20,673.80 9,501.56 146.30 977.89 T25,000.00 110.27 232.47 495,020.89 360.95 280.00 6,222.13 Cr. 2,791.98 170.07 43.18 807,530.78 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE S Auditors' Report 1-2 Combined Balance Sheet - A11 Funds and Account Groups 3-4 Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balances - All Funds 5 GENERAL FU'~TD Balance Sheet 6 Statement of Changes in Fund Balance 7 Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, Encumbrances and Transfers 8 Statement of Revenues and Transfers g Statements of Expenditures and Transfers 10-14 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Statement of Changes in Fund Balance 15 DEBT SERVICE FUND Statement of Changes in Fund Balance 16 STATEMENT OF GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT 1'7 STATEMENT OF GE NER,AL FIXED ASSETS 18 WATE R FUND Balance Sheet 19-20 Comparative Income Statement 21 Income Statement 22 Statement of Changes in Financial Position 23 Revenue Fund - Statement of Changes in Fund Balance 24 NOWLEN, LYNGN & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 TABLE OF CONTENTS WATER FUND (Continued) Operation and Maintenance Fund - Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Sinking Fund - Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Re se rve Account - Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Renewal and Replacement Fund - Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Certificate Redemption Fund - Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Capital Improvement Re serve Fund - Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Customer Meter Deposit Fund - Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Water Main Relocation Fund - Statement of Changes in Fund Balance NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PAGES 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33-34 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Excise Tax Revenue Bonds - Series 1964 - Amortization Schedule 35 Water Revenue Certificates - Series 1967 - An~ortization Schedule 36-38 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 220 FLAGLER COURT BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 347 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 EVERETT B. NOWLEN, CPA W. F LYNCH, CPA (1897-1964) V. C STEWART, CPA ALAN L. TEDAMONSO N, CPA EDWARD T. HOLT, CPA EDMUND SCHIEV E, CPA WILLIAM G. KISKER, JR., CPA WILLIAM B. MINER, CPA JANET R. BARICEVIC H, CPA February 10, 1977 MEMBERS AMERIG AN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS TELEPHONE 659-3060 The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta, Florida we have examined the financial statements of the various funds and account groups of the Village of Tequesta, Florida for the year ended September 30, 1976, as listed in the fore- going table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered nece ssary in the circumstances. The accompanying supplemental information and the column on the accompanying combined balance sheet captioned "Total Memorandum Only" are not necessary for a fair presentation of the financial statements, but are presented as additional analytical data. This information has been subjected to the tests and other auditing procedures applied in the examination of the financial statements mentioned above and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. As discussed in Note 6 to the financial statements, the Village is involved in litigations concerning the Water Fund. The ultimate outcome of the litigations cannot presently be de to rmine d . In our opinion, subject to the effects, if any, on the financial statements of the ultimate outcome of the matters discussed in the preceding paragraph, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the various funds and account groups of the Village of Tequesta, Florida at September 30, 1976 and results of operations of such funds and the changes in financial position of the Water Fund for the year ended September 30, 1976, in conformity with gene rally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30 1976 ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS Cash Investments Cash with paying agent Accrued interest receivable Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses and deposits Property, plant and equipment Accumulated depreciation Construction work in progress ~, Deferred charges Amount available for debt service Amount to be provided for debt