CAFR_FY Ending_09/30/1979 t .- ,` ,, I, VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT 1_2 COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUP 3-4 GENERAL FUND Balance Sheet Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Statement of Revenues, Expenditures-and Transfers SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARIDJG TRUST FUND 5 6 7 Balance Sheet g Statement of Changes in Fund Balance g Statement of Revenues and Transfers 10 DEBT SERVICE FUND Balance Sheet 11 Statement of Revenues, Transfers, Expenditures and Fund Balance 12 WATER FUND Balance Sheet 13-14 Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings 15 Income Statement 16 Statement of Changes in Financial Position 17 STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS i8 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 19-24 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION General Fund Schedule of Revenues and Transfers Schedules of Expenditures and Transfers Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Under Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act Assistance Grant Contract No. 79TA-85-10-60--.2-006 Water Fund Schedule of Operating Expenses - Actual and Budgeted Comparative Summary of Operations - September 30, 1979 and 1978 Analysis of Restricted Funds Under Revenue Bond Ordinance Combined Schedule of Investments - All Funds Amortization Schedule - Series 1978 Water .Refunding Revenue Bonds Schedule of Insurance 25-26 27-33 34 35-37 38 39-40 41-44 45-47 48-49 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUN TAN78 220 FLAGLER COURT BUILDING PORT OFFICE BOX 347 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE (306 668-3060 EVERETT B. NOWLEN, CPA W. F. LYNCH, CPA ft®1a-7-1tM41 V. C. STEWART, CPA ALAN L. TEDAMON80N, CPA EDWARD T, HOLT, CPA WILLIAM C. KISKER, 7R., CPq WILLIAM B. MINER, CPA JANET R. HARICEVICH, CPA B. E. WEEKS, GPA JACLYN J. TEDAMONHON, CPA R. GREGORY SMITH, GPA ROBERT W. HENDRIX, JR., GPA DAVID B. BLAGK, CPA The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village. of Tequesta, Florida MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORIDA IN8T)TUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS BELLE GLADE, FLORIDA OFFICE 933 8. E. 2ND 8TREET P09T OFFICE BOX 339 HELLS GLADE, FLORIDA 33430 TELEPHONE 19061 5196.5652 We have examined the financial statements of the various funds and account group of the Village of Tequesta, Florida for .the year ended September 30, 1979, as listed in the foregoing table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance. with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting re-cords and such other auditing procedures as we con- sidered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the various funds and account group of the Village of Tequesta, Florida at September 30, 1979, and results of operations of such funds and the changes in financial position of the water fund for the year ended September 30, 1979, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year, We have also reviewed the provisions of the bond ordinances relating to the receipts and application of funds, and in our opinion., based on our examination of the financial statements, the Village has complied. with such provisions. It should be noted that information obtained on the basis of our examination of the financial statements would not necessarily disclose defaults of a non-accounting nature. The accompanying supplemental information and the. column on the accompanying combined balance sheet captioned "Total Memorandum Only" are not necessary for a fair presentation of the financial statements, but are presented as additional analytical data. This information has been subjected to the tests and other auditing procedures applied in the examination of the financial statements mentioned above and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. ~~~~ ~ t February 6, 1980 ~/ VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUP SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 ASSETS Cash Investments Accrued interest receivable Accounts receivable Due from, other governments Due from general fund (Note. 2) Prepaid expenses and deposits Restricted assets Net property, plant and equipment General fixed assets Unamortized debt issue costs (Note l~ TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES Accounts payable Due to water funs Customers' meter Accrued interest Long-term debt - Less unamortized and accrued payroll 3 (Note 2) deposits payable water fund (Note 6) debt discount (Note 1) TOTAL MEMORANDUM ONLY $ 180,126 281,200 6,785 131,722 23,5.56 123,472 820 1,711,939 3,666,691 405,548 178,337 $6,710,196 $ 82,994 123,472 65,988 132,131 3,915,000 (111,578) TOTAL LIABILITIES FUND EQUITY Contributions Investment in general fixed assets Reserve - encumbrances (Note 7) Reserves - water fund (Note 5) Fund balances (deficit) Retained earnings TOTAL FUPv'D EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. $4,208,007 $ 245,500 405,548 12,718 1,513,346 (62,746) 38.7,.823 $2,502,189 $6,710,196 3 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL .FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUP SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 FEDERAL REVENUE DEBT GENERAL SHARING SERVICE WATER FUND TRUST FUND FUND FUND GENERAL FIXED ASSETS. $ 84,614 $ 3,910. $ 602 $ 91,000 $ 281,200 6,785 4,277. 127,445 19,794 3,762 123,472 280 540_ 1,711,939 3,666,691 405,548 178,337 $108,965 $ 7,672 $ 602 $6,187,409 $405,548 $ 43,779 $ 16 $ 39,199 $ 123,472 65,988 132,131 3,915,000 (111,578) $167,251 $ -0-- $ 16 $4,040,740 $ -0- $ $ $ $ 245,500 $ .405,548 10,618 2,1-00 1,513,346 (68,904) 5,572 586 387,823 $(58,286) $ 7,672 $ 586 $2,146,669 $405.,548 $108,965 $ 7,672 $ 602 $6,187,409 $405,548 The. accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 4 NOWLEN, LYNCH & 57EWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 ASSETS Cash Accounts receivable Due from other governments Deposits TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES, RESERVE AND FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) Liabilities: Accaunts payable Accrued payroll taxes Prepaid occupational licenses -Due to water fund (Note 2) Total Liabilities Reserve for encumbrances (Note 7) Fund balance (deficit) TOTAL LIABILITIES,. RESERVE AND FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. $ 84,614 4,277 19,794 $108,965 $ 25,742 4,398 13,639 123,472 $167,251 10,618 (68,904) $108,965 5 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1978 Deduct: Excess of expenditures and transfers over revenues and transfers Increase in reserve for encumbrances FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 The accompanying notes are an essential .part ' of the financial statements. 