CAFR_FYEnding_09/30/1977.J -_ AUDIT REPORT VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SEPTE~UIBER 30, 1977 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT 1_2 COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUPS 3_~ GENERAL FUND Balance Sheet 5 Statement of Changes in Fund Balance 6 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, Encumbrances and Transfers 7 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Balance Sheet g Statement of Changes in Fund Balance 9 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures 10 DEBT SERVICE FUND Balance Sheet 11 Statement of Revenues, Transfers, Expenditures and Fund Balance 12 ~7ATER FUND Balance Sheet 13-14 Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings 15 Income Statement 16 Statement of Changes in Financial Position 17 STATEn1ENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 18 STATEMENT OF GEivERAL LONG-TERi~1 DEBT 19 NOTES TO FINA:vCIAL STATEiā€¢1ENTS 20-23 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION General Fund Schedules of Expenditures, Encumbrances and Transfers 24-28 Water Fund Schedule of Operating Expenses - Actual and Budgeted 29-30 Analysis of Restricted Funds Under Bond Ordinances 31-32 Combined Schedule of Investments - All Funds 33-35 Amortization Schedule - Excise Tax Revenue Bonds - Series 1964 36 Amortization Schedule - Series 1967 water Revenue Certificates 37-39 Amortization Schedule - Series 1976A Water Revenue Certificates 40-42 Schedule of Insurance 43-44 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART EVERETT B. NOWLE N, CPA W. F LYNCH. CPA (1897-!9641 V. G. STEWART, CPA ALAN L. TEDAMONSO N, GPA EDWARD T. HOLT, CPA WILLIAM G. KISKE R, JR., CPA WILLIAM B. MINER, GPA JANET R. BA RICEVIC H, CPA RIG HARD G. ALLEN, CPA B. E. WEEKS, CPA CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 220 FLAGLER COURT BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 347 W EST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE X305) 659-3060 January 25, 1978 MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS BELLE GLADE. FLORIDA OFFICE 333 S. E. 2ND STREET POST OFFICE BOX 33S BELLE GLADE. FLORIDA 33430 TELEPHONE 13051 996-5612 The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta, Florida We have examined the financial statements of the various funds and account groups of the Village of Tequesta, Florida for the year ended September 30, 1977, as listed in the fore- going table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. As discussed in note 7 to the financial statements, the Village is involved in litigation concerning the Water Fund. The ultimate outcome of the litigation cannot presently be determined. In our opinion, subject to the effects, if any, on the financial statements of the ultimate outcome of the matter discussed in the preceding paragraph, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the various funds and account groups of the Village of Tequesta, Florida at September 30, 1977 and results of operations of such funds and the changes in financial position of the Water Fund for the year ended September 30, 1977, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied during the years except for the changes, with which we concur, explained in note 2 of the notes to financial statements. We have also reviewed the provisions of the bond resolutions relating to the receipts and application cf funds, and in our opinion, based on our examination of the financial statements, the Village has complied with such provisions. It should be noted that information obtained on the basis of our examination of the financial statements would not necessarily disclose defaults of a non-accounting nature. The accompanying supplemental information and the column on the accompanying combined balance sheet captioned "Total b2emorandum Only" are not necessary for a fair presentation of the financial statements, but are presented as additional analytical data. This information has been subjected to the tests and other auditing procedures applied in the examination of the financial statements mentioned above and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 TOTAL MEMORANDUM ONLY ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS Cash $ 234,910 Investments 2,662,102 Accrued interest receivable 25,916 Accounts receivable 81,624 Prepaid expenses and deposits 2,426 Property, plant and equipment 3,259,133 Accumulated depreciation (418,978) Construction work in progress 651,302 Amount available for debt service 15,046 Amount to be provided for debt service 21,954 TOTAL ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS $6,535,435 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 63,540 Accrued interest payable 61,603 Customers' meter deposits 42,229 Bones payable (Page 19) 37,000 Water revenue certificates payable - Series 1967 (Note 8) 1,536,000 Water revenue certificates payable - Series 1976A (Note 8) 2,500,000 Less: L'namortized debt discount (60,697) TOTP_L LIABILITIES $4,179,675 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (Note 7) CONTRIBUTIONS FROM CUSTOMEF.S 15,600 RESERVES Reserve for encumbrances (Note 6) 50,697 Reserves - Water Fund (Note 5) 2,014,807 INVESTMENT IN GEi~ERAL FIXED ASSETS 668,531 FUND BALA~~ICES/RETAINED EARNINGS Fund balance 299,209 Retained earnings (693,084) TOTAL LIABILITIES, CONTRIBUTIONS, RESERVES, INVESTMEN'_^ IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Ai~ID FUND BALANCES/ RETAINED EARNINGS $6,535,435 