service TOTAL ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued and matured interest payable Customers' meter deposits Matured bonds payable Bonds payable (Page 35) Water revenue certificates payable (Page Tax anticipation notes payable (Note 4) TOTAL LIABILITIES CONTINGENT LIABILITIES FUND BALANCES/RETAINED EARNINGS Investment in general fixed assets Fund balance Retained earnings TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES/ RETAINED EARNINGS 36) The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. TOTAL MEMORANDUM ONLY $ 278,357 691, 626 6,127 7,645 47,229 8,081 2,938,595 (361,735) 159,251 606 13,766 34, 234 $3,823,782 $ 18,147 32, 761 36, 590 6,000 48,000 1,560,000 300,000 $2,001,498 (Note 6 ) 495,021 326,277 1,000,986 X3,823,782 3 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30 , 1976 FEDERAL REVENUE DEBT GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL SHARING SERVICE WATER LONG-TERM FIXED FUND FUND FUND FUND DEBT ASSETS $172,684 $9,502 $ $ 96,171 $ $ 125,000 13,679 552,947 6,127 361 ' 87 7 ,197 1,467 45,762 6,502 1,579 2,443,574 ~ 495,021 (361,735) 159,251 606 13,766 34,234 $306,014 $9,502 $19,893 $2,945,352 $48,000 $495,021 $ 3,005 $ $ $ 15,142 $ $ 127 32,634 36,590 6,000 48,000 1, 560, 000 300,000 $ 3,005 $ $ 6,127 $1,944,366 $48,000 $ (Note 6) 495,021 303,009 9,502 13,766 1,000,986 $306,014 9 502 19,893 $2,945,352 48,000 $495,021 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 4 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 FUND FUND BALANCES BALANCES OCTOBER 1, SEPTEMBER 30, 1975 ADD DEDUCT 1976 FUND General Fund (Page 8) $285,692 $764,114 $746,797 $ 303,009 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund (Page 15) 10,242 14,025 14,765 9,502 Debt Service Fund (Page 16) 17,669 9,659 13,562 13,766 5dater Fund (Page 22) 929,882 397,823 326,719 1,000,986 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 5 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEE T SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 ASSETS Cash $172,684 Time certificate of deposit 125,000 Accrued interest receivable 361 Accounts receivable 1,467 Prepaid expenses 6,222 Deposits 280 TOTAL $306,014 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 213 Accrued payroll taxes 2,792 Total liabilities $ 3,005 Fund balance 303,009 'T'OTAL v ~ o , 0 I4 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 6 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1975 $285,692 Add: Excess of revenues over expenditures 17,317 FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBE R 30, 1976 $303,009 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 7 NCWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENE RAL rr^UND COMPARATIVE STATEi~TT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS FOR YEARS AS INDICATED YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 1975 1974 1973 REVENUES AND TRANSFERS Ad valorem taxes Cigarette taxes and state revenue sharing Utility taxes Franchise taxes State road and bridge funds Miscellaneous income Occupational licenses Water department Building permits Fines and forfeitures Beverage licenses Sewer department Transfers from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund $316,580 $237,723 $176,130 $192,420 142,033 141,953 141,770 141,180 91,279 73,689 60,146 49,175 91,185 72,338 75,915 64,926 19,696 25,783 17,135 7,250 27,691 24,432 32,686 13,149 19,508 18,360 16,702 17,173 12,000 18,000 16,000 20,000 12,179 8,247 5,513 13,975 12,850 7,631 6,997 4,396 4,348 4,348 3,796 2,603 9,307 14,765 23,915 16,302 TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS Streets and maintenance expense Public safety expense Administrative expense Recreation and parks expense Office expense Building department Transfers to Sinking Fund $764,114 $656,419 $569,092 $535,554 $265, 371 235, 114 131,144 57,860 30,031 19,012 8, 265' $256,685 201,083 121,302 74,578 27, 149 19,262 14,025 12,300 22,584 $178,928 168,993 101, 578 49,594 22,498 $151, 137 127, 618 77,825 TOTAL EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS 5746,797% 5694,822 $533,891 $398,426 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES $ 17,317 $(38,403) $ 35,201 $13?,1~ The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 8 NONILEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND TRANSFE RS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 OVE R (UNDER) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET REVENUES Ad valorem taxes State revenue sharing Utility taxes Franchise taxes State road and bridge funds Occupational licenses Investment earnings Fines and forfeitures Cigarette taxe s Building permits Administrative management - water department Fire hydrant rental fees Office rent - water department Beverage licenses Miscellaneous income Police desk message service County cor_tribution - Tequesta Drive TOTAL REVENUES $316,580' $315,095 $ 1,485 129,258• 129,300 (42) 91,279' 73,000 18,279 91,185 75,000 16,185 19,696.'