6 ~ NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWAR7 $286,296 344,582 10,618 $(68,904) VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 19.79 REVENUES AND TRANSFERS Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenues Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Miscellaneous revenues Intragovernmental services TOTAL REVENUES ACTUAL $ 631,429 67,130 190,807 7,172 12,524 35,556 12,000 $ .956,618 39,500 $ 996,118 $ 628,998 58,250 195,737 5,820 8,000 20,300 12,000 $ 929;105 $ .169,923 395,799 150,930 543,838 4,397 63,813 $ 2,431 8,880 (4,930) 1,352 4,524 15,256 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS General government Public safety Physical environment Transportation Human services Culture/recreation TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS EXCESS. OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS OVER REVENUES AND TRANSFERS $1,328,700 12,000 $1,340,700 BUDGET 39,500 OVER (UNDER) BUDGET $ 27,513 $ 963.,605 $ 27,513 $ 194,510 415,027 153,800 400,434 6,728 80,169 $1,250,668 $ (.24,587) (19,228) (2,870) 143,404 (2,331) (16,356a $ 78,032 12,038 $1,262,706 (_3 8 $ 77,994 $ (.344,582) $ (294,101) $.50,481 The accompanying notes are an .essential part of the financial .statements.. 7 NOWLEN, LYNCH & S7EWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 ASSETS Cash $3,910 Due from Federal Government - entitlement payment 3,762 TOTAL ASSETS $7,672 RESERVE AND FUND BALANCE Reserve for encumbrances (Note 7) $2,100 Fund balance 5,572 TOTAL RESERVE AND FUND BALANCE $7,672 The accompanying notes are an essential part- of the financial statements. 8 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER. 1, 1978 Deduct: Excess of transfers over revenues Increase in reserve FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 9 NOWLEN, LYNCH & $TEWART $30, 600 22,928 2,100 $ 5,572 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 OVER (UNDER) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET REVENUES Entitlement payments $ 15,045 $ 15,930 $ (885) Investment earnings 1,527 1,375 152 TOTAL REVENUES $ 16,5?2 $ 17,305 $ (733) Transfers to general .fund: Road and street facilities $ 26,275 $ 26,900 $ (625) Law enforcement 12,894 14,900 (2,006). Parks and ,recreation 4,2.00 (4,200) Financial and administrative 205 205 Other general government 126 300 (174). TOTAL TRANSFERS $ 39,500 $ 46,505 $(7,005) EXCESS OF TRANSFERS OVER REVENUES $(_22,9281 $(29,200) $ 6,272 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 10 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART' VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 ASSETS Cash LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: ..Accounts payable Fund balance. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE The accompanying notes are an essential. part of the financial statements. $ 602 $ 16 586 $ 602 11 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, TRANSFERS, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 Investment earnings $ 861 TRANSFERS Transfers from general fund 12,000 TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS $ 12,861 EXPENDITURES Principal payments $25,000 Lnterest payments 1,063 Premium paid on bond redemption 130 Paying agent's fee 55 Miscellaneous expense 137 26,385 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) TO FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1, 1978 FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. $ (13,524) 14,110 $ 586 12 NOWLEN, LYNCH & 6TEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash $ 91,000 Certificates of deposit 281,200 Accounts receivable 127,445 Accrued interest receivable 6,785 Prepaid expenses 540 Due from general fund (Note 2) 123,472 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $ 630,442 RESTRICTED ASSETS Cash and investments: Cash with paying agent $ 132,131 Sinking fund 1,766 Bond amortization fund 615,575 Reserve account 266,744- Renewal and replacement fund 24,596 Meter deposits fund 99,118 Water main relocation fund 19,898 1976 water construction fund 323,400 Capital improvement fund 254,017 Less unamortized discount on investments (38,624) Accounts receivable - meter deposits fund 311 Accrued interest receivable 13,007 TOTAL RESTRICTED ASSETS 1,711,939 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT At cost: Land $ 92,042 Plant and equipment 4,162,490 $4,254,532 Less accumulated depreciation (Note 1) 587,841 NET PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 3,666,691 OTHER ASSETS Unamortized debt issue costs (iJote 1? 178,337 TOTAL $6,187,409 The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 13 VILLAGE. OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 LIABILITIES, RESERVES, CONTRIBUTIONS AND RETAINED EARNINGS CURRENT LIABILITIES (PAYABLE FROM CURRENT ASSETS) Accounts payable, accrued payroll and utilities taxes $ 38,725 CURRENT LIABILITIES (PAYABLE FROM RESTRICTED. ASSETS) Accounts payable $ 474 Customers' meter deposits 65,988 Accrued interest payable 132,131 198,593 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $ 237,318 LONG-TERM DEBT Water. refunding revenue bonds payable - .series 1978 (Note 6) Less: L'namortized debt discount (Note 1) TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT TOTAL LIABILITIES RESERVES (rdote 5 ) CONTRIBUTIONS Contributions from customers RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL $3,915,000 (111,578) 3,803,422 .