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 3 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 FEDERAL REVENUE DEBT GE~:ERAL GENERAL GENERAL SHARING SERVICE WATER LONG-TERM FIXED FUND FUND FUND FUND DEBT ASSETS $117,315 $22,412 $ 76 $ 95,107 $ $ 210,000 14,879 2,437,223 1,679 91 24,146 2,396 3,166 76,062 280 2,146 2,590,602 668,531 (418,978) 651,302 15,046 21,954 $331,670 $25,578 $15,046 $5,457,610 $37,000 $668,531 $ 22,3.88 $ $ $ 41,152 $ $ 61,603 42,229 37,000 1,536,000 2,500,000 (60,697) $ 22,388 $ $ $4,120,287 $37,000 $ (Note 7 ) 15,600 50,697 2,014,807 668,531 258,585 25,578 15,046 (693,084) $331,670 $25,578 $15,046 $5,457,610 $37,000 $668,531 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 4 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 Cash Certificates of deposit Accrued interest receivable Accounts receivable Deposits TOTAL LIABILITIES Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued payroll taxes Total Liabilities ASSETS RESERVE AND FUND BALANCE Reserve for encumbrances (Note 6) Fund Balance TOTAL The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. $117,315 21C,000 1,679 2,396 ~o~ $331,670 $ 12,123 10,265 $ 22,388 50,697 258,585 $331,670 5 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 Fund Balance, October 1, 1976 Prior period adjustment (Note 2) Adjusted Fund Balance, October 1, 1976 Add: Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Fund Balance, September 30, 1977 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 6 NOWLEN. LYNGH & STEWART $303,009 (6,222) $296,787 (38,202) $258,585 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATE'~IENT OF REVENUES , EXPENDITURES , ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 OVER (UNDER) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET REVENUES Ad valorem taxes State revenue sharing Utility taxes Franchise taxes County contribution - Tequesta Drive State road and bridge funds Occupational licenses Investment earnings Cigarette taxes Building permits Fines and forfeitures Administrative management - water department Fire hydrant rental fees Anti-recession fiscal assistance funds Office rent - water department Beverage licenses Miscellaneous income Police desk message service Recreation fees $333,162 $ 334,410 $ (1,248) 129,246 129,300 (54) 109,365 90,000 19,365 92,326 92,000 326 71,922 50,000 21,922 22,070 18,000 4,070 20,277 19,000 1,277 13,731 7,000 6,731 13,464 12,000 1,464 24,863 15,000 9,863 7,311 5,000 2,311 7,000 7,000 - - 7,400 (7,400) 5,457 -0- 5,457 5,000 5,000 - 4,401 4,400 1 3,153 3,200 (47) 1,200 1,200 - 915 1,100 (185) EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES A1VD TRA~T~ISFERS TOTAL REVENUES Streets and maintenance expense Public safety expense Administrative expense Recreation and parks expense Office expense Building department Transfers to Sinking Fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES, EIQCU'~IBRA1`dCES ?~~1D TRANSFERS EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES GVER EXPENDITURES $864,863 $ 801,010 $ 63,853 $382,527 $ 395,856 $(13,329) 240,898 242,300 (1,402) 161,133 185,900 (24,767) 46,387 58,000 (11,613) 38,717 44,900 (6,183) 20,363 21,400 (1,037) 13,040 13,040 - $903,065 $ 961,396 $(58,331) $(38,202) $(160,386) $122,184 The accompanying rotes are an essential part of the financial staternerlts. t 7 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 ASSETS Cash $22,412 Account receivable - entitlement payment 3,166 Total Assets $25,578 FUND BALANCE Fund Balance The accompanying notes are an essential part cf the financial statements. 8 $25,578 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA FEDERAL REVEP3UE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 Fund Balance, October 1, 1976 $ 9,502 Prior period adjustment (Note 2) 2,946 Adjusted Fund Balance, October 1, 1976 $12,448 Add: Excess of revenues over expenditures 13,130 Fund Balance, September 30, 1977 $25,578 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 9 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTED'IBER 30, 1977 OVER {UNDER) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Entitlement payments $12,257 $12,257 $ Investment earnings 873 873 TOTAL REVENUES $13,130 $12,257 $873 EXPENDITURES None None EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES $13,130 $12,257 $873 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 10 NCWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE SHEET SEFTEti1BER 30, 1977 ASSETS Cash Investments: Certificates of deposit $4,900 United States Treasury Notes - at cost 9,979 Accrued interest receivable Total Assets FUND BALANCE Fund Balance The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 11 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART $ 76 14,879 91 $15,046 $15,046 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES , TRA.ATSFERS , EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 REVENUES AND TRAi~ISFERS Transfers from General Fund $13,040 Investment earnings 1,310 EXPENDITURES Principal payments $11,000 Interest payments 2,040 Paying agent's fee 30 EXCESS TG FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1976 FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. $14,350 13,070 $ 1,280 13,766 $15,046 12 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 ASSETS CURRED7T ASSETS Cash $ 85,272 Certificates of deposit 306,700 Accounts receivable 75,937 Accrued interest receivable 1,893 Prepaid expenses 2,146 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS RESTRICTED ASSETS Cash and investments: Sinking Fund $ 50,600 , Reserve Account 101,812 Certificate Redemption Fund 224,336 Renewal and Replacement Fund 54,043 Capital Improvements Reserve Fund 52,269 1976 Interest and Sinking Fund 89,625 1976 Reserve Account 208,848 Meter Deposits Fund x'3,789 Water Main Relocation Fund 17,459 1976 Water Construction r^und 1,261,929 Capital Improvement Fund 15,648 Accounts receivable - Meter Deposits Furd 125 Accrued interest receivable 22,253 TOTAL RESTRICTED ASSETS PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT At cost: Land $ 92,042 Plant and equipment 2,498,560 $2,590,602 Less acc simulated depreciation (Note 1) 418,978 $2,171,624 Construction work in progress 651,302 NET PROPERTY, PLANT P_ND EQUIP?~iENT TOTF.L Tre accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. $ 471,948 2,162,736 2,822,926 $5,457,u"i0 13 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 LIABILITIES, RESERVES, CONTRIBUTIONS AND RETAINED EARNINGS CURRENT LIABILITIES (PAYABLE FROM CURRENT ASSETS) Accounts payable, accrued payroll and utilities taxes $ 37,055 CURRENT LIABILITIES {PAYABLE FROM RESTRICTED ASSETS) Accounts payable $ 4,097 Customers' meter deposits 42,229 Accrued interest payable 61,603 Water revenue certificates payable 40,000 147,929 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $ 184,984 LONG-TERi'~! DEBT Water revenue certificates payable - Series 1967 (Note 8) $1,536,000 Water revenue certificates payable - Series 1976A (Note 8) $2,500,000 Less: Unamortized debt discount and expenses 6C,697 2,439,303 Total long-term debt $3,975,303 Long-term debt payable within one year 40,000 NET LONG-TERM DEBT 3,935,303 TOTAL LIABILITIES $4,120,287 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (Note 7) RESERVES (Note 5) .2,014,807 CONTRIBUTIONS Contributions from customers 15,600 F.ETAINED EARNINGS (Deficit) (693,084) TOTP.L $5,457,610 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 14 NO~VLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 Balance of Retained Earnings, October 1, 1976 Prior period adjustment (Note 2) Adjusted Balance of Retained Earnings, October 1, 1976 Add: Net income for the year Total Balances and Additions Deduct Increase in reserves Balance of Retained Earnings, September 30, 1977 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 15 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART $1,000,986 (193,997) $ 806,989' 320,737! $1,127,726 1,820,810 ~ $ (693,084) VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND INCOb1E STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 DT~'C 71~'TTiTF'C Water sales $ 680,944 Fire hydrant rental fees 7,400 Investment earnings 124,817 Miscellaneous income 334 TOTAL REVENUES $ 813,495 OPERATING EXPENSES Purchased water $ 66,077 Pumping and storage expense 64,058 Office and administrative expense 60,674 Distribution expense 37,012 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 227,821 OPERATING INCOME $ 585,674 OTHER INCOME (EXPENSES) Connection charges $ 30,059 Connection (expenses) (15,754) Interest on water revenue certificates (216,456) Paying agents' fees (686) Debt discount amortization (2,409) TOTAL OTHER INCOA'IE (EXPENSES ) $ (205 , 246 ) INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION $ 380,428 DEPRECIATION (Note 1) 59,691 NET INCOME $ 320,737 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 16 NOWLEN, LYNc_.H & STE`NART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 SOURCE OF FUNDS Operations: Net income for the year $ 320,737 Items not requiring current outlay of funds: Depreciation and amortization of debt discount 62,100 Total from operations $ 382,837 New long-term debt 2,500,000 Contributions from customers 15,600 Total $2,898,437 APPLICATION OF FUNDS Increase in restricted assets $1,562,340 Additions to property, plant and equipment (net of retirements) 641,527 Increase in debt discount 62,500 Decrease in long-term debt 40,000 Increase in working capital 592,070 Total $2,898,437 Various Elements of Net Increase in Working Capital: Cash $ 26,768 Certificates of deposit 306,700 Accounts receivable 27,282 Accrued interest receivable 1,893 Prepaid expenses 567 Accounts payable, accrued payroll and utilities taxes (20,532) Customers' meter deposits (5,639) Accrued interest payable (28,969) Current portion of long-term debt (16,000) Tax anticipation notes payable 300,000 Total $ 592,070 The accompanying notes are an essential part of tre financial statements. 17 NCWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 GENE RAL FIXED ASSETS Land $ 35,000 Buildings 150,735 Improvements other than buildings 345,942 Equipment 136,854 Total General Fixed Assets $668,531 INVESTMENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Total investment in General Fixed Assets from Bonds, General Revenues and Gifts $668,531 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 18 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQL'ESTA, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF GENERAL LGNG-TERM DEBT 1964 EXCISE TAX REVENUE BONDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 Amount available and to be provided for payment of long-term debt: Amount available in Debt Service Fund $15,046 Amount to be provided 21,954 Total available and to be provided Bonds Payable (4.250, payable from utilities taxes, $12,000 due within one year) The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 19 $37,000 $37,000 NOWLEN, LYNCH 9e STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINALvCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies of the Village of Tequesta, Florida conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governmental units. The following is a surrsnary of the significant policies. Basis of Accounting The accrual basis of accounting is followed, with minor exceptions, by all funds except the General Fund and Debt Service Fund which utilize the modified accrual basis of accounting. Investments Investments are stated at cost. Accounts Receivable Receivables are written off in full when it is determined that the unpaid balance is uncollectible. Receivables are written off directly to expense and no allowance for doubtful accounts is considered necessary. General Fixed Assets General Fixed Assets purchased are recorded as expenditures in the General Fund at time of purchase. Such assets are capitalized at cost in the General Fixed Assets group of accou:~ts. No depreciation has been provided on General Fixed Assets. Water Fund Fixed Assets Water Fund Fixed Assets are stated at cost. Depreciation has been computed using the straight-line method over the following estimated useful lives: Plant 50 years Equipment 20-30 years Office equipment 6 years Vehicles 4 years Construction work in progress is not depreciated until completed and placed in service. 20 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQL'ESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMEIv'TS SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 NOTE 2 - PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTN?ENTS General Fund The prior period adjustment was made for correction of an error and to properly restate beginning fund balance under the modified accrual basis of accounting. Federal Revenue Sharing Fund The prior period adjustment was made in order to report revenues under the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Water Fund The prior period adjustment to retained earnings was made to establish reserves in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. NOTE 3 - PENSION PLADI All full-time Village employees are eligible to participate in the non-contributory state retirement system as authorized by Chapter 121 of the Florida Statutes. Total pension costs for the year ended September 30, 1977 were $30,078. As of September 30, 1977, there was no unfunded liability for prior service costs. NOTE 4 - WATER FUND - REQUIRED PAYMENTS PER BOND ORDINANCES Pursuant to Ordinance No. 138, enacted by the Village Council on November 21, 1967, the Village has issued water revenue certificates Series 1967 outstanding in the principal amount of $1,536,000 on September 30, 1977. Ordinance No. 138 provides for the disposition of all revenues derived from the operation of the system. Revenues are first to be used for the payment of all current operating expenses. Revenues are next to be used for the required payments for principal and interest on, and reserve for, the outstanding water revenue certificates. Revenues are next to be used to maintain the renewal, replacement and improvement of the water system. Such payments to the Renewal and Replacement Fund are made monthly equal to one-twelfth of 5% of the gross revenues derived from the system. Revenues are next to be used for payment to the Certificate Redemption Fund. Monthly required payments are $1,978. Finally, any revenue remaining will be deposited into the Capital Improvement Reserve Fund far the purpose of financing the cost of constructing additions, extensions and improvements tc the water system. 21 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 NOTE 4 (Continued) Pursuant to Ordinance No. 237, enacted by the Village Council on August 3, 1976, the Village has issued water revenue certifi- cates Series 1976A outstanding in the principal amount of $2,500,000 on September 30, 1977. The lien on the revenues of the water system will rank junior and subordinate to the lien thereon of the 1967 Series. All revenues will first be applied in accordance with all requirements of Ordinance No. 138. The revenues remaining shall be used for the required payments on principal and interest on and reserve for, the outstanding Series 1976A water revenue certificates. NOTE 5 - RESERVES The Revenue Bond Ordinances described in Note 4, required the establishment of the following accounts: ACCOUNT PURPOSE Revenue Funds To collect all water revenues Operation and Maintenance To pay fully accrued operating Fund expenses Sinking Funds To accumulate sufficient funds to meet annual debt service require- ments through transfers from the Revenue Accounts Reserve Accounts To accumulate funds for payment of principal and interest payments if funds in the Sinking Funds are insufficient Certificate Redemption To accumulate funds for the Fund purchase or redemption prior to maturity of the Series 1967 and Series 1976A water revenue certificates Renewal and Replacement To accumulate funds for the cost Fund of constructing additions or improvements to the water system or renewal or replacement of capital assets Capital Improvements To accumulate any remaining revenues Reserve Fund for the purpose of constructing additions, extensions and improvements to the water system 22 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART \~ \.. VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 NOTE 6 - RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES The encumbrances recorded represent material amounts appropriated for capital expenditures outstanding at September 30, 1977. NOTE 7 - CONTINGENCIES The Village of Tequesta, Florida was involved in a class action ' suit with residents living within the unincorporated limits of Palm Beach County. The plaintiffs were seeking declaratory relief from the water service surcharge they had been assessed. This suit has been dismissed by the Court for lack of prosecution. The Village is involved in a lawsuit with Jupiter Inlet Corporation. The Corporation contends that the Village had withdrawn water from beneath its property depriving the Corporation of the use of its property. A final judgment was entered in favor of the Village in April, 1976, but the plaintiff has filed an appeal. The District Court of Appeal overturned the decision holding the Village liable. The Village filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the State Supreme Court. A decision will be forthcoming in 1978. In the opinion of the Village attorney, if the Village is not successful at this level, the matter will probably be remanded to the Circuit Court and tried, with an estimated exposure to the Village in the event the plaintiff is successful of $75,000 to $100,000. This contingent liability is not reflected on the financial statements. The Village is involved in a lawsuit which is being defended by its insurance company. According to the Village attorney, if an unfavorable verdict is rendered, there will be no liability to the Village. NOTE 8 - LONG-TERM DEBT - WATER FUND The long-term debt consists of the following: Maturity Dates Years Ended September 30, Series 1967 - 50 1978 1979-83 1984-88 1989-93 1994-97 Series 1976A - 6.4~ - 7.50 1978 1979-83 1984-88 1989-93 1994-99 2000-03 t 23 NCwLEN, LYNCH & $TEWART $ 25,000 145,000 186,000 237,000 943,000 $1,536,000 $ 15,000 85,000 235,000 355,000 830,000 980,000 $2,500,000 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 (OVER) UN DE F. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET STREETS AND MAINTENA~~tCE EXPENSE Salary - superintendent Salary - maintenance OASI expense Street maintenance Streets and drainage Bicycle paths Fogging expense General maintenance Truck and tractor expense Truck insurance Gasoline and oil - truck and tractor Gasoline and oil - other Small tools Village Hall maintenance Garbage collection Yard trash collection Trash bag program Utilities - street lights Fire hydrant rental fees Street name signs New equipment Village Hall improvements $ 11,213 $ 11,213 $ - 22,840 22,850 10 2,046 2,100 54 4,823 5,400 577 165,915 155,670 (10,245) - 22,000 22,000 3,781 4,500 719 10,026 9,60G (426) 1,399 1,450 51 1,012 1,100 88 1,114 1,300 186 78 150 72 480 500 20 4,259 4,300 41 95,417 95,423 6 36,847 37,000 153 461 - (461) 7,064 7,200 136 7,400 7,400 - - 200 200 906 1,000 94 5,446 5,500 54 TOTAL STREETS AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSE $332,527 $395,856 $ 13,329 24 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART ' VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEBULE OF EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 (OVER) UNDER ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENSE ' Salary - Police Chief $ 20,G49 $ 20,056 $ 7 Salary - Police Lieutenant 13,876 13,930 54 Salaries - Patrol Sergeants 37,279 39,225 1,946 Salary - Detective 12,895 12,900 5 Salaries - Patrolmen 76,137 78,238 2,101 Salaries - Dispatchers 31,046 30,142 (904) Merit increases 965 2,100 ~ 1,135 Pay for extra work 871 3,000 2,129 OASI expense 11,248 12,500 1,252 Car expense 4,796 5,050 254 Gasoline and oil 9,613 9,700 87 Car insurance 1,925 2,100 175 Equipment and uniforms 1,712 1,700 (12) Telephone 1,966 2,000 34 Teletype 32 50 18 Utilities - traffic signals 1,837 3,000 1,163 Judge's fee 600 600 - Prosecuting attorney 300 600 300 Miscellaneous 2,402 2,300 (102) Traffic signs 382 650 268 New equipment 10,865 2,259 (8,606) Personnel training 102 200 98 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENSE $240,898 $242,300 $ 1,402 25 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 ACTUAL BUDGET (OVER) UNDE R BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Salary - Village Manager Salary - Village Clerk OASI expense Car allowance Councilmembers' fees Dues and subscriptions Insurance expense Legal expense Contributions Auditing expense Hospitalization insurance premiums Pension premiums Contingencies Miscellaneous Civil defense Unemployment Compensation Fund Codification expense Disaster Relief Contingency Fund Comprehensive planning State Retirement System - full back service payment $ 23,311 $ 23,311 11,214 11,214 1,621 1,700 1,190 1,190 3,050 3,100 472 475 21,631 20,700 10,210 15,000 11,720 11,720 2,000 2,200 79 50 3 (931) 4,790 200 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 11,173 13,200 2,027 33,315 36,200 2,885 2,300 3,000 700 3,829 4,615 786 73 500 427 717 3,000 2,283 2,476 3,000 524 - 5,000 5,000 71 4,975 4;904 20,760 21,800 1,040 $161,133 $185,900 $ 24,767 26 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 ACTUAL BUDGET (OVER) UNDER BUDGET RECREATION AND PARKS EXPENSE Salary - Director Salaries - Maintenance Salaries - Part-time OASI expense Program expense Telephone Office supplies Car allowance Miscellaneous Beautification Electricity - field lights Electricity - trailer and office Electricity - security lights Utilities - water Field maintenance General maintenance Gasoline and oil - truck Truck repairs and expense Minor equipment Capital improvements $ 13,630 $ 13,630 6,337 7,589 4,060 4,548 1,168 1,300 473 500 302 400 1 100 700 700 298 400 734 9,123 216 900 1,113 1,150 179 200 648 700 1,028 1,000 2,449 2,500 170 250 249 300 625 700 12,007 12,010 1,252 488 132 27 98 99 TOTAL RECREATION AND PARKS EXPENSE 102 8,389 684 37 21 52 (28) 51 80 51 75 $ 46,387 $ 58,000 $ 11,613 27 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 ACTUAL OFFICE EXPENSE (OVER) UNDE R BUDGET BUDGET Salaries $ 22,422- $ 26,052 $ 3,630 OASI expense 1,312 1,500 188 Supplies 1,825 2,300 475 Postage 1,024 1,200 176 Telephone 1,912 2,000 88 Utilities 4,611 4,600 (11) Miscellaneous 3,846 4,748 902 New equipment 1,765 2,500 735 TOTAL OFFICE EXPENSE $ 38,717 $ 44,900 $ 6,183 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Salaries $ 17,396 $ 17,396 $ - OASI expense 986 990 4 Telephone 374 400 26 Travel and car 640 700 60 Miscellaneous 672 914 242 New equipment 295 1,000 705 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT $ 20,363 $ 21,400 $ 1,037 TRANSFERS TO SINKING FT]ND $ 13,040 $ 13,040 $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS $903,065 $961,396 $ 58,331 28 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WP.TER FUND SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - ACTUAL AND BUDGETED _FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 (OVER) UNDER ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PURCHASED WATER $ 66,077 $ 91,800 $25,723 PUMPING AND STORAGE EXPENSE Wages: Superintendent $ 8,678 $ 8,679 $ 1 Assistant superintendent 6,166 6,168 2 Extra work 539 700 161 Utilities 35,513 36,000 487 Chemicals 3,008 3,300 292 Repairs 7,013 13,000 5,987 General maintenance 734 1,500 766 Truck gasoline and oil 777 800 23 Truck repairs and expense 605 700 95 Small tools 236 550 314 Miscellaneous 789 1,003 214 TOTAL PUMPING AND STORAGE EXPENSE $ 64,058 $ 72,400 $ 8,342 OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Wages $ 8,329 $ 8,329 $ - OASI expense 3,598 3,600 2 Rent 5,000 5,000 - Administrative management 7,000 7,000 - Supplies 4,862 5,000 138 Telephone 504 550 46 Hospitalization insurance premiums 2,242 2,450 208 Pension premiums 5,072 5,600 528 Financial consultants fee - 1 1 Engineering service 1,218 1,970 752 Licenses and fees 1,760 1,800 40 Dues and subscriptions 100 150 50 Insurance 3,871 2,500 (1,371) Miscellaneous 1,626 1,650 24 Legal expense 7,117 8,000 883 Equipment - 500 500 Auditing expense 3,000 3,000 - Contingencies - 1,000 1,000 Other personal services 3,429 3,600 171 Payment for past service credit 1,946 1,950 4 TOTAL OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE $ 60,674 $ 63,65C $ 2,976 29 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - ACTUAL AND BUDGETED FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 (OVER) UNDER ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE Wages: Superintendent $ 8,678 $ 8,678 $ - Assistant superintendent 6,166 6,167 1 Meter reader/water analyst 7,204 7,589 385 Labor 11,551 15,159 3,608 Extra work 279 6C0 321 Repairs 1,465 1,500 35 Truck gasoline and oil 777 800 23 Truck repairs and expense 597 700 103 Miscellaneous 295 350 55 New equipment - 350 350 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE $ 37,012 $ 41,893 $ 4,881 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $227,821 $269,743 $=-'_i,922 30 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND ANALYSIS OF RESTRICTED FUNDS UNDER BOND ORDINANCES FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEI`~IBER 30, 1977 Balance, October 1, 1976 Cash and investments Accrued interest receivable Increases: Transfers from net income Transfers from other restricted funds Proceeds from sale of Series 1976A water revenue certificates Investment earnings Total Decreases: Capital outlay Interest payments Redemption of water revenue certificates and tax anticipation notes Paying agents' fees Transfers to other restricted funds Total Balance, September 30, 1977 Cash and investments Accrued interest receivable SINKING RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT $ 50,821 $101,812 534 685 $ 51,355 $102,497 91,050 325,268 2,567 8,131 $470,240 $110,628 $ $ 94,200 324,000 534 8,128 $418,734 $ 8,128 $ 5G,600 $101,812 906 688 $ 51,506 $102,500 31 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND ANALYSIS OF RE STRICTED FUN DS UNDER BOND ORDINANCES FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 1976 CAPITAL INTEREST RENEWAL A1VD CERTIFICATE IMPROVEMENTS AMID 1976 REPLACEMENT REDEMPTION RESERVE SINKING RESERVE FUND FUND FUND FUND ACCOUNT $45,436 $187,658 $ 3,702 $ $ 454 2,462 $45,890 $190,120 $ 3,702 $ $ 17,883 2,682 $66,455 $11,881 $11,881 $54,043 531 $54,574 23,735 13,653 $227,508 19,588 49,493 2,263 $75,046 $22,667 $22,667 $52,269 110 $52,379 7,959 169,612 6,032 $183,603 93,287 (11,748) 208,848 12,477 $209,577 $224,336 3,172 $227,508 152 $ 93,439 $ 89,624 $ yU,164 32 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART $208,848 729 $209,577 TOTAL $ 389,429 4,135 $ 393,564 148,467 374,761 378,460 47,805 $1,343,057 $ 34,548 187,487 324,000 686 8,128 $ 554,849 $ 781,532 6,676 $ 788,208 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS - SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 ALL FUNDS CERTIFICATES OF DE POSIT INTEREST MATURITY FUND AMOUNT RATE DATE General Fund $135,000 5.5% 10/11/77 75,000 5.5% 12/30/77 210,000 5.5% Debt Service Fund 2,200 6.0% 9/15/78 2,700 6.0% 9/24/78 Water Fund 1976 Revenue Fund 85,700 5.5% 10/11/77 29,300 