• 17,000 2,696 19,508f_ 17,000 2,508 19,042~Y' 11,000 8,042 12,850` 8,000 4,850 12, 77 5~~. 12, 000 775 12,179 '. 13, 000 ( 821) 7,000 7,000 6, 000 ~ 6, 000 5, OOd'`~° ~ 5, 000 4,348 ~ 4,400 (52) 2,049' 1,400 649 600 600 30,000 (30,000) $749,349 $724,795 $24,554 TRANSFERS FROM OTEE R FUNDS Federal Revenue Sharing Fund TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS 14,765 14,765 5764,114 $739,560 24 554 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 9 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 (OVER) UNDE R ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET STREETS AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSE Salary - superintendent Salary - maintenance OASI expense Stree t maintenance Streets and drainage Bicycle paths Fagging expense General maintenance Truck and tractor expense Truck insurance G asoline and oil - truck Gasoline and oil - other Small tools Village Hall maintenance Garbage collection Yard trash collection Trash bags Utilities - street lights Fire hydrant rental fees Street name signs New equipment Village Hall improvements Lethal yellowing TOTAL STREETS AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSE $ 10, 170 $ 10, 170 $ 20,761 20,808 47 1,882- 1,862 (20) 5, 182 5, 275 93 68,098 280,628 212,530 25,000 25,000 4,784% 4,800 16 6,278 7,000 722 604 1,000 396 922 922 1, 124 1, 150 26 93 150 57 258 350 92 3,640 3,625 (15) 93, 2591 / 93, 450 191 35,000 35,000 116 (116) 6,235 6,500 265 6,000 6,000 200 200 892 1,275 383 336 2,275 1,939 (263) 263 $265,371 $507,440 $242,069 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 10 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS FOR TIC YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 (OVER) UNDE R ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENSE Salary - Police Chief $ 16,078 $ 16,078 $ Salary - Police Lieutenant 12,663 12,663 Salaries - Patrol Sergeants 32,671 34,112 1,441 Salary - Detective 10,485 10,514 29 Salaries - Patrolmen 75,142 75,554 412 Salaries - Dispatchers 31,213 31,252 39 Pay for extra work 1,105 1,150 45 OASI expense 10,508; 10,480 (28) Car expense 3,690 4,200 510 Gasoline and oil 9,257 9,300 43 Car insurance 1,912 1,950 38 Equipment and uniforms 1,753 1,755 2 Telephone 1,144 1,200 56 Teletype 15 5 0 3 5 Utilities - traffic signals 1,623 1,700 77 Judge's fee 1,800 1,800 Prosecuting attorney 1,200 1,700 500 Miscellaneous expense 1,745 1,802 57 Traffic signs 366 595 229 New equipment 20,707 20,777 70 Personnel training 37 200 163 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENSE X235,114 X238,832 3 718 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 11 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS F_OR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 1976 ACTUAL BUDGET (OVER) UNDE R BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Salary - Village Manager Salary - Village Clerk OASI expense Car allowance Councilmembers' fees Dues and subscriptions Insurance expense Legal expense Contributions Auditing expense Hospitalization insurance premiums Pension premiums Contingencies Miscellaneous Civil defense Unemployment Compensation Fund Codification of ordinances Disaster Relief Contingency Fund Refund of insurance premiums to State $ 22,201 $ 22,201 10,090 10,090 1,417' 1,426 1,190 1,190 3,000 3,000 407 450 7,619 12,000 14,804 15,000 8,450 8,800 1,750 1,752 11,207/_ 11,207 33,343%~ 35,150 906 1,000 3,096 4,004 300 2, 118 ~ 2, 930 1, 100 5,000 9,546% 9,550 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 9 43 4,381 196 350 2 1, 807 94 908 300 812 1, 100 5, 000 n $131,144 $146,150 S 15,006 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 12 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GE NE RAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBE R 30, 1976 ACTUAL BUDGET (OVER) UNDER BUDGET RECREATION AND PARKS EXPENSE Salary - Director Salaries - Maintenance Salaries - Part-time OASI