$4,040,740 1,513,346 245,500 387,823 The accompanying notes are an essential part of thefinancial statements.. 14 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART $6,187,409 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 Balance of Retained Earnings, October 1, 1978 Add: Net income for the year Decrease in reserves Balance of Retained Earnings, September 30, 1979 The accompanying notes are an essential .:part of the financial statements. 15 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART $ 67,844 131,660 188,319 $387,823 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 OPERATING REVENUES Water sales Connection fees and service charges Fire hydrant rental fees TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Purchased water Pumping and storage expense Distribution expense Office and administrative expense TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES BEFORE DEPRECIATION OPERATING INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION DEPRECIATION (Note d) NET OPERATING INCOME NON-OPERATING INCOME (EXPENSES) Investment earnings Interest on debt Debt discount amortization and paying agents' fees NET INCOr1E The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements. 16 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART $818,523 15,973 8,500 $842,996 _ $328,500 67,109 50,883 47,319 $493,811 $349,185 93,923 $255,262 152,596 (264,263) (11,935) $131,660 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 SOURCES OF FUNDS.. Operations: Net income for the year Items not requiring current outlay of funds: Depreciation and amortization Total Operations Contributions from customers Decrease in restricted assets TOTAL APPLICATIONS OF FUNDS Increase in property, plant and equipment Increase in working capital TOTAL Various Elements of Net Increase in Working Capital: $131,660 104,095 $235,755 150,600 182,379 $568,734 $389,230 179,504 $568,734 INCREASE (DECREASE) Cash Certificates of deposit. Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable Prepaid expenses Due from general fund Accounts payable, accrued payroll and utilities taxes Customers' meter deposits TOTAL The accompanying notes are an essential part. of the financial statements. $ 5,033 15,700 34,229 3,850 280 123,472 8,642 (11,7021 $179,504 17 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART .VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Land Buildings Improvements other than buildings Equipment Total General Fixed Assets INVESTMENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Total investment in .general fixed assets from bonds, general revenues and gifts The accompanying notes are an essential part of the financial statements.. 18 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART $ 35,000 150,666 46,116 173,766 $405,548 $405,548 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The .Village of Tequesta, Florida is a municipality located in Palm Beach County, Florida, .incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida. Funds The following types of funds are used in accounting for the financial operations of the Village of Tequesta, Florida: General Fund General fund to account for all financial transactions not properly accounted for in another fund. - Special Revenue Fund - Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund Special revenue fund to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources or to finance specific activities as required by law. Debt Service Fund Debt service fund. to account for the payment of interest and principal on matured, long-term debt other than revenue bonds. Water Fund Water fund to account for the financing of services to the general public where all or most of .the costs involved are paid for in the form of charges by users of such services. Group of Accounts The following type of group of accounts is used in accounting for the Village's general fixed assets:. General Fixed Assets Group of Accounts All long-term assets of the Village other than those recorded in the water fund, are general .fixed assets. These assets are accounted for by placing them in a single, self-balancing group of accounts. The acquisition of assets by the Village is accounted for as an expenditure in the .fund in which it is made and also, as an increase-in the general fixed assets group of accounts. No depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. 19 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 NOTE l - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Basis of Accounting General Fund, Special Revenue Fund and Debt Service Fund The modified accrual basis of accounting which is that method of accounting in which revenues are normally recognized when collected, except for revenues susceptible to accrual or of a material amount which have not been received at the normal time of receipt and in which expenditures are recognized when incurred, other than accrued interest on general long-term debt which is recorded when due. Water Fund - The accrual basis of accounting which is that method of accounting whereby expenses and related liabilities are recorded when incurred and revenues and related assets are recorded when earned. Investments Investments are stated at cost. Accounts Receivable. No allowance for doubtful accounts is considered necessary at September 30, 1979. Depreciation Water fund fixed assets purchased are stated at cost. Depreciation has been computed-using the straight-line method over the following estimated useful lives of the assets. Plant 50 Years Equipment 20-30 Years Office equipment 6 Years Vehicles 4 Years Amortization - Water Fund Debt discount and issue costs are .amortized over the life of the related bondissue. Amortization for 1979 is $10,172. 