5.5% 11/8/77 40,700 6.0% 12/8/78 38,300 6.0% 9/2/78 3,900 6.0% 9/8/78 57,000 5.5 12/9/77 12,300 5.5% 12/15/77 3,900 5.5% 12/20/77 35,600 5.5% 12/8/77 Sinking Fund 46,600 5.5% 12/15/77 4,000 6.0% 12/15/78 Reserve Account 2,000 6.5% 4/8/79 Renewal and Replacement rr^und 2,000 5.5% 10/7/77 1,600 5.5% 10/11/77 35,100 5.5% 10/15/77 2,000 5.5% 10/24/77 1,500 5.5% 12/15/77 1,700 6.0% 8/12/78 1,500 6.0% 9/2/78 3,100 5.5% 12/8/77 1,500 5.5% 12/9/77 3,500 5.5% 12/15/77 Certificate Redemption Fund 20,400 5.5% 12/1/77 16,900 6.5% 3/15/79 40,200 6.5% 10/12/79 2,900 6.5% 2/16/80 5,000 6.5% 2/19/80 2,000 6.5% 3/2/80 33 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS - ALL FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES AND BONDS MARKET INTEREST MATURITY AMOUNT COST VALUE RATE DATE 10,000 9,979 10,070 8% 2/28/78 100,000 99,812 100,700 8% 2/28/78 92,000 91,597 87,584 6-3/80 2/18/82 44,000 45,040 44,792 80 5/18/82 34 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS - ALL FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30 , 19 ;' 7 Water Fund: Capital Improvements Reserve Furd Customer Nieter Deposits Fund Water Main Relocation Fund 1976 Interest and Sinking Fund 1976 Reserve Account 1976 Water Construction Fund Capital Improvement Fund CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT INTEREST MATURITY AMOUNT RATE DATE $ 52,200 5.5% 12/7/77 2,000 6.5% 7/19/78 25,400 6.5% 8/18/78 1,000 6.5% 1/28/79 16,100 6.5% 2/23/79 10,900 6.5% 8/6/79 1,800 6.5% 11/26/79 2,900 6.5% 1/28/80 1,700 6.5% 2/17/80 1,000 6.5% 3/30/80 17,400 5% 12/25/77 8,500 5.5% 12/28/77 4,700 5.5% 6/26/78 76,326 5.5% 1/1/78 208,848 7.5% 7/1/86 371,200 5.5% 10/1/77 278,500 5.5% 11/1/77 605,900 5.5% 12/1/77 4,400 6.5% 1/26/80 2,300 6.5% 2/1/80 1,700 6.5% 2/10/80 2,000 6.5% 2/17/80 1,400 6.5% 2/26/80 1,400 6.5% 3/21/80 1,000 6.5% 3/26/80 35 NC~WLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE EXCISE TAX REVENUE BONDS - SERIES 1964 SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 The bonded debt was incurred in 1964 through the issuance of $148,000 excise tax revenue bonds. The proceeds were used for construction of the Village Hall and Utility Garage. A balance of $37,000 was outstanding on September 30, 1977; the schedule of payments on the outstanding bonds follows: TT!T TrTr COUPON RATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL $ 786.25 $ 786.25 786.25 12,786.25 ANNUAL REQUIREMENT April 1, 1978 October 1, 1978 April 1, 1979 October 1, 1979 4.25 $ 4.25 12,000.00 4.25 4.25 12,000.00 13,572.50 531.25 531.25 531.25 12,531.25 13,062.50 April 1, 1980 4.25 276.25 276.25 October 1, 1980 4.25 13,000.00 276.25 13,276.25 13,552.50 TOTAL $37,000.00 $3,187.50 $40,187.50 $40,187.50 36 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER REVENUE CERTIFICATES - SERIES 1967 An ordinance adopted on November 21, 1967, authorizing the acquisition of a water system by the Village of Tequesta, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, from the Tequesta Water Company, Inc., and the construction of additions, extensions and improvements to said system, authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $1,700,000 water revenue certificates of said Village to finance the cost of the acquisition and improvement of said water system; and providing for the terms of said water revenue certificates and the rights, security and remedies of the holders thereof. Pursuant to the ordinance and the purchase and sale agreement, certificates have been delivered as follows: March 1, 1968 At closing: Certificates sold $ 200,000 Certificates delivered 863,000 TOTAL $1,063,000 Certificates delivered: March 1, 1969 463 equivalent connections @ $500 each 231,000 January 1, 1970 32 equivalent connections @ $500 each 16,000 January 1, 1971 682 equivalent connections @ $500 each 341,000 January 1, 1972 98 equivalent connections @ $500 each 49,000 TOTAL CERTIFICATES DELIVERED $1,700,000 Less certificates maturing and paid from Sinking Fund: January 1, 1970 $ 17,000 January 1, 1971 18,000 January 1, 1972 19,000 January 1, 1973 20,000 January 1, 1974 21,000 January 1, 1975 22,000 January 1, 1976 23,000 January 1, 1977 _ 24,000 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OUTSTANDING $1,536,000 37 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQtJESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $ 1,536,000 WATER REVENUE CERTIFICATES - SERIES 1967 SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 Dated: July 1, 1967 Due: Serially (as shown) Coupon Rate: 5o ANNUAL PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENT 1978 Jar_. 1 $ 25,000 $ 38,400 $ 63,400 $ 1978 July 1 37,775 37,775 101,175 1979 Jan. 1 26,000 37,775 63,775 1979 July 1 37,125 37,125 100,900 1980 Jan. 1 28,000 37,125 65,125 1980 July 1 36,425 36,425 101,550 1981 Jan. 1 29,000 36,425 65,425 1981 July 1 35,700 35,700 101,125 1982 Jan. 1 30,000 35,700 65,700 1982 July 1 34,950 34,950 100,650 1983 Jan. 1 32,000 34,950 66,950 1983 July 1 34,150 34,150 101,100 1984 Jan. 1 34,000 34,150 68,150 1984 July 1 33,300 33,300 101,450 1985 Jan. 1 35,000 33,300 68,300 1985 July 1 32,425 32,425 100,725 1986 Jan. 1 37,000 32,425 69,425 1986 July 1 31,500 31,500 100,925 1987 Jan. 1 39,000 31,500 70,500 1987 July 1 30,525 30,525 101,025 38 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $1,536,000 WATER REVENUE CERTIFICATES - SERIES 1967 SEPTEbSBER 30, 1977 1988 Jan. 1 1988 July 1 1989 Jan. 1 1989 July 1 1990 Jan. 1 1990 July 1 1991 Jan. 1 1991 July 1 1992 Jan. 1 1992 July 1 1993 Jan. 1 1993 July 1 1994 Jan. 1 1994 July 1 1995 Jan. 1 1995 July 1 1996 Jan. 1 1996 July 1 1997 Jan. 1 PRINCIPAL $ 41,000 43,000 45,000 47,000 50,000 52,000 55,000 58,000 61,000 769,000 $1,536,000 Dated: July 1, 1967 Due: Serially (as shown) Coupon Rate: 5% INTEREST $ 30,525 29,500 29,500 28,425 28,425 27,300 27,300 26,125 26,125 24,875 24,875 23,575 23,575 22,200 22,200 20,750 20,750 19,225 19,225 $1,170,100 TOTAL $ 71,525 29,500 72,500 28,425 73,425 27,300 74,300 26,125 76,125 24,875 76,875 23,575 78,575 22,200 80,200 20,750 81,750 19,225 788,225 $2,706,100 ANNUAL REQUIREMENTS 101,025 100,925 100,725 100,425 101,000 100,450 100,775 100,950 100,975 788,225 $2,706,100 39 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $2,500,G00 WATER REVENUE CERTIFICATES - SERIES 1976A SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 The debt was incurred in December, 1976 by the issuance of $2,500,000 Water Revenue Certificates. The proceeds were used to pay the $300,000 tax anticipation notes due December 15, 1976 and to finance the cost of construction and acquisition of additions, extensions and improvements to the Village's water system. The lien on the net revenues of the water system will rank subordinate to the lien thereon of the 1967 Series. On September 30, 1977, the outstanding water revenue certificates totaled $2,500,000; the payment schedule follows: COUPON ANNUAL RATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENT 1978 Jan. 1 $ $ 84,806.25 $ 84,806.25 $ 1978 July 1 7.50% 15,000 84,806.25 99,806.25 1979 Jan. 1 84,243.75 84,243.75 1979 July 1 7.500 15,000 84,243.75 99,243.75 1980 Jan. 1 1980 July 1 1981 Jan. 1 1981 July 1 1982 Jan. 1 1982 July 1 1983 Jan. 1 1983 July 1 1984 Jan. 1 1984 July 1 1985 Jan. 1 1985 July 1 1986 Jan. 1 1986 July 1 1987 Jan. 1 1987 July 1 83,681.25 83,681.25 7.50% 15,000 83,681.25 98,681.25 7.50 0 7.500 83,118.75 83,118.75 15,000 83,118.75 98,118.75 184,612.50 183,487.50 182,362.50 181,237.50 82,556.25 82,556.25 15,000 82,556.25 97,556.25 180,112.50 81,993.75 81,993.75 7.50% 25,000 81,993.75 106,993.75 81,056.25 7.500 40,000 81,056.25 79,556.25 7.500 45,000 79,556.25 7.500 45,000 77,868.75 77,868.75 76,181.25 6.40a 50,000 76,181.25 40 NCL'/Lt N, LYNCH & STEWART 81,056.25 121,056.25 79,556.25 124,556.25 77,868.75 122,868.75 76,181.25 126,181.25 188,987.50 202,112.50 204, i12. 50 200,737.50 202,362.50 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $2,500,000 WATER REVENUE CERTIFICATES - SERIES 1976A SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 COUPON ANNUAL RATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENT 1988 Jan. 1 $ $ 74,581.25 $ 74,581.25 $ 1988 July 1 6.600 55,000 74,581.25 129,581.25 204,162.50 1989 Jan. 1 72,766.25 72,266.25 1989 July 1 6.600 60,000 72,766.25 132,766.25 205,532.50 1990 Jan. 1 70,786.25 70,786.25 1990 July 1 6.65% 65,000 70,786.25 135,786.25 206,572.50 1991 Jan. 1 68,625.00 68,625.00 1991 July 1 6.65% 70,000 68,625.00 138,625.00 207,250.00 1992 Jan. 1 66,297.50 66,297.50 1992 July 1 6.70% 75,000 66,297.50 141,297.50 207,595.00 1993 Jan. 1 63,785.00 63,785.00 1993 July 1 6.70% 85,000 63,785.00 148,785.00 212,570.00 1994 Jan. 1 60,937.50 60,937.50 1994 July 1 6.700 90,000 60,937.50 150,937.50 211,875.00 1995 Jan. 1 57,922.50 57,922.50 1995 July 1 6.700 95,000 57,922.50 152,922.50 210,845.00 1996 Jan. 1 54,740.00 54,740.00 1996 July 1 6.700 105,000 54,740.00 159,740.00 214,480.00 1997 Jan. 1 51,222.50 51,222.50 1997 July 1 6.700 105,000 51,222.50 156,222.50 207,445.00 1998 Jan. 1 47,705.00 47,705.00 1998 July 1 6.75% 210,000 47,705.00 257,705.00 305,410.00 1999 Jan. 1 40,617.50 40,617.50 1999 July 1 6.750 225,000 40,617.50 265,617.50 306,235.00 2000 Jan. 1 33,023.75 33,023.75 2000 July 1 6.750 240,000 33,023.75 273,023.75 306,C47.50 41 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCfiEDULE $2,500,000 6JATER REVENUE CERTIFICATES - SERIES 1976A SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 COUPON AI~INUAL RATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENT 2001 Jan. 1 $ $ 24,923.75 $ 24,923.75 $ 2001 July 1 6.750 260,000 24,923.75 284,923.75 309,847.50 2002 Jan. 1 16,148.75 16,148.75 2002 July 1 6.750 275,000 16,148.75 291,148.75 307,297.50 2003 Jan. 1 6,867.50 6,867.50 2003 July 1 6.70% 205,000 6,867.50 211,867.50 218,735.00 $2,500,000 $3,252,025.00 $5,752,025.00 $5,752,025.00 42 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 TYPE OF COVERAGE Employees Statutory Life Group Life Insurance Automobile: INSURER Reliance Insurance Co. Western Life Insurance Co. General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Co. Physical damage and uninsured motorists Bodily injury Property damage Public Employees Blanket Bond Workmen's Compensation National Surety General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Co. Multi-Peril Policy General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Co. Buildings and personal property (90% co-insurance) Public Official Bond Treasurer National Surety 43 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 POLICY NO. POLICY TERMS 10/1/76-10/1/77 14/1/76-10/1/77 12/15/76-12/15/77 COVERP.GE AMOUNT SR 40914 3-2215 GLA 44-470-37 4135132 U725708 SMP 131935 $10,000 - $20,000 1.5 times annual salary $250,000/$500,000 $250,000/$500,000 $50,000 12/14/76-12/14/77 $25,000 4/18/77-4/18/78 $100,000 12/15/76-12/15/77 $319,800 087118 12/14/76-12/14/77 25,000 44 NOWLEN, LYNCH Ae STEWART ANNUAL PREMIUM $ 337 1,794 5,223 518 8,677 5,221 250