expense Program expense Telephone Office supplies Car allowance Miscellaneous Beautification Electricity - field lights Electricity - trailer Electricity - security lights Utilities - water Field maintenance General maintenance Gasoline and oil - truck Truck repairs and expense Minor equipment Capital improvements $ 12, 363 $ 12, 363 7,173 7,463 2,725 3,200 1,110, 1, 430 13 270 346 400 5 100 700 700 186 504 1,393 1,400 144 500 695 700 179 200 438 500 1, 641 1, 650 3,475 3,500 213 220 183 300 2,352 2,488 22,526 22,850 TOTAL RECREATION AND PARKS EXPENSE 290 47 5 320 2 57 54 95 318 7 356 5 21 62 9 25 7 117 136 ~~n S 57,860 $ 60,738 $ 2,878 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 13 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AD]D TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 ACTUAL BUDGET OFFICE EXPENSE Salarie s OASI expense Supplies Postage Telephone Utilities Miscellaneous New equipment (OVER) UNDE R BUDGE T $ 15, 520 $ 15, 707 $ 187 908 / 933 25 2, 127 2, 100 (27) 993 1,000 7 1,572 1,520 (52) 3,955 4,000 45 3,634 3,700 66 1,322 1,580 258 TOTAL OFFICE EXPENSE $ 30,031 $ 30,540 $ 509 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Salaries OASI expense Telephone Travel and car Miscellaneous New equipment $ 15,778 $ 15,778 $ 977 909 (68) 332 450 118 527 620 93 858 883 25 540 600 60 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT TRANSFERS TO SINKING FUND TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS $ 19,012 $ 19,240 5 228 S 8,265 $ 8,620 $ 355 $746,797 $1,011,560 5264,763 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 14 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND (NOTE 2) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SE PTE MBE R 30, 1976 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1975 $10,242 DL'T7L~TTTT LAC Entitlement payments $13,277 Investment earnings 748 $14,025 EXPENDITURE S Transfers to General Fund: Public safety - land $13,277 Recreation 1,488 14,765 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 740) FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBE R 30, 1976 9 502 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statementso 15 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 SINKING RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1975 $ 11,069 $ 6,600 $17,669 REVENUE S Transfers from General Fund $ 2,493 $ 5,772 $ 8,265 Investment earnings 1,394- 1,394 $ 2,493 7,166 9 659 EXPENDITURE S Interest expense $ 2, 507 $ $ 2, 507 Revenue bonds matured 11,000 11,000 Paying agent's fee 55 55 $ 13, 562 None 13 562 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES $(11,069) 7,166 3,903) BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 Cash with paying agent $ 6,127 $ $ 6,127 Time certificates of deposit 3,700 3,700 United States Treasury Notes - (at cost, 8%, due 2/28/78) 9,979 9,979 Accrued interest receivable 87 87 Matured bonds payable (6,000) (6,000) Matured interest payable (127) (127) $ None 513,766 13,766 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 16 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT 1964 EXCISE TAX REVENUE BONDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 Amount available and to be provided for payment of long-term debt: Amount available in Debt Service Fund $13,766 Amount to be provided 34,234 Total available and to be provided Bonds Payable (Page 35) The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 48, 000 48 000 17 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF GENE RAL FIXED ASSETS SEPTEMBE R 30, 1976 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Land $ 35,000 Buildings 145 319 Improvements other than buildings 182,662 Equipment 132,040 Total General Fixed Assets $495,021 INVESTMENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Total investment in General Fixed Assets from Bonds, General Revenues and Gifts $495,021 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 18 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBE R 30, 1976 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS RESTRICTED ASSETS Cash and investments: Revenue Bond Sinking Fund Reserve Account Certificate Redemption Fund Renewal and Replacement Fund Capital Improvement Reserve Fund Meter Deposits Fund Water Main Relocation Fund Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable TOTAL RESTRICTED ASSETS PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT At cost Land Plant and equipment Less