20 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 NOTE 2 - DUE TOjFROM WATER FUND/GENERAL FUND During the year ended September 30, 1979, the water fund advanced $123,472 to the general fund. .The purpose of the advance was to assist the general fund in payment of expenditures for drainage and street resurfacing improvements. It is .anticipated that this advance will be returned to the water fund within one year (see note 8). NOTE 3 - PENSION PLAN. A11 full-time Village. employees are eligible to participate in the non-contributory state retirement system as authorized. by Chapter 121 of the Florida Statutes. Total pension costs for the year ended September 30, 1979 were $53,792. As of September 30, 1979, there was no unfunded liability for prior service costs. NOTE 4 - WATER FUND - REQUIRED PAYMENTS PER BOND ORDINANCE Pursuant to Ordinance 260 enacted by the Village Council on May 9, 1978, the Village has issued water refunding revenue bonds series 1978 outstanding in the principal amount of $3,915,000. Ordinance 260 provides for the disposition of. all revenues derived from the operation of the water system. Revenues are first to be used for payment of all current operating expenses. Revenues are next to be used for the required payments for principal and interest on, and reserve for, the outstanding water refunding revenue bonds. Revenues are next to be used to maintain the renewal, replacement and improvement of the water system. Such payments to the renewal and replacement fund are made monthly equal to one-twelfth of .the estimated annual cost of extensions, additions to, enlargements and replacement of capital assets of the system and emergency repairs thereto ,'such cost to be established by recommendation of the consulting engineer. Finally, any revenues remaining may be used for any lawful purpose. 21 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 NOTE 5 - RESERVES - WATER FUND The revenue bond ordinance described in note 4, required the e tablishment of the following accounts.: Account Purpose Revenue Fund To collect the entire gross revenues derived from the system, except invest- ment earnings. Operation and To pay fully accrued operating Maintenance Fund expenses. Sinking Fund To accumulate sufficient f~znds to meet .annual debt service requirements through transfers from the revenue fund. Bond Amortization Fund Established within the sinking fund to meet principal payment on the.. debt. Reserve Account To accumulate funds for payment of principal and interest. only if funds in the sinking fund are insufficient. Renewal and Replacement To accumulate funds for the purpose Fund of funding the cost of extensions, additions to, enlargements and replacement of capital assets of the system and emergency repairs thereto. NOTE 6 - LONG-TERM DEBT - WATER FUND. The long-term :debt. consists of series 1978 water. refunding revenue term bends. The term bonds bear interest at 6.75% and mature as follows: $2,010,000 October 1, 2003 1,905,000 April 1, 2007 $3,915,000 22 - _ NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 NOTE 6 - LONG-TERM DEBT - WATER FUND (Continued? U.S. Treasury obligations bearing 7-5/8~ interest will be purchased with funds required to be deposited by the Village into a bond amortization fund. The purpose of this fund is to meet the principal payments on the term bonds. The interest .derived from .the U.S. Treasury obligations will re- main in the fund to be reinvested until fully funded. The required deposits by the Village are as follows: Date 10/1/78 $536,100 4/1/79 700 10/1/79 700 4/1/80 700 10/1/8 0 700/ 4/1/81 _ 700 10/1/81 700 4/1/82 700 10/1/82 700 4/1/83 700 10/1/83 700 4/1/84 700 10/1/84 700 4/1/85 700 10/1/85 700 4/1/86 700 10/1/86 700 4/1/87 700 10/1/87 700 4/1/88 700 10/1/88 700 4/1/89 700 10/1/89 700 4/1/90 700 10/1/90. 700 4/1/91 700 10/1/91 70'0 4/1/92 704 10/1/92 700 4/1/93 700 10/1/93 700 $557,.10.0 23 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 NOTE 7 - RESERVES FOR ENCUMBRANCES The encumbrances recorded represent amounts appropriated for bicycle paths outstanding at September 30, 1979. NOTE 8 - OTHER MATTERS The Village was involved in a lawsuit with Jupiter Inlet Corporation. The Corporation contended. that the Village had withdrawn water from beneath its property depriving the Corpor- ation of the use of its property. A final judgment was entered in favor of the Village by the United States Supreme Court on September 24, 1979. The Village has entered into contracts for a drainage and street resurfacing program amounting to approximately $856,000. The Village has expended through September 30, 1979, approxi- mately $411,000 of which .$123,472 was advanced from the water fund. A final decision on how the remaining program costs will be financed has not been made, but the Village is considering issuing an amount not exceeding $910,000 improvement revenue bonds to pay these remaining program costs and to repay the water fund advance. Pledged revenues for the anticipated bond issue would consist of the: guaranteed entitlement. portion of state revenue sharing trust funds, public service utilities taxes, certain franchise fees and occupational license taxes. 24 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 OVER (UNDER) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET TAXES Ad valorem taxes $374,462 $373,388 $ 1,074 Franchise taxe s 112,021 112,400 (379).. Utility taxes 123,619 122,000 1,619 Cigarette taxes 15,778 15,600 ~ 178 Beverage license tax 4,466 4,410 56 Gas tax refund 1,083 1,200 (117) TOTAL .TAXES $631,429 $628,998 $ 2,431 LICENSES AND PERMITS Building permits $ 41,161. $ 36,000 $ 5,161 Occupational licenses 25,619 22,000 3,619 Other permits 350 250 100 TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS $ 67,130 $ 58,250 $ 8;880 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES State revenue sharing. $129,249 $129,200 $ 49 County road and bridge tax 24,116 30,000 (5,884) Homestead exemption 12,974 12,069 905 State planning assistance program. 5,406 5,406 County recreational funding 19,062 19,062 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES $190,807 $195,737 $(4,930) CHARGES FOR SERVICES Zoning. fee s. $ 210. $ 100 $ 110 Certification, copying and sale of maps and publications 933 920 13 Police desk message service 1,200 1,200 Building inspection service 2,865 500 2,365. Tennis court light fees 1,964 3,100 (1,136) TDTAL.CHARGES FOR SERVICES $ 7,172 $ 5,820. $ 1,352 25 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 OVER (UNDER) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FINES AND FORFEITURES Fines and forfeitures Parking fines TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES Investment earnings Other miscellaneous Trash bag sales TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES $ 9,359 $ 5,200 $ 4,159 3,165 2,800 365 $.12,524 $ 8,000 $ 4,524 $ 29,934 $ 15,000 $14,934 2,025. 