accumulated depreciation (Note 1) Construction work in progress NET PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT DEFERRED CHARGES Unamortized debt discount TOTAL $ 56, 129 45, 552 1, 579 $ 50,821 101,812 187,658 45,436 3,702 55,291 148,269 210 7,197 $ 92,042 2, 351, 532 $2,443,574 361,735 $2,081,839 159,251 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the fi~sancial statements. $ 103,260 600,396 2,241,090 606 $2,945,352 19 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS CURRENT LIABILITIES (PAYABLE FROM CURRENT ASSETS) Accounts payable, accrued payroll taxes and utility taxes payable CURRENT LIABILITIES (PAYABLE FROM RE STRICTED ASSETS) Accounts payable $ 13, 175 Customers' meter deposits 36, 590 Accrued interest payable 32,634 4 Water revenue certificates payable 24,000 Tax anticipation notes payable (Note 4) 300,000 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES LONG-TERM DEBT Water revenue certificates payable ( Page 36 ) $1, 560, 000 Less long-term debt payable within one year 24,000 NET LONG-TE RM DEFT TOTAL LIABILITIES CONTINGENT LIABILITIES RETAINED EARNINGS Balance, October 1, 1975 $ 929, 882 Net income - current year 71, 104 Balance, September 30, 1976 TOTAL The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 20 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART $ 1, 967 406,399 $ 408,366 1,536,000 $1,944,366 (Note 5) 1,000,986 $2,945,352 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT FOR PERIODS AS INDICATED NINE MONTHS YEARS ENDED ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 1975 1974 1973 REVENUES $391,463 $371,319 $400,645 $291,788 OPERATING EXPENSES 170,840 129,934 110,433 74,873 OPERATING INCOME $220,623 $241,385 $290,212 $216,915 OTHER INCOME (EXPENSES ) INCOME BEFORE DEPRECI~,TiON DEPRECIATION NET INCOME (91,399) (74,590) (72,857) (46,771) $129,224 $166,795 $217,355 $170,144 58,120 56,424 42,345 30,006 $ 71,104 $110,371 $175,010 $140,138 The accompanying notes are an essenti a1 part of the financial statements. 21 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 REVENUES Water sales $351, 664 Fire hydrant rental fees 6,000 Investment earnings 33,661 Miscellaneous income i~A TOTAL REVENUES $391,463 OPERATING EXPENSES Pumping and storage expense $ 77,302 Office and administrative expense 54,004 Distribution expense 33,534 Reimbursement of fire hydrant rental fees 6,000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $170, 840 OPERATING INCOME $220,623 OTHER INCOME (EXPENSES ) Connection charges $ 6,360 Connection expenses (4,036) Interest maturities and paying agent's fees (93,723),/ TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSES) $ (91, 399 INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION $129,224 DEPRECIATION (Note 1) 58, 120 NET INCOME $ 71,104 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 22 NOWLEN. LYNCH & ST=_WART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 SOURCE OF FUNDS Operations: Net income Items not requiring capital outlay of funds: Depreciation and amortization of debt discount Total from operations APPLICATION OF FUNDS Increase in restricted assets Additions to property, plant and equipment (net of retirements) Increase in deferred charges Payment of long-term debt TOTAL APPLICATION OF FUNDS NET (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL CHANGES IN COMPONENTS OF WORKING CAPITAL Increase (Decrease) in current assets: Cash Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses Decrease (Increase) in current liabilities: Accounts payable, accrued payroll taxes and utility taxes payable Customers' meter deposits Accrued interest payable Current portion of long-term debt Tax anticipation notes payable NET (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 23 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART $ 71, 104 60, 148 $ 131,252 $ 208,004 200,359 2,634 24, 000 $ 434,997 $(303,745) $ 10, 485 4,762 (115 ) $ 15, 132 $ (3,936) (1,095) (12,846) (1,000) (300,000) $(318,877) $(303,745) VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA W ATE R FUND REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBE R 30, 1976 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBE R 1, 1975 REVENUES Water sales $351,664 Fire hydrant rental fees 6,000 $357,664 EXPENDITURES Transfer of funds to: $87,372 Operation and Maintenance Fund 173,458 Sinking Fund 92,522 Capital Improvement Reserve Fund 46,758 Certificate Redemption Fund 23,735 Renewal