1,800 225 3,597 3,500 97 $ 35,556 $ 20,300 $15,256 INTRAGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES Administrative management - water fund Office rent - water fund TOTAL INTRAGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES. TOTAL REVENUES TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS Federal revenue sharing fund TOTAL REVENUES APID TRANSFERS $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 5,000 5,000 $.12,000. $ 12,000 $ -0- $956,618 $929,105 $27,513 39,500 39,500 $996,118 $968,605 $27,513 26 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 (OVER) UNDER GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Legislative Salaries Travel. Other current charges Total Legislative Executive - Village Manager Salaries- FICA.taxes Retirement contributions Life and health insurance Workmen's compensation Travel Other current charges Books, publications, dues Total Executive - Village Manager Executive - Village Clerk Salaries FICA taxes Retirement contributions Life and health insurance Workmen's compensation Travel Other current charges Operating supplies Books, publications, dues $ 3,000 $ 3,100 $ 100 423 800 377 25 25 $ 3,423 $ 3,925 $ 502 $ 26,067 $ 2,067 $ 1,229 .1,231 2 2,447 2,448 1 911 990 79 65 70 5 1,369 1,450 81 11 120 109 5 50 45 $ 32,104 $ 32,426 $ 322 $ 11,696 $ 12,540 $ 844 715 773. 58 1,099 1,163 64 229 263 34 30 34 4 318 750 432 1,641 2,200 559 40 300 260 35 50 15 Total Executive - Village Clerk $ 15,803 $ 18,073 $ 2,270 27 NOWLEIV, LYNCH & S7EWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 GENERAL GOVERNMENT (Continued) Financial and Administrative (OVER) UNDER ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Salaries FICA taxes Retirement contributions Life and health insurance Workmen's compensation Accounting and auditing Travel Other current charges Office supplies Books,. publications, dues Machinery and equipment Total Financial and Administrative Legal Counsel Professional services Total Legal Counsel Comprehensive Planning Professional services Printing and binding Other Total Comprehensive Planning $ 9,780 $ 10,833 $ 1,053 598 668 70 916 1,005 89 731 823 92 24 29 5 3,500 3,500 50 50 50 50 68 ~ 100 32 50 50 .684 926 242 $ 16,301 $ 18,034 $ 1,733 $ 18,646 $ 23,000 $ 4,354 $ 18,646 $ 23,000 $ 4,354 $ 14,375 $ 14,375 $ 568. 1,000 432 1,587 1,700 113 $ 16,530 $ 17.,075 $ 545 f i 28 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 GENERAL GOVERNMENT .(Continued) Other General Government Salaries Merit. pay FICA taxes Retirement contributions Life and health insurance LVorkmen's compensation Unemployment compensation Professional services Communication services Transportation Utility services Rentals and leases Fire hydrant rental fees Office equipment - Xerox Others Insurance Village hall maintenance Office machine repairs Other current charges Office supplies Books, publications,. dues Aid to private' organizations. Other grants and aids Contingencies Machinery Total. Other General Government TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTUAL BUDGET (OVER) UNDER BUDGET $ 15,112 $ 15,228 $ 116 2,203 7,815 5,612 931. 939 8 1,422 1,425 3 1,004 1,238 234 36 41 5 1,000 1,000 1,097 1,425 328 1,954 2;200. 246 1,179 1,300 121 6,760 6,800 40 8,500 8,500 3,381 3,250 (131) 30 40 10 896 1,515 619 3,409 4,700 1,291. 421 4.50 29 2,304 2,100 (204) 1,642 1,700 58 594 637 43 9,620 9,620 4,416 4,420. 4 5,429 5,429 205 205 $ 67,.116 $ 81,977 $ 14,861. $ 169,923 $ 194,510 $ 24,587 29 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART .VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES A1VD TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 PUBLIC SAFETY Law Enforcement Salary - police chief Salarv - lieutenant Salary - patrol sergeants Salary - detective Salary - senior patrol officer Salary - patrol Salary - dispatchers Overtime FICA taxes Retirement contributions Life and health insurance Workmen's compensation Travel Communications services Insurance Repair and maintenance services Printing and binding Other current charges Personnel training Office supplies Gasoline and oil Uniforms and equipment Books, publications, due s Total Law Enforcement .Detention .and/or Correction Other contractual services - Pa1m Beach County Sheriff's Department (OVER) UNDER ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 20,712 $ 20,712 $ 15,542 15,542 41,064 42,168 1,104 15,179. 15,179 14,194. 14,365 171 109,084 111,900 2,816. 31,650 33,691 2,041 1,651 1,850 199 15,319 16,092 773 32,978 35,579 2,601 _ 10.,959 12,731 1,772 6,930 7,960 1,030 2,635 2,500 (1351 2,133 2,200 67 7,198 7,350 152 7,901 8,500 ~ 599 422 500 78 826 1,530 704 405 500 95 362 500 ~ 138 12,185 12,300 115 15,234 15,234 205 250 45 $ 364,768 $ 379,133 $ 14,365 -0- $ 100 $ 100 30 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS' FOR THE YEAR ENDED. SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 PUBLIC SAFETY (Continued) Protective Inspections Salary - building official Salary -.other FICA taxes Retirement contributions Life and health insurance Workmen's compensation Travel Communications services Other current charges Books, publications, dues Machinery and equipment Total Protective Inspections Emergency and Disaster .Relief Civil defense Disaster relief contingency Machinery and equipment Total Emergency and Disaster Relief TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Contractual.: service - garbage Contractual service - trash TOTAL PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (OVER) UNDER ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 19,453 $ 19,453 $ 4,912 4,912 1,426 1,441 15 2,288 2,288 501 594 93 900 934 34 816 