and Replacement Fund 16,676 353,149 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 4,515 FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 30, 197b Cash - checking account $ 36, 945 Accounts receivable 44, 715 Due from other funds 11,201 Utility taxes payable (974) 91 887 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 24 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUD1D OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SE PTEMBE R 30, 1976 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1975 REVENUE S Connection charges $ 6,360 Miscellaneous income 220 Transfers from Revenue Fund 173,458 $180,038 EXPENDITURES $ 1,205 ' Pumping and storage expense $ 77,302 Office and administrative expense 53,941 Distribution expense 33,534 Connection expenses 4,036 Capital outlay 1,183 169,996 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 10, 042 FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 Cash - checking account $ 19,184 Accounts receivable 837 Prepaid expenses 1,579 Accounts payable (450) Accrued payroll taxes (543) Due to other funds (9,360) 11,247 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 25 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND SINKING FUND STATEi~1ENT OF CHANGE S IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1975 REVENUE S Transfers from Revenue Furld $92,522 Transfers from Reserve Account 8,482 Investment earnings 1,814 $102,818 EXPENDITURES Interest on water revenue certificates $91,422 Water revenue certificates matured 23,000 Paying agent's fee 272 114,694 $ 30, 597 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (11,876) FUND BALANCE, SE PTEMBE R 30, 1976 Cash - checking account $ 21 Time certificates of deposit 50,800 Accrued interest receivable 534 Accrued interest payable (32,634) S 18,721 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 26 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND RESERVE ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1975 REVENUES Investment earnings $ 7,961 EXPENDITURE S Transfers to Sinking Fund 8,482 $103,018 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (521) FUND BALANCE , SE PTEMBE R 3 0 , 1976 Certificate of deposit $ 2, 000 United States Treasury Notes (at cost, 8%, due 2/28/78) 99, 812 Accrued interest receivable 685 $102,497 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 27 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWAF2T VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND RENEWAL AND RE PLACEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1975 $31,462 REVENUE S Transfers from Revenue Fund Investment earnings $16,676 2,069 $18,745 EXPENDITURES Capital outlay EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 Cash - checking account Time certificates of deposit Accrued interest receivable Due from other funds 4, 141 14,604 $ 36 45,400 454 176 46 066 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 28 NOWLEN, LYNCH & ST'cWART VILLAGE OF TE4UESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND CERTIFICATE REDEMPTION FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBE R 1, 1975 REVENUE S $155,120 Transfers from Revenue Fund $23,735 Investment earnings 11,265 $35,000 EXPENDITURES None EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 35, 000 FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 Cash - checking account $ 121 Time certificates of deposit 50,900 United States Treasury Bonds (at cost, 6-3/8%, due 2/15/82) 91, 597 United States Treasury Notes (at cost, 8%, due 5/18/82) 45,040 Accrued interest receivable 2,462 ~".`?~~, i20 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 29 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RESERVE FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1975 Transfers from Revenue Fund Transfers from Water Main Re location Fund Investment earnings $ (8,942) $46,758 17, 207 272 $ 64,237 EXPENDITURE S Capital outlay Reimbursement to Village of Tequesta for fire hydrant rental fees EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES $ 58, 768 6,000 64,768 FUND BALANCE, SE PTEMBER 30, 1976 Cash - checking account Accounts payable 531) $ 3,702 (13,175) 9 473) The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 30 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND CUSTOMER METER DEPOSIT FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1975 REVENUES $14, 199 Investment earnings $ 3,133 EXPENDITURES None EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 3,133 FUND BALANCE, SEPTEP~_BER 30, 1976 Cash - checking account $ gl Time certificates o f deposit 55, 200 Accrued interest receivable 438 Accounts receivable 210 Customers' meter deposits (36, 590) Due to other funds (2,017) 17,332 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements, 31 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND WATER MAIN RELOCATION FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 1976 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1975 REVENUE S Proceeds from sale of tax anticipation notes $297,366 Investment earnings 7,147 EXPENDITURES Capital outlay $136, 350 Transfers to Capital Improvement Reserve Fund 17,207 Miscellaneous expense 63 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURE S FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 Cash - checking account Time certificate of deposit United States Treasury Notes (at cost, 7-1/8%, due 11/30/76) Accrued interest receivable $304,513 153,620 $ 36,070 5, 900 $ None 150,893 106,299 2,624 5150,893 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 32 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies of the Village of Tequesta, Florida conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governmental units. The following is a summary of the significant policies. Basis of Accounting The accrual basis of accounting is followed with minor exceptions by all funds other than the General Fund and Debt Service Fund which utilize the modified accrual basis of accounting. Investment s Investments are stated at cost which approximates market value . Water Fund Fixed Assets Water Fund Fixed Assets are stated at cost. Depreciation has been provided using the straight-line me thod over the estimated useful lives of the assets. General Fixed Assets General Fixed Assets purchased are recorded as expenditures in the General Fund at time of purchase. Such assets are capitalized at cost in the General Fixed Assets group of accounts. No depreciation has been provided on General Fixed Assets. NOTE 2 - FEDERAL REVENUE SHP.RING FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE This statement is included as supplementary information only. Expenditures from this Fund have been accounted for in the financial statements of the appropriate funds. NOTE 3 - PENSION PLAN A11 permanent full-time employees of the Village are members of the State retirement systemo 33 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 NOTE 4 - TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES PAYABLE - 5300,000 The debt was incurred in January, 1976 to provide interim financing for the relocation of water lines. The notes bear interest at 6% and become due on December 15, 1976. The payment of principal and interest will be made from proceeds derived from the sale of $2,500,000 Series 1976A Water Revenue Certificates (See Note 5) . NOTE 5 - SUBSEQUENT EVENT On December 14, 1976, the Village of Tequesta negotiated the sale of $2,500,000 Series 1976A Water Revenue Certificates. The purpose of this issuance is to pay the tax anticipation notes due December 15, 1976 and to finance the cost of construction and acquisition of additions, extensions and improvements to the Village's water system. The lien of the certificates on the net revenues of the water system will rank junior and subordinate to the lien thereon of the 1962 Series. NOTE 6 - LAWSUITS - WATER FUND The Village of Tequesta, Florida is involved in a class action suit with residents living within the unincorporated limits of Palm Beach County. The plaintiffs are seeking declaratory relief from the water service surcharge they had been assessed. In the opinion of the Village attorney, the approximate liability to the Village would be $54,000 if an unfavorable verdict is rendered. This contingent liability is not presented on the financial statements. The Village is involved in a lawsuit with Jupiter Inlet Corporation. The Corporation contends that the Village had withdrawn water from beneath its property depriving the corporation of the use of its property A final judgment was entered in favor of the Village in April, 1976, but the plaintiff has filed an appeal. In the opinion of the Village attorney, the approximate liability to the Village would range from $75,000 to $100,000 if the plaintiff should be successful. This contingent liability is not presented on the financial statements. 