900 84 335 _ 330 (5) 223 400 177 70 100 30 107 242 135 $ 31,031 $ 31,594 $ 563 $ $ 500 $ 500 3,200 3,200 500 500 $ -0- $ 4,200 $ 4,200 $ 395,799 $ .415,027 $ 19,22.8 $ 106,808 $ 109,000 $ 2,192 44,122 44,800 678 $ 150,930 $ 153,800 $ 2,870 31 1VOWLEN, LYNGH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 TRANSPORTATION Road and Street Facilities Salary,- superintendent Salary - maintenance Overtime FICA taxes Retirement Life and health insurance Workmen's compensation insurance Travel Utilities services Insurance Repair and maintenance - truck Other current charges Gasoline and oil - truck Gasoline and oil - other Small tools Traffic signs General maintenance Trash bags Road materials and supplies Road and drainage improvements Machinery and equipment Total Road and Street Facilities TOTAL TRANSPORTATION HUMAN SERVICES Health - Mosquito Control Wages FICA taxes Retirement. Repairs and maintenance Other current charges Gasoline and oil Insecticide ACTUAL $ 13,167 28,536 465 2,581 3, 974 2,406 1,598 14 9,093 4,sOs 1,566 340 1,608 203 456 434 23,064 3,517 9,424 435,772 1,112 543,838 $ 543,838 $ 864 53 51 516 37 2,876 Total Health - Mosquito Control TOTAL HUMAN SERVICES $ 4,397 $ 4,397 BUDGET $ 13,167 28,536 500 2,596 4,068 2,656 1,674 50 9;200 4,510 2,000 400 1, 650 200 664 600 23,000 3,6.00 9,450 290,801 1,112 $ 400,434 $ 400,434 $ 1,500 92 137 550 49 50 4,350 $ 6,728 $ 6.,728 32 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART (.OVER) UNDER BUDGET 35 15 94 250 76 36 107 2 434 60 42 (31 208 166 {64 ) 83 26 (144,9?11 $ {143,404 $(143,404) $ 636 39 86 34 49 13 1,474 2,331 $ 2,331 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE. OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS FOR THE YEAR ELdDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 CULTURE/RECREATION Parks and Recreation (OVER) UNDER ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Wages - director Wages - maintenance Wages - playground leaders Wages - tennis court supervisor Overtime FICA taxes Retirement contributions Life and health insurance Workmen's compensation Travel Communication services Electricity.- trailer and office Electricity - field lights Electricity - security lights Water Insurance Building and equipment repairs Field repairs Truck repairs Other current charges Office supplies Gasoline and oil - truck Small tools. Minor equipment Program. expense Books, publications, dues Playground, parks, improvements Bicycle path Total Parks and Recreation TOTAL CULTURE/RECREATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES. TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS Transfers to debt service fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS $ 16,004 $ 16,004 $ 8,912 8,912 3,180 3,600 420 2,401 2,500 99 122 200 78 1,552 1,574 22 2,364 2,386 22` 1,246 1,368 122 793 1,035 242 1,004 1,150 14b 293 400 107 1,466 1,700 234 455 1,700 1,245 179 200 21 953 700 (253) 452 700 248 2,916 3,000 84 2,489 2,500 11 289 300 11 165 170 5 1 50 49 264 240 (24) 141 150 9 769 800 31 461 800 339 25 30 5 .14,.917 15,000 83 13,000 13,000 $ 63,813 $ 80,169 $ 16,356 $ 63,813 $ 80,169 $ 16,356. $1,328,700 $1,250,668 $(78,032) 12,000 12,038 $1,340,700 $1,262,706 33 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART 38 $(77,994) VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. UNDER LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ACT ASSISTANCE GRANT CONTRACT NO. 79TA-85-10-60-2-006 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 REVENUES State grant Village cash match TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Consultants' fees Travel expenses. and .miscellaneous expenses Salaries Office expense Maps Printing Advertising TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES Amount Purpose $ 5,406 State grant per agreement 2,703 Village matching funds per agreement $ 8,109 $10,000 .Preparation of comprehensive development plan 51 Miscellaneous out-of-pocket expenses of consultants 274 Typing services 180 Postage and stationery 80 Charge for maps 425 Printing of comprehensive development plan 826 Publications of notices of public hearings $11,836 $ 3,727 34 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - ACTUAL AND BUDGETED FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 PURCHASED WATER PUMPING AND STORAGE EXPENSE Regular salaries and wages Superintendent Assistant superintendent Overtime FICA taxes Retirement contributions Life and health insurance Workmen's compensation Professional services - U.S.G.S. Water tank maintenance Communications service - telephone lease line - contols Utility services - electricity Insurance Repair and maintenance services .machinery and equipment Building and other Truck and tractor Miscellaneous Office supplies. Truck and tractor gasoline and oil Chemicals Small tools Laboratory supplies. General diesel fuel TOTAL PUMPING AND STORAGE EXPENSE DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE Regular salaries and wages Superintendent Assistant superintendent Meter reader/water analyst Labor Other salaries and wages part-time Overtime Sub-Total ACTUAL BUDGET $328,500 $328,500 $ 9,727 5,566 1,485 996 1,573 629 607 3,217 3,400 672 27,494 3,327 3,616 481 1,102 560 193 1,178 531 612 75 67,109 $ 9,727 5,595 1,500 1,100 1,600 680 759 3,600 3,700 700 28,.50-0 3,330 5,000 500 1,200 625 300 1,300 800 700 250 299 $ 71,765 $ 9,726 $ 9,726 5,566 5,594 5,740. 8,483- 15,073 16,991 84 690 2,605 2,600 $ 38,794 $ 44,084 -35 NOWLEN,'LYNCH & STEWART (OVER) UNDER BUDGET 29 15 104 27 51 152 383 300 28 1.,006 3 1,384 19 98 65 107 12z 269 88 175 $ .4,656 $ 28 2,743 1,918 606 (5 )- $ 5, 290 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORLDA- WATER FUND SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - ACTUAL AND BUDGETED FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE (Continued) Total Brought. Forward FICA taxes. Retirement contributions Life and health insurance Workmen's compensation Insurance - auto and truck Repair and maintenance services Machinery and equipment Truck and tractor Miscellaneous Truck and tractor gasoline .and oil TOTAL DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE (OVER1 UNDER ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 38,794 $ 44,084 $ 5,290 2,381 2,506 125 3,676 3,852 176 1,586 1,675 89 947 975 28 827 830 3 246 1;500. 1,254 953 1,000 47 260 300 40 .1,213 1,250 __ 37 $ 50,883 $.57,972 $ 7,089 Regular salaries and wages Office clerk $ 10,316 $ 10,316 $ Other salaries and wages Office clerk - part-time 4,431 4,500 69 Merit pay 1,272 1,272 FICA taxes 681 700 19 Retirement contributions 1,003 1,010 7 Life and health insurance 201 232 31 Workmen's compensation 33 40 7 Unemployment compensation- 300 300 Professional service s Legal. 300 8,000 7,700 Engineering service 1,328 3,000 1,672 Financial consultant l 1 Accounting and .auditing 5,900 5,000 (9001 Travel and per diem 400 400 Communications services - telephone 839. 884 45 Rentals and leases Rent - Village of Tequesta 5,000. 5,000. Lease - Florida East Coast Railway 80 80 Other 30 30 Insurance 1,595 2,300 705 Sub-Total $ 31,737 $ 43,065 $ it,328 _36 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWAR7 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATEP. FUND SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - ACTUAL AND BUDGET FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 (OVER) OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE (Continued) Total Brought Forward Repair and maintenance services Office machines Other Licenses and fees Miscellaneous Administrative management Contingencies Personnel training Office supplies Books, publications, subscriptions and memberships TOTAL OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS CONNECTED TO SYSTEM AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 (UNAUDITED) UNDER ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $31,737 $ 43,065 $_11,328 153 225 72 100 100 1,650 1,700 50 1,459 2,000 541 7,000 7,000 ~., 000 1, 000 60 300 240 5,160 6,000 840 100 200 100 $ 47,319 $ 61,590 $ 14,271 $493,811 $519,827 $ 26,016 2,934 37 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 AND 1978 OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES BEFORE OPERATING INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION NET OPERATING INCOME. NON-OPERATING INCOME (EXPENSESI INCOME BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY ITEM EXTRAORDINARY ITEM NET INCOME 1979 $ 842,996 1978 $ 796,737 493,811 494,792 $ 349,I85 $.301,945 93,923 74,940 $ 255,262 $ 227,005 (123,.602) (113,582) $ 131,660 $ 113,423 334,363 $ 131,660 $447,786 38 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND ANALYSIS OF' RESTRICTED FUNDS UNDER REVENUE BOND ORDINANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 TOTAL Balance, October 1, 1978 Cash and investments Unamortized discounts on investments Accrued interest receivable Due from paying agent Increases: Transfers from net income Investment earnings Total Decreases: Interest payments Paying agent's fees Transfers to other unrestricted funds Total Balance, September 30, 1979 Cash and investments Unamortized discount on investments Accrued interest receivable Prepaid expenses $ .861,558 (38, 007) 10,417 6,884 $ 840,852 262,669 72,741 $1,176,262 $ 264,263 660 33,831 $ 298,754 $ 908,681 (38,624) 7,151 300 $ 877,508 39 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA WATER FUND ANALYSIS OF RESTRICTED FUNDS UNDER REVENUE BOND ORDINANCE .FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 REFUNDING REVENUE- CAPITAL BONDS BOND RENEWAL AND IMPROVEMENTS SINKING AMORTIZATION RESERVE REPLACEMENT RESERVE. FUND FUND ACCOUNT FUND FUND $ $565,000 $266,758 $25,200 $ 4,600 (38,007) 5,547 4,675 195 6,884 $ 6,8:84 $532,540 $271,433 $25,395 $ 4,600 257,441 5,228 5,026 44,853 20,942 1,782 138 $269,351 $582,621 $292,375 $27,177 $ 4,738 $264,263 $ $ $ $ 660 2,362 24,342 2,389 4,738 $267,285 $ -0- $ 24,342 $ 2,389 $ 4,738 $ .1,766 $615,575. $266,744 $24,596 $ (38,6241 5,670 1,289 192 300 $ 2,066 $582,621 $268,033 $24,788 $ -0- 40 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART .VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED SCHEDU LE OF INVESTP~iENTS - ALL FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 UNITED STATES TREASURY OBLIGATIONS UNAMORTIZED MARKET INTEREST MATURITY PAR VALUE COST DISCOUNT VALUE RATE DATE Water fund Customer meter deposits fund $ 55,000 $ 53,434 $ $ 52,899 6.750 8/15/80 Reserve account 55,000 54,880 51,832 8.250 8/15/85 Capital improve- ment fund 35,000 34,009 33,663 6.750 8/15/80 Bond amortization fund 590.,000 549,.998 38,624 .497,016 7.625 2/15/07 41 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS - ALL FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT INTEREST MATURITY AMOUNT- DATE DATE Water Fund Reserve account Renewal and replacement fund 1976 water .construction fund Retained earnings account $ 1,000 6.50 208,84.8 7.5.0 2,000 6.50 .1,800 6.00 1,700 6.00 3,300 6.00 2,000 6.00 15,700 .9:77 214,400 9.70 108,000 10.25 50,.800 9.49 22,100 9.42 99,900 9.04 13,100 9.48 40,200 6.50 2,900 6.50 5,000 6.50 2,000. 6.50 2,900 6.50 2.,000 6.50 1,800 6.50 21,100 .6.50 2,000 6.50 2,300 6.50 2,600 6.50 3,000 6.50 2,500 6.50 3,000 6.50 2,000 6..50 3/28/80 7/1/86 10/8/81 10/9/79 10/11/79 10/18/79 12/5/79 3/7/80 10/1/79 11/22/79 10/9/79 12/10/79 12/11/79 2/15/80 10/12/79 2/16/80 2/19/80 3/2/80 4/18/80 5/8/80 5/21/80 .6/1/80 6/6/80 7/9/80 8/8/80 8/21/80 .9/9/80 10/13/80 11/5/80 42 NOWLEN, LYNCF! & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS - ALL FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 Water Fund Customer meter deposits fund Water main relocation fund Capital improvement fund CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT INTEREST MATURITY AMOUNT RATE DATE $ 1,8.00 6.50 11/26/79 2,900 6.50 1/28/80 17,100. 9.30 2/4/80 1,700 6.50 2/17/80 1,000 6.50 3/30/80 1,200 6.50 5/8/80 1,800 6.50 5/23/80 1,200 6.50 7/24/80 1,3.00 6.50 8/24/80 1,400 6.50 10/18/80 3,000 6.50 11/24/80 1,100.. 6.50 12/6/80 2,600 6.50 12/30/80 5,300. 5.25 11/26/79 19,800 9.50 2/21/80 10,600 9.60 11/28/79 3,400 5.50 11/28/79 1,000 5.50 11/28/79 2,000 5.50 11/28/79 .1,200 5,50 11/28/79 47,soo 8,90 1/2/80 4,400 6.50 1/26/80 2,300 6.50 2/1/80 1,700 6..50 2/10/80 2,000 6.50 2/17/80 1,400 6..50. 2/26/80. 1,400 6.50 3/21/80 1,000 6.50 3/26/8.0 1,400 6.50 4/3/80 2,000 6.50 4/20/80 1,200 6.50 5/2/80 1,100 6.50 .5/14/80 8,.400 6.50 5/23/80 1,100 6.50 6/22/80 1,300 6.50 7/13/80 43 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS - ALL FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT INTEREST MATURITY AMOUNT RATE DATF. Water Fund Capital Improvement Fund $ 1,000 6.50 1,300 6.50 1,300 6.50 1,200 6.50 1,200 6.50 2,000 6.50 1,300 6.50 1,300 6.50 1,200 6.50 3,200 5.50 1,100 5.25 20,200 9.77 1.,800 5.25 1,200 5.25 2,700 5.25 66,000 9.04 1,900 6.50 1,000 6.50 1,000 6.50 1,100 6.50 1,200 6.50 2,200 6.50 3,100. 6.50 7/20/80 8/10/80 8/15/80 8/22/80 8/24/80. 9/9/80 10/5/80 10/18/80 10/24/80 11/24/79 11/24/79 3/11/80 11/28/79 11/28/79 11/28/79 12/14/79- 12/1/80 12/7/80 12/13/80 12/20/80 12/23/80 1/6/81 1/12/81 44 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $3,915,000 WATER REr'UNDING REVENUE BONDS - SERIES 1978 SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 The debt was incurred on August 1, 1978, through the issuance of $3,915,000 water refunding revenue bonds. The .proceeds were used to refund a portion of the outstanding Series 1967 and Series 1976A water revenue certificates. The bonds are secured by the net revenues of the water fund. On September 30, 1979, the outstanding bonds totaled $3,915,000; the pay- ment schedule follows: COUPON ANNUAL RATE .PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 1979 Oct. 1 .6.75% 1980 1980 1981 1981 1982 1982 1983 1983 1984 1984 1985 198.5 198E 198.6 1987 1987 1988 1.988 1989 1989 1990 1990 April 1 Oct. 1 April 1 Oct. 1 April 1 Oct. 1 April 1 Oct. 1 April 1 Oct. 1 April l Oct. 1 April 1 Oct. l April 1 Oct. 1 April 1 Oct. 1 April l Oct. 1 April 1 Oct a l 6.75% 6.75 % 6,75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% $ 132,131.25 $ 132,131.25 $ 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 .132.,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25. 132,131.25 264,262.50. 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131,25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 i 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131..25. 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50- .132,131..25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 ~ 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,13.1.25 132,131.25: 264,262.50 i 45 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $3,915,000 WATER REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS - SERIES 1978 __ __ _ SEPTEMBER 3 0 , 19 7 9 COUPON ANNUAL RATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 1991 April 1 6.75% $ $ 132,131.25 $ 132,131.25 $ 1991 -0ct. 1 6.75 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 1992 April 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 1992 Oct. 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 1993 April 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 1993 Oct. 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 1994 April 1 6.75% 132,131.25. 132,131.25 1994 Oct. 1 6.75% 132.,131.25 132.131.25. 264,.262.50 1995 April 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 1995 Oct. 1 6.75% 1.32,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50. 1996 April 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 1996 Oct. 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 1997 April l 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 1997 Oct. 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,26.2.50 1998 April 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 19.98 .Oct. 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 264.262.50 1999 April l 6.7'5% 132,131.25 132,131.25 1999 Oct. 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 2000 A ri1 1 P % 6.75a 132,131.25 2 25 13 ,131. 2000 Oct. 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 2001 April 1 6.75 132,131.25 132,131.25 2001 Oct. 1 6.75% 132,131..25 132,131.25 264,262.50.. 2002 April 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 2002 Oct. 1 6.75% 132,131..25. 132,131.25 264,262..50 2003 April 1 6.75% 132,131.25 132,131.25 2003 Oct. 1 6.75% 2,010,000.00 132,131.25 2,142,131.25 2,274,262:50 2004 April 1 6.75% 64,293.75 64,293.75 2004 Oct. 1 6.75% 64,293.75 64,293..75 128.,587.50. 2005 April 1 6.75% 64,293.75 &4,293.75 2005 Oct. 1 .6.75% 64,293..75 64,293.75 128,58.7.50. 46 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE. $3,915,000 WATER REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS - SERIES 1978 SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 COUPON ANNUAL RATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 2006 April 1 6.750 $ $ 64,293.75 $ 64,293.75.$ 2006. Oct. 1 .6.75% 64,293.75 64,293.75. 128,587.50 2007 April 1 6.750 1,905,000.00 64,293.75 1,969,293.75 1,969,293.75 TOTAL $3,915,000.00 $6,924,487.50 $10,839,4.87.50 $10,839,487.50 47 NOWLEN. LYNCH & STEWART VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 TYPE OF COVERAGE Employees Statutory Life Group Life Insurance Group Hospitalization Automobile - property damage, bodily injury, physical damage and uninsured motorists Public Employees Blanket Bond Workmen's Compensation Multi-Peril Policy INSURER Reliance Insurance Co. Western Life Insurance Co. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Co. National Surety General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Co. General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Co. Buildings and. personal property (90~ co-insurance) Public Official Bond Treasurer National Surety 48 VILLAGE OF TEQ'~ SCHEDULE OF SEPTEMBER POLICY NO. POLICY TERMS SR 40914 10/1/78-10/1/79 3-2215 10/1/78-10/1/79 24883 10/1/78-10/1/79 JESTA, FLORIDA INSURANCE 30, 1979 COVERAGE AMOUNT $10,000 - $20,000 1.5 times annual salary BAPO1-1111 10/1/78-10/1/79 $500,000 - 4135132 12/14/78-10/1/79 $25,000 U783358 10/1/78-10/1/79 $100,000 SMP 185214 10/1/78-10/1/79 $1,181,755 4087118 12/14/78-10/1/79 .$25,000 ANNUAL PREMIUM $ 341 4,092 18,870 6,801 360 12,022 10,257 199 49 NOWLEN, LYNCH & STEWART