34 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE EXCISE TAX REVENUE BONDS - SERIES 1964 SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 The bonded debt was incurred in 1964 through the issuance of $148,000 excise tax revenue bonds. The proceeds were used for construction of the Village Hall and Utility Garage. A balance of $48,000 was outstanding on September 30, 1976; the schedule of payments on the outstanding bonds follows: COUPON ANNUAL DUE DATE RATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENT April 1, 1977 4.25% $ $1,020.00 $ 1,020.00 $ October 1, 1977 4.25 11,000.00 1,020.00 12,020.00 13,040.00 April 1, 1978 4.25 786.25 786.25 October 1, 1978 4.25 12,000.00 786.25 12,786.25 13,572.50 April 1, 1979 4.25 531.25 531.25 October 1, 1979 4.25 12,000.00 531.25 12,531.25 13,062.50 April 1, 1980 4.25 276.25 276.25 October 1, 1980 4.25 13,000.00 276.25 13,276.25 13,552.50 TOTAL ,548,000.00 X5,227.50 553,227.50 553,227.50 35 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER REVENUE CERTIFICATES An ordinance adopted on November 21, 1967, authorizing the acquisition of a water system by the Village of T equesta, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, from the Tequesta Water Company, Inc., and the construction of additions, extensions and improvements to said system, authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $1,700,000 water revenue certificates of said Village to finance the cost of the acquisition and improvement of said water system; and providing for the terms of said water revenue certificates and the rights, security and remedies of the holders thereof. Pursuant to the ordinance and the purchase and sale agreement, certificates have been delivered as follows: March 1, 1968 At closing: Certificates sold $ 200,000 Certificates delivered 863,000 TOTAL $1,063,000 Certificates delivered: March 1, 1969 463 equivalent connections C $500 each 231,000 January 1, 1970 32 equivalent connections C~ $500 each 16,000 January 1, 1971 682 equivalent connections C~ $500 each 341,000 January 1, 1972 98 equivalent connections C $500 each 49,000 TOTAL CERTIFICATES DELIVERED $1,700,000 Less certificates maturing and paid from Sinking Fund: January 1, 1970 $ 17,000 January 1, 1971 18,000 January 1, 1972 19,000 January 1, 1973 20,000 January 1, 1974 21,000 January 1, 1975 22,000 January 1, 1976 23,000 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OUTSTANDING $1,560,000 36 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $1,560,000 - WATER REVENUE CERTIFICATES SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 Dated: July 1, 1967 Due: Serially (as shown) Coupon Rate: 5% FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENT 1977 Jan. 1 $ 24,000 $ 39,000 $ 63,000 $ 1977 July 1 38,400 38,400 101,400 1978 Jan. 1 25,000 38,400 63,400 1978 July 1 37,775 37,775 101,175 1979 Jan. 1 26,000 37,775 63,775 1979 July 1 37,125 37,125 100,900 1980 Jan. 1 28,000 37,125 65,125 1980 July 1 36,425 36,425 101,550 1981 Jan. 1 29,000 36,425 65,425 1981 July 1 35,700 35,700 101,125 1982 Jan. 1 30,000 35,700 65,700 1982 July 1 34,950 34,950 100,650 1983 Jan. 1 32,000 34,950 66,950 1983 July 1 34,150 34,150 101,100 1984 Jan. 1 34,000 34,150 68,150 1984 July 1 33,300 33,300 101,450 1985 Jan. 1 35,000 33,300 68,300 1985 July 1 32,425 32,425 100,725 1986 Jan. 1 37,000 32,425 69,425 1986 July 1 31,500 31,500 100,925 1987 Jan. 1 39,000 31,500 70,500 1987 July 1 30,525 30,525 101,025 37 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $1, 560, 000 - WATER REVENUE CERTIFICATES SEPTEMBE R 30, 1976 Dated: July 1, 1967 Due: Serially (as shown) Coupon Rate: 5% PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1988 Jan. 1 $ 41,000 $ 30,525 $ 71,525 1988 July 1 29,500 29,500 1989 Jan. 1 43,000 29,500 72,500 1989 July 1 28,425 28,425 1990 Jan. 1 45,000 28,425 73,425 1990 July 1 27,300 27,300 1991 Jan. 1 47,000 27,300 74,300 1991 July 1 26,125 26,125 1992 Jan. 1 50,000 26,125 76,125 1992 July 1 24,875 24,875 1993 Jan. 1 52,000 24,875 76,875 1993 July 1 23,575 23,575 1994 Jan. 1 55,000 23,575 78,575 1994 July 1 22,200 22,200 1995 Jan. 1 58,000 22,200 80,200 1995 July 1 20,750 20,750 1996 Jan. 1 61,000 20,750 81,750 1996 July 1 19,225 19,225 1997 Jan. 1 769,000 19,225 788,225 $1,560,000 $1,247,500 FISCAL FEAR REQUIREMENTS 101, 025 100,925 100,725 100,425 101,000 100,450 100,775 100,950 100,975 788,225 $2,807,500 $2,807,500 38 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART