CAFR_FY Ending_09/30/1980No Text No Text VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES Report of Certified Public Accountants 1-2 Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups 3-6 Combined Statement o.f Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficit) - All Governmental Fund Types 7-8 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficit) - Budget and Actual - General and Special Revenue Fund Types 9-10 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings - Proprietary Fund Type _ 11 Statement of Changes in Financial Position - Proprietary Fund Type 12 Notes to Financial Statements 13-21 Supplemental Information: General Fund: Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual 22-23 Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual 24-31 Enterprise Fund: Schedule of Operating Expenses - Budget and Actual 32 Comparative Summary of Operations - Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 1980 and 1979 33 Schedule of Restricted Accounts Under Revenue Bond Ordinance 34-35 Schedule of Investments - All Funds 36-37 Amortization Schedule - Improvement Revenue Bonds - Series 1979 38 Amortization Schedule - Series 1978 Water Refunding Revenue Bonds 39-41 Schedule of Insurance 42 NOW[,EN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certitied Public Accouvtants N OWLEN. S TEWART. TEDAMONSON & HOLY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 200 FLAGLER COURT BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 347 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE (303) 669-3060 EV ER ETT B. NOW LE N, CPA V. C. STEW ART, CPA ALAN L. TEDAMO NSO N, CPA [DWARD T. MOLT, CPA WILLIAM C. KISKlR, JR., GPA WILLIAM B. MINff R, CPA ' JAN[T R. BA RIGEVICN, CPA WILLIAM D. DRAKE, CPA B. E. WEE%S, CPA WANDA W. BE RGl RO N, CPA IACLYN J. TEDAMONSON, CPA JOHN B. BOY, JR., CPA R. GREGORY SMITN, CIA LAURA WEDD Ll, CPA ROBERT W. HEN ORIX, JR.. CPA JOSEPH F. BE RG ERO N, CPA The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta, Florida MlMBERS AMEWICAN INSTITUTE OP CERTI PIlD PV ^LIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORIDA INETITUT[ OP GERT9 PIED PV ELIC ACCOUNTANTS ACCOUNTING FIRMS ASSOCIATED INC. BELLE GLADE. FLORIDA OIPIC[ ]]] S.l. 2ND STREET POST OIPICC BOX ]31 BELLE GLADE, PLORIOA ]].]0 ' TELEPNONE I703I 996-Sf12 We have examined the combined financial statements of the various funds and account groups of the Village of Tequesta, Florida, as of and for the year ended September 30, 1980, as listed in the preceding table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the various funds and account groups of the Village of Tequesta, Florida at September 30, 1980, and the results of its operations and the changes in financial position of its proprietary fund for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied..on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. We have also reviewed the accounting requirements of the bond ordinances associated with both the Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1979 and Water Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1978, relating to the receipts and application of funds'. In our opinion, based on our examination of the financial statements, the Village has complied with such provisions. It should be noted that information obtained on the basis of our examination of the financial statements would not necessarily disclose defaults of a non-accounting nature. VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 ASSETS Cash Investments, at cost or amortized cost Receivables: Accounts (net of allowance for uncollectibles) Accrued interest Due from other funds Due from other governments Unamortized debt issue costs Restricted assets: Cash Cash with paying agent Investments, at cost or amortized cost Receivables: " Accrued interest Advance to general fund Land Buildings Improvements other than buildings Accumulated depreciation Machinery and equipment Accumulated depreciation Construction work in progress Amount available in debt service fund Amount to be provided for retirement of general long-term debt Total Assets 3 Governmental - Fund Types- Special Debt General Revenue Service $44,544 $ 324 $ 1 142,200 4,495 5,449 15,964 3,666 $65,003 $3,990 NOWLEN,STEWART,TEDAMONSON & HOLT $147,650 Certified Public Accountants Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opinion qn the financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental information listed in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the financial statements of the Village of Tequesta, Florida. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the examination of the financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. December 17, 1980 Governmental Proprietary Fund Types Fund Type Capital Projects Enterprise $4,409 $ 81,540 773,605 99,966 37,940 172,080 58,303 132,131 1,233,993 13,562 204,710 92,042 4,120,380 (668,975) 173,964 (51,031) 915 147,650 747,350 $895,000 Account Grou s General General Fixed Long-Term Assets Debt 35,000 152,875 46,116 188,374 $4,409 $6,475,125 $422,365 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 4 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Totals (Memorandum Only) $ 130,818 915,805 104,461 43,389 15,964 3,666 172,080 58,303 132,131 1,233,993 .13,562 204,710 127,042 152,875 4,166,496 (66.8,975) 362,338 (51,031) 915 147,650 747,350 $8,013,542 (Continued) Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Governmental Fund Types Special Debt General Revenue Service LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY (DEFICIT) Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Payable from restricted assets: Accounts payable Accrued interest Deposits Due to other funds Advance from water fund Deferred revenue Improvement revenue bonds payable Water refunding revenue bonds payable Unamortized debt discount- Total Liabilities ' Fund Equity .(Deficit): Contributed capital Investment in general fixed assets Retained earnings: Reserved for revenue bond retirement and improvements Unreserved Fund Balances: Reserved for debt service Unreserved: Designated for debt service Undesignated Total Fund Equity (Deficit) Total Liabilities and Fund Equity Deficit) 5 $ 23,642 8,906 204,710 24,505 2,100 $261,763 $2,100 $ $ $ $ 47 , 6-5 0 100,000 (196,760) 1,890 $(196,760) $1,890 $147,650 $ 65,003 $3,990 $147,650 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants Governmental Proprietary Fund Types -Fund Type Account Groups General General Totals Capital Fixed Long-Term (Memorandum Projects Enterprise Assets Debt Only) $4,409 $ 5,.061 $ $ $ 33,112 2,066 ~ 10,972 30,852 30,852 132,131 132,131 74,805 74,805 13,864 15,964 • 204,710 24,505 895,000 895,000 3,915,000 3,915,000 (107,663) (107,663) $4,409 $4,066,116 $ $895,000 $5,229,388 $ $ 354,610 $ $ $ 354,610 422,365 422,365 1,200,•201 1,200,201 854,198 854,198 47,650 100,000 (194,870) $2,409,009 $422,365 $ $2,784,154 $4-,409 $6,475,125 $422,365 $895,000 $8,013,542 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 6 NOWLEN, STEW ART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants 0 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (DEFICIT) - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES FOR TAE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Revenues: Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenues Charges for services Fines and forfeits Miscellaneous revenues Total Revenues ~~ Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Physical environment .Transportation Human services Culture/recreation Capital outlay Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total .Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources {Uses): Proceeds of general obligation bonds Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures-and Other Uses Fund Balances (Deficit), October 1, 1979 Fund Balances (Deficit), September 30, 1980 7 Governmental . Fund. Types. General $ 736,789 60,366 222,452 7,874 11,891 33,726 $1,073,098 $ 175,074 453,471 186,776 106,242 7,281 71,022 189,174 1,189,040 $ (115,942) 586 (12,500) (11.910 $ (127,8.56) (68,904) $ (196,760) NOWLEN,STEWART,TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Capital Revenue Service Projects $ $ 15,015 366 11,205 15,381 11,205 $ $ 16,723 1,376 964 15,000 86,330 $ 19,063 $101,330 $ (3,682) $(90,125) $ $225,275 12,500. '(586) ~~ 237,189 $ (3,682) $147,064 5,572 586 $ 1,890 $147,650 470 $ 470 ~. 685,195 $ 685,195 $(684,725) $ 684,725 $ 684,725 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 8 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Totals (Memorandum Only) $ 736,789/ 60,366 237,467 7,874/ 11,891'. 45,767` $1,100,154/ $ 175,074 j 470,194 186,776/ 107,618 l 7,281/ 71,986 ~ • 874,369 15,000/ 86, 330/ 1,994,628 $ (894,474) $ 910,000 13,086 (13,086) $ 910,000 $ 15,526 (62,746) $ (47,220) Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (DEFICIT) BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TYPES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Revenues: Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenues Charges for services Fines and forfeits Miscellaneous revenues Total~Revenues Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Physical environment Transportation Human services Culture/recreation Capital outlay road improvements Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Balances (Deficit), October 1, 1.979 Fund Balances (Deficit), September. 30, 1980 General Fund Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 716,398 $ 736,789 $ 20,391 5.1,300 60,366 9,066 219,950 222,452 2,502 6,955 7,874 919 11,000 11,891 891 33,590 33,726 136 $1,039,193 $1,073,098 $ 33,905 $ 198,575 $ 175,074 $ 23,501 483,971 453,471 30,500 180,000 186,776 (6,776) 127,990 106,242 21,748. 9,050 7,281 1,769 80,792 71,022 9,770 282,000 189,174 92,826 $1,362,378 $1,189,040 173,33 $ (323,185) $ (115,942) $207,243 $ 585 $ 586 $ 1 (12,000) (12,500) (500) $ (11,415) $ (11,914) $ (499) $ (334,600) $(127,856) $206,744 (68,904) (68,904) $ (403,504) $ (196,760) $206,744 9 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants Sp ecial Revenue Fund Totals (Memorandum Only) Variance - Variance - Favorable Favorable Budget. Actual (Unfavorable) Bum Actual (Unf avorable) $ $ $ $ 716,398 $ 736,789 $ 20,391 51,300 60,366 9,066 .15,589 15,015 (574) 235,539 237,467 1,928 6,955 7,874 919 11,000 11,891 891 1,000 366 (634') 34,590 34,092 (498) 1 ,589 15,3 1 (1,208) 1,055,782 $1,088,479 $ 32,697. $ $ 198,575 $ 175,074 $ 23,501 18,825 16,723 2,102 502,796 470,194 32,602 180,000 186,776/ (6,776) 1,700 1,376 324 129,690 107,618 22,072 9,050 7,28 1 1,769 964 964 81,756 71,986/ 9,770 282,000 189,1740 92,826 $21,489 $19,063 $ 2,426 $1,383,867 1,208,103 175,764 $(4,900) $(3,682) $ 1,218 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (328,085) $ (119,624) $208,461 $ 585 $ 586 $ 1 (12,000) (12,500) (500) $ (11,415) $~ (11,914) $ (499) $(4,900) $(3,682) $ 1,218 5,572 5,572 $ 672 $ 1,890 $ 1,218 $ (339,500) $ (131,538) $207,962 (63,332) (63,332) $ (402,832) $ (194,870) $207,962 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 10 NOWLEN, STEWART. TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS - PROPRIETARY FUND TYPE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Proprietary Fund Type Enterprise Operating Revenues: Charges for services $ 898,068 Operating Expenses:, Purchased water $ 339,310 Personal services 91,275 Contractual services 45,046 Supplies 11,881 Heat, Light and power 26,504 Repair and maintenance 10,217 Depreciation 135,093 Total Operating Expenses $ 659,326 Operating Income $._ 238,742 Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Interest revenue Interest expense Total Nonoperating Net Income Retained Earnings, Retained Earnings, and fiscal charges $ (275 948 Revenues (Expenses) $ (85,512) $ 153,230 October 1, 1979 1,901,169 September 30, 1980 $2,054,399 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 11 NOWLEN, STEWART. TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION - PROPRIETARY FUND TYPE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Sources of Working Capital: Operations: Net income Items not requiring working capital: Depreciation Amortization of debt discount and issue costs Working capital provided by operations Net decrease in restricted assets Net increase in current liabilities payable from restricted assets Connecting fees Total Sources of Working Capital Uses of Working Capital: Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Advance to general fund Total Uses of .Working Capital Net Increase in Working Capital $153,230 135,093 10,172 Elements of Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital: Cash , Investments Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable Prepaid expenses Due from general fund Accounts payable .and accrued liabilities Due to general fund Net Increase in Working Capital The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 12 Proprietary Fund Type Enterprise $ 298,495 273,950 39,195 109,110 $ 720,750 $ 135,697 204,710 $ 340,407 $ 380,343 $ (9,460) 492,405 (27,479) 31,155 (540) (123,472) 28,434 (10,700) $ 380,343 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounts of the Village are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self -balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. The various funds are grouped, in the financial statements in this report, into five fund types and two broad fund categories as follows: GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund The General Fund is a general operating fund of the Village. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments, expendable trusts, or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Debt Service Fund The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, long-term debt principal, interest, and related costs. Capital Projects Funds Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of~ major capital facilities (other than those financed by proprietary funds, special assessment funds, and trust funds). 13 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accoun[ants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) PROPRIETARY FUNDS Enterprise Fund The Enterprise Fund is used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises - where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. ACCOUNT GROUPS General Fixed Assets Group of Accounts All fixed assets of the Village, other than those recorded in the Enterprise Fund, are accounted for in this single, self-balancing group of accounts. The acquisition of the assets is accounted for as an expenditure in the governmental funds and an increase in the general fixed assets group of accounts. The group of accounts do not include certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bicycle paths, bridges and streets. Depreciation has not been provided on the general fixed assets. General Long-Term Debt Group of Accounts All long-term liabilities of the Village, other than those of the Enterprise Fund, are accounted for in a separate self-balancing group of accounts called the general long-term debt group of accounts. Basis of Accounting The governmental. funds are accounted for by using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis, expenditures other than accrued interest on general long-term debt are recorded at the time liabilities are incurred and revenues are recorded when received in cash, except for certain revenues which are accrued when they are both measurable and available or have not been received at the normal time of receipt and certain grant revenues which are accrued when funds are expended. 14 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Basis of Accounting (Continued) The accounts of the proprietary fund are maintained on an accrual basis of accounting. Under the accrual basis, expenses and related liabilities are recorded when incurred and revenues and related assets are recorded when earned. Unbilled water and sewer fund utility service receivables are recorded at year end. Investments Investments are stated at cost or amortized cost, which approximates market. ' Amortization - Enterprise Fund The issue costs of long-term debt are amortized over the life of the bonds using the straight-line method. Enterprise Fund Fixed Assets Enterprise Fund Fixed Assets purchased are stated at cost. Depreciation has been computed using the straight-line method over the following estimated useful lives of the assets. Plant 40 - 50 Years Equipment 20 - 30 Years Office equipment 6 Years Vehicles 4 Years Employee Annual Leave A contingent liability exists for accrued annual leave which will be taken by employees prior to December 31, 1980. Unused annual leave does not accumulate to the following year. This liability is not reported on the balance sheet but will be paid in the latter part of 1980 as part of the normal operations of the Village. The Village estimates this liability to be approximately $5,000 at September 30, 1980. 15 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Total Columns on Combined Statements The Total columns on the combined statements are captioned Memorandum Only to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of operations, or changes in financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. NOTE 2 - ADVANCE TO/FROM ENTERPRISE FUND/GENERAL FUND At September 30, 1980, the General Fund was liable to the Enterprise Fund in the amount of $204,710 for advances received during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1980. This advance is to be repaid to the Enterprise Fund over the next three years at the discretion of the Village Council. NOTE 3 - ENTERPRISE FUND - REQUIREI) PAYMENTS PER BOND ORDINANCE Pursuant to Ordinance 260 enacted by the Village Council on May 9, 1978, the Village has issued water refunding revenue bonds, series 1978 outstanding in the principal amount of $3,915,000. Ordinance 260 provides for the disposition of all revenues derived from the operation of the water system. Revenues are first to be used for payment. of all current operating expenses. Revenues are next to be used for the required payments for principal and interest on, and reserve for, the outstanding water refunding revenue bonds. Revenues are next to be used to maintain the renewal, replacement and improvement of the water system. Such payments to the renewal and replacement fund are made monthly equal to one-twelfth of the estimated annual cost of extensions, additions to, enlargements and replacement of capital assets of the system and emergency repairs thereto, such cost to be established by recommendation of the consulting engineer. Finally, any revenues remaining may be used for any lawful purpose. 16 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 NOTE 4 - RESERVES - ENTERPRISE FUND The revenue bond ordinance described in note 3, required the establishment of the following accounts: Account Purpose Revenue Fund To collect the entire gross revenues derived from the system, except investment earnings. Operation and To pay fully accrued operating Maintenance Fund expenses. Sinking Fund To accumulate sufficient funds to meet annual debt service requirements through transfers from the Revenue Fund. Bond Amortization Fund Established within the Sinking Fund to meet principal payment on the debt. Reserve Account Tb accumulate funds .for payment of principal and interest only if funds in the Sinking Fund are insufficient. Renewal and To accumulate funds for the purpose of Replacement Fund. funding the cost of extensions, additions to, enlargements and replacement of capital assets of the system and emergency repairs thereto. NOTE 5 - LONG-TERM DEBT - ENTERPRISE FUND The long-term debt consists of series 1978 water refunding revenue term bonds. The term bonds bear interest at 6.75$ and mature as follows: $2,010,000 .October 1, 2003 1,905,000 April 1, 2007 $3,915,000 17 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF 'PEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 NOTE 5 - LONG-TERM DEBT - ENTERPRISE FUND (Continued) U.S. Treasury obligations bearing 7-5/8$ interest will be purchased with funds required to be deposited by the Village into a bond amortization fund. The purpose of this fund is to meet the principal payments on .the term bonds. The interest derived from the U.S. Treasury obligations will remain in the fund to be reinvested until fully funded. The required deposits by the Village are as follows: Date 10/1/78 $536,100 4/1/79 700 10/1/79 700 4/1/80 700 10/1/80 700 4/1/81 700 10/1/81 700 4/1/82 700 10/1/82 700 4/1/83 - 700 10/1/83 700 4/1/84 700 10/1/84 700 4/1/85 700 10/1/85 700• 4/1/86 700 10/1/86 700 4/1/87 700 10/1/87 700 4/1/88 70.0 1o/1/a8 700 4/1/89 700 10/1/89 700 4/1/90 700 10/1/90 700 4/1/91 700 10/1/91 700 4/1/92 700 10/1/92 700 4/1/93 700 10/1/93 ______700 $557,100 18 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 NOTE~6 - IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS The improvement revenue bonds were obtained to finance the cost of a major drainage and street resurfacing program. The interest rate ranges from 8.30$ to 8.50. The guaranteed entitlement portion of state revenue sharing trust funds, public service utilities taxes, franchise fees and occupational license taxes have been pledged. Maturity Dates Years Ending September 30, Amount 1981 $ 15,000 1982 15,000 1983 20,000 1984 20,000 1985 20,000 1986-90 125,000 1991 30,000 2004 (term bonds) 650,000 Total $895,000 Monies will be deposited into a bond amortization account for the retirement. of 'the 2004 term bonds on October 1 in such years and such amounts as follows: Year Amount Year Amount 1992 $ 35,000 1999 $ 55,000 1993 35,000 2000 55,000 1994 40,000 2001 60,000 1995 40,000 2002 65,000 1996 45,000 2003 70,000 1997 45,000 2004 55,000 1998 50,000 19 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 NOTE 7 - CHANGES IN ACCOUNT GROUPS Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets: Investment in General Fixed Assets, October 1, 1979 $405,548 Additions 27,360 Deletions (10,543) Investment in General Fixed Assets, September 30, 1980 $422,365 Schedule of Changes in General Long-Term Debt: Improvement revenue bonds payable, October 1, 1979 $ -0- Add: Bonds sold during the fiscal year ended September 30, 198.0- 910,000 Less: Retirement of bonds during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1980 (15,000) Improvement revenue bonds payable September 30, 1980 $895,000 NOTE- 8 - CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL - ENTERPRISE FUND Contributed capital consists of water connecting fees. For the year ended September 30, 1980, $107,400 was received for connecting fees. NOTE 9 - PENSION PLAN All full-time Village employees are eligible to participate in the noncontributory state retirement system as authorized by Chapter 121 of the Florida Statutes. Total pension costs for the year ended September 30, 1980 were $60,322 (General Fund $52,816, Enterprise Fund $7,506). As of September 30, 1980, there was no unfunded liability for prior service costs. 20 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 NOTE 10 - GENERAL FUND (DEFICIT) The deficit of the General Fund is a result of costs in excess of the $910,000 Improvement Revenue Bonds issued to finance a street resurfacing and drainage program. The deficit will be reduced and eliminated over the next several years through collections of general tax revenues. 21 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT CertiEed Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Budget Taxes: Current ad valorem taxes Delinquent ad valorem taxes Franchise fees Utility service taxes Total Licenses and permits: Professional and occupational licenses Building permits Other licenses and permits Total Intergovernmental revenue: Cigarette tax. State revenue sharing Alcoholic beverage licenses Homestead exemptions Municipal fuel tax Countywide registrations • Municipal share of county road and bridge tax County share recreational funding County share Dover Road drainage Total Charges for services: Zoning fees Map sales Certification, copying, record search. Police message desk service Building inspection-service Municipal police academy. Tennis lights Men's softball league Total $ 394,190 1,090 123,918 197,200 $ 716,398 $ 17,000 34,000 300 $ 51,300 Actual $ 397,075 3,475 123,378 212,861 $ 736,789 $ 19,493 40,743 130 $ 60,366 Variance Favorable (Unf avorable) $ 2, 885 2,385 (540) 15,661 20,391 $ 2,493 6,743 (170) 9,066 $ 15,700 $ 16,032 $ 332 129,200 129,246 46 5,200 5,264 64 12,700 12,720 20 ~~ 1,100 1,300 200 9,500 9,530 30 39,000 3,850 3,700 $ 219,950 $ _ 200 30 900 1,400 1,500 625 2,000 300 $ 6,955 40,946 3,714 3,700 $ 222,452 $ 590 31 942 1,400 .1,997 652 2,262 $ 7,874 1,946 (136) 2,502 $ 390 1 42 497 27 262 (300) $ 919 22 NOWLEN, STEWART. TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Budget Fines and Forfeits: Court fines $ 10,000 Parking tickets 1,000 Total $ 11,000 Miscellaneous Revenues: Interest $ 14,000 Refund of prior year's expenditures 510 Other 1 ,.800 Trash bag sales 3,000 Abandoned bicycle sales 280 Administrative management - Water Fund 8,000 Office rent - Water Fund 6,000 Total $ 33,590 Total Revenues $1-,039,193 23 Variance - Favorable Actual (Unf avorable) $ 10,756 $ 756 1,135 135 $ 11,891 $ 891 $ 14,746 $ 746 (510) 1,217 (583) 3,481 481 282 2 8,000 6,000 $ 33,726 $ 136 $1,073,098 $33,905 NOWLEN, STEWART. TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Budget General Government: Legislative: Travel and per diem Other charges Total Legislative Executive: Village manager's salary F.I.C.A. Retirement Life and health insurance Workmen's compensation insurance Travel and per diem Other charges Books, publications, dues Village clerk's salary F.I.C.A. Retirement Life and health insurance Workmen's compensation insurance Travel and per diem Other charges Operating supplies Books, publications, dues Total Executive Financial and Administrative: Salaries F.I.C.A. Retirement Life and health insurance .Workmen's compensation insurance $ 4,000 $ 50 Variance - Favorable Actual (Unfavorable) 3,413 $ 587 $ 4,050 $ 3,448 $ 602 $ 27,883 1,490 2,540 1,130 70 1,500 50 50 13,412 825 1,225 540 35 700 2,200 300 50 $ (214) (13) 15 107 30 256 26 40 (52) 20 66 16 196 1,195 185 15 $ 1,888 28,097, 1,503 2,525 1,023 40 1,244 - 24 10 13,464 825 1,205 474 19 504 1,005 115 35 $ 54,000 $ 52,112 $ 18,850 $ 15,998 $ 2,852 1,175 981 194 1,725 1,311 414 1,100 903 197 75 40 35 24 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF~TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Budget General Government (Continued): Financial and Administrative (Continued): Accounting and auditing Travel and per •diem Other charges Office supplies Books, publications, dues Machinery and equipment Total Financial and Administrative Legal Counsel: Professional services Total Legal Counsel Planning: Professional services Other charges Total Planning Other General Government: Salaries F.I.C.A. Retirement Life and health. insurance Workmen's compensation insurance Unemployment compensation Professional services Communication services Postage $ 5,000 150 50 50 50 1,000 Variance - Favorable Actual (Unfavorable) $ 5,000 11 6 33 -.573 139 44 17 50 427 $ 29,225 $ 24,856 $ 4,369 $ - 22,000 $ 18,459 $ 3,541 $ 22,000. $ 18,459 $ 3,541 $ 7,500 $ 3,125 $ 4,375 500 37 463 $ 8,000 $ 3,162 $ 4,838 $ 16,294 $ ,15,803 $ 491 1,000 968 32 1,485 1,423 62 1,400 1,221 179 40 23 17 1,000 172 828 3,000 655 2,345 2,350 2,349 1 1,400 1,405 (5) 25 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA • GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 General Government (Continued): Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Other General Government (Continued): Utility services Fire hydrant rental fees Office equipment rentals Other rentals Storage Insurance Village Hall maintenance Office machines maintenance Other charges Office supplies Books, publications, dues Aid to private organizations Other grants and aids Contingencies Total Other General Government Total General Government Public Safety: Police Department: $ 7,100 $ 7,074 $ 26 10,700 10,700 3,573 3,573 40 30 10 1,200 1,200 2,600 2,046 554 5,000 4,520 480 450 444 6 3,500 3,430 70 2,786 2,793 (7) 950 629 321 9,620 9,620 4,159 4,159 1,653 1,653 $ 81,300 $ 73,037 $ 8,263 $ 198,575 $ 175,074 $ 23,501 Salaries - police chief Salaries - lieutenants Salaries - detective Salaries - patrol sergeants Salaries. - senior patrol Officer Salaries - patrolmen Salaries - dispatchers Overtime F.I.C.A. Retirement Life and health insurance $ 22,067 $ 22,237 $ (170) 33,856 34,116 (260) .15,702 15,821 (119) 51,000 .50,318 682 15,105 15,221 (116) 112,802 106,044 6,758 39,344 37,826 1,518 1,650 1,508 142 17,665 17,353 312 38,290 35,900 2,390 16,510 12,848 3,662 26 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Public Safety (Continued): Police Department (Continued): Workmen's compensation insurance Travel and per diem Communication services Insurance Repairs and maintenance - cars Repairs and maintenance - office equipment Printing and binding Other charges Personnel training Office supplies Gasoline and oil Uniforms and equipment Books, publications, dues Machinery. and equipment Total Police Department Detention And/Or Correction: Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 9,000 $ 8,380 $ 620 2,500 .2,486 14 3,000 2,830 170 9,170 9,169 1 9,500 5,061 4,439 300 500 1,800 900 600 18,236 2,500 250 110 $ 422,357 Other contractual services - P.B.C. Sheriff's Department $ 100 Total Detention And/Or Correction Protective Inspections: $ 100 148 193 1,521 619 615 18,236 2,155 237 ,,,, $ 400,952 152 307 279 281 (15) 345 13 $ 21,405 $ 100 $ 100 Salaries - building official $ 20,807 $ 20,967 $ (160) Salaries - building inspector 16,302 15,350 952 Salaries - other 5,256 5,275 (19) F.I.C.A. 2,600 2,550 50 Retirement 3,860 3,625 235 Life and health insurance 1,385 1,287 98 27 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Cert~ed Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL ' FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Public Safety (Continued): Protective Inspections (Continued): Workmen's compensation insurance $ 1,754 $ 609 $ 1,145 Travel and per diem 1,600 1,529 71. Communication services 450 414 36 Other charges 200 122 78 Books, publications, dues 300 265 35 Machinery and equipment 1,000 518 482 Total Protective Inspections $ 55,514 $ 52,511 $ 3,003 Emergency and Disaster Relief Civil defense ~ $ 500 $ 8 $ 492 Disaster relief contingency - 5,000 5,000 Machinery and equipment 500 500 Total Emergency and Disaster Relief $ 6,000 $ 8 $ 5,992 Total Public Safety $ 483,971 $ 453,471 $ 30,500 Physical Environment: Contractual services - garbage $ 125,000 $ 130,381 $ (5,381) Contractual services - trash 55,000 56,395 (1,395) Total Physical Environment $ 180,000 $ 186,776 $ (6,776) Transportation: Road and Street Facilities: Salaries - superintendent $ 14,083 14,191 $ (108) Salaries - maintenance 30,257 28,491 1,766 Overtime 500 189 311 F.I.C.A. 2,750 2,630 120 28 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Variance - Favorable Bud et• Actual (Unfavorable) Transportation (Continued): Road and Street Facilities (Con tinued): Retirement $ 4,085 $ 3•,862 $ 223 Life and health insurance 2,815 2,513 302 Workmen's compensation insurance 3,360 3,352 8 Travel and per diem 50 50 Utilities services 12,700 12,107 593 Insurance 2,750 2,724 26 Repairs and maintenance - truck and tractor 2,900 2,007 893 Repairs and maintenance - drainage 10,000 1,998 8,002 Other charges 800 3 797 Gasoline and oil - truck 2,100 1,967 133 Gasoline and oil - other - 320 288 32 Small tools 720 536 184 Traffic signs 1,300 739 561• General maintenance 22,000 19,734 2,266 Trash bags ~ 4,500 4,116 384 Road materials and supplies 10,000 4,795 5,205 Total Transportation Capital Outlay - Road Improvements Human Services: Health - Mosquito Control: Salaries F.I.C.A. .Retirement Repairs and maintenance $ 127,990 $ 106,242 $ 282,000 $ 189,174 $ 1,600 $ 1,278 $ 322 100 76 24 150 107 43 750 663 87 29 $ 21,748 $ 92,826 NOWLEN, STEWART. TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants . VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Human Services (Continued): Health - Mosquito Control (Continued): Other charges $ 150 $ 97 $ 53 Gasoline and oil 100 77 23 Insecticide 6,200 4,983 1,217 Total Human Services $ 9,050 $___7,281 $ 1,769 Culture/Recreation: Parks and Recreation: Salaries - director $ 17,117 $ 17,249 $ (132) Salaries - maintenance 10,009 10,086 (77) Salaries - playground leaders 3,240 3,240 Salaries - tennis court supervisor 2,100 2,051 49 Overtime 200 200 F.I.C.A. 2,100 2,000 100 Retirement 3,120 2,858 262 Life and health insurance 1,560 1,418 142 Workmen's compensation insurance 350 349 1 Travel and per diem 1,500 820 680 --- Communication services 400 325 75 Utility services - trailer and office 1,700 1,544 156 Utility services - field lights 2,500 425 2,075 Utility services - security ~ lights 200 179 21 Utility services.- water 900 747 153 Insurance 400 355 45 Buildings, equipment and grounds repairs and maintenance 5,500 5,426 74 Fields repairs and maintenance 3,800 3,699 101 Truck repairs and maintenance 450 182 268 Tennis court repairs and maintenance 7,775 7,765 10 Other charges 200 4 196 30 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountance VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Bud et Culture/Recreation (Continued): Parks and Recreation (Continued): Office supplies Gasoline and oil Small tools Minor equipment Program expense Books, publications, dues Buildings Improvements other than buildings - playground - parks Improvements other than buildings - bicycle path Improvements other than buildings - machinery and equipment Total Culture/Recreation Total Expenditures 50 461 150 801 800 50 4,000 4,209 5,000 150 $ 80,792 $1,362,378 31 Variance - Favorable Actual (Unf avorable) 41 1 5 1 191 5 9 460 145 800 609 45 4,000 4,209 23 $ 71,022 $1,189,040 5,000 $ 9,770 $173,338 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA ENTERPRISE FUND SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Purchased water $339,310 $339,310 $ -0- Personal services: Wages $ 88,802 $ 78,629 $10,173 F.I.C.A. taxes 5,625 5,139 486 Retirement 8,500 7,507 993 Total Personal Services $102,927 91,275 11,652 Contractual Services: Insurance $ 13,800 $ 10,200, $ 3,600 Unemployment compensation 300 150 150 Professional services - well monitoring, 8.,525 4,761 3,764 Communication services 1,850 1,647 .203 Other contractual services 4,200 4,200 Rentals 6,135 6,110 25 Legal - 2,600 1,307 1,293 Engineering 3,900 2,918 982 Accounting and auditing 6,000 6,000 Other current charges 1,648 2,038 (390) Licenses and fees 1,900 1,560 340 Administrative management 8,000 8,000 Personnel training and travel 1,100 355 745 Total Contractual Services 59,958 45,046 14,912 Supplies: Office supplies $ 9,950 ~ $ 7,121 $ 2,829 Truck gas and oil. 3,800 3,472 328 Chemicals 840 780 60 Small tools 812 408 404 Laboratory supplies 250 250 Diesel fuel 700 700 Books 300 100 200 Contingencies 1,000 1,000 Total. supplies 17,652 $ 11,881 5,771 Heat, Light and Power $ 26,690 $ 26,504 $ 186 Repairs and Maintenance $ 10,955 $ 10,217 $ 738 32 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA ENTERPRISE FUND COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS FOR TAE FISCAL YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 AND 1979 Operating revenues Operating expenses Operating income Nonoperating revenues (expenses) Net income 33 1980 $898,068. 659,326 $238,742 (85,512) $153,230 1979 $842,996 587,734 $255,262 (123,602) $131,660 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA ENTERPRISE FUND SCHEDULE OF RESTRICTED ACCOUNTS UNDER REVENUE BOND ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Balance, October 1, 1979 Cash and investments Unamortized discount on investments Accrued interest receivable Prepaid expenses Increases: Transfers from unrestricted accounts Investment earnings Total Decreases: Interest payments Other debt service costs Transfers to other unrestricted accounts Total Balance, September 30, 1980 Cash and investments Unamortized discount on investments Accrued interest receivable 34 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Sinking Account $ 1,766 300 258,337 6,677 $267,080 $264,263 614 $264,877 $ 2,203 $ 2,203 Certified Public Accountants Bond Amortization Account $615,575 (38,624) 5,670 1,700 49,072 20,295 2,681 $633,393 $288,328 $27,469 Renewal and Reserve Replacement Account Account $266,744 $24,596 1,289 192 Total $ 908,681 (38,624) 7,151 300 260,037 78,725 $1,216,270 $ $ - $ 900 ' 16,494 15,180 $ 900 $ 16,494 $15,180 $666,987 (40,511 ) 6,017 $270,673 1,161 $271,834 $12,198 91 $12,289 35 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT $ 264,263 1,514 31,674 $ 297,451 $ 952,061 (40,511) 7,269 $ 918,819 Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS ALL FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Certificates of Deposit Interest Maturity Amounts Rate Date Debt Service Fund $ 38,230 14.804 10/8/80 3,970 8.00 3/31/81 100,000 11.00 4/1/90 Enterprise Fund:. Sinking Account 2,200 8.00 3/31/81 Reserve Account 2,000 6.50 10/8/81 208,848 -7.50 7/1/86 1,000 11.75 9/28/82 Renewal and Replacement Account 12,185 10.50 3/6/81 Water Main Relocation Account 8,035 5.50 10/22/80 Retained Earnings Account 14,290 10.79 11/5/80 60,035 13.54 10/16/80 58,280 14.226 10/9/80 636,000 11.30 5/2/81 Meter Deposits Account 55,000 9.117 2/13/81 4,700 5.50 2/2/81 37,500 8.526. 2/2/81 2,600 6.50 .12/30/80 1,100 6.50 12/6/80 • 3,000 6.50 11/24/80 1,400 6.50 10/18/80 Certificate Redemption Account 2,000 6.50 11/5/80 3,000 6'.50 10/13/80 Capital Improvement Account 22,880 9.117 2/13/81 79,000 8.36 1/21/81 73,400 8.347 1/1/81 3,100 6.50 1/10/81 2,200 6.50 1/6/81 1,200 6.50 12/23/80 1,100, 6.50 12/20/80 1,000 6.50 12/13/80 1,000 6.50 12/7/80 1,900 6.50 12/1/80 1,200 6.50 10/24/80 1,300 6.50 10/18/80 1,300 6.50 10/5/80 40,430 11.074 3/31/81 36 NOWLEN,STEWART,TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS - ALL FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 United States Treasury Obligations Unamortized Interest Maturity Par Value Cost Discount Rate Date Enterprise Fund: Meter Deposits Account Reserve Account Bond Amortization Account $ 10,000 $ 9,046 $ -0- 55,000 54,880 -0- 640,000 596,608 40,511 37 9.25$ 11/6/80 8.25 8/15/85 7.625 2/15/07 NOWLEN. STEW ART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $895,000 IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS - SERIES 1979 SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 The debt was incurred on April 1, 1980, through the issuance of $910,000 improvement revenue bonds. The proceeds were used for paving and drainage improvements. On September 30, 1980, the outstanding bonds totaled $895,000: Coupon Total Rate Principal Interest Payments 1981, October 1 8.50$ $ 15,000 $ 75,185 $ 90,185 1982, October 1 8.50 15,000 73,910 88,910 1983, October 1 8.50$ 20,000_ 72,635 92,635 1984, October 1 8.50 20,000 70,935 90,935 1985, October 1 8.50$ 20,000 69,235 89,235 1986, October 1 8.40 20,000 67,535 87,535 1987, October 1 8.40$ 25,000 65,855 90,855 1988, October 1 8.40$ 25,000 63,755 88,755 1989, October 1 8.30$ 25,000 61,655 86,655 1990, October 1 8.30$ 30,000 59,580 89,580 1991, October 1 8.30$ 30,000 57,090 87,090 1992, October 1 8.40$ - 54,600 54,600 1993, October 1 8.40$ 54,600 54,600 1994, October 1 8.40$ 54,600 54,600 1995, October 1 8.40$ 54,600 54,600 1996, October 1 8.40 54,600 54,600 1997, October 1 8.40$ 54,600 54,600 1998, October 1 8.40 54,600 54,600 1999, October 1 8.40$ 54,600 54,600 2000, October 1 8.40 54,600 54,600 2001, October 1 8.40$ 54,600 54,600 2002, October 1 8.40 54,600 54,600 2003, October 1 8.40$ 54,600 54,600 2004, October 1 8.40$ 650,000 54,600 704.,600 Totals $895,000 $1,447,170 $2,342,170 38 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $3,915,000 WATER REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS - SERIES 1978 SEPTEMBER 30, 1.980 The debt was incurred on August 1, 1978, through the issuance of $3,915,000 wa ter refunding revenue bonds. The proceeds were use d to refund a portion of the outstanding Series 1967 and Series 1976A water revenue certificates. The bonds are secured by the net reve nues of the Water Fund. On September 30, 1980, the outstanding bonds totaled $3,915,000; the payment sched ule follows: Coupon Annual Due Date Rate Principal Interest Total Requirements 1980 Oct. 1 6.75$ $ $ 132,131.25 $ 132,131.25 $ 132,131.25 1981 April 1 6.75$ 132,131.25 132,131.25 1981 Oct. 1 6.75$ 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 1982 April 1 6.75 132,131.25 132,131.25 1982 Oct. 1 6.75 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 1983 April 1 6.75$ 132,131.25 132,131.25 1983 Oct. 1 6.75$ 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 1984 April 1 6.75 132,131.25 132,131.25 1984 Oct. 1 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 1985 April 1 6.75$ 132,131.25 132,131.25 1985 Oct. 1 6.75$ 132,131.25 132,131.25. 264,262.50 1986 April 1 6.75 132,131.25 132,131.25 1986 Oct. 1 6.75 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 1987 April 1 6.75 132,131.25 132,131,25 1987 Oct. 1 6.75 132,131,25 132,131.25 264,262.50 1988 April 1 6.75$ 132,131.25 132,131.25 1988 Oct. 1 6.75 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 1989 April 1 6.75$ 132,131.25 132,131.25 1989 Oct. 1 6.75$ 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 39 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUE5TA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $3,915,000 WATER REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS - SERIES 1978 SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Coupon Due Date Rate Principal 1990 April 1 6.75 $ 1990 Oct. 1 6.75 1991 April 1 6.75$ 1991 Oct. 1 6.75$ 1992 April 1 6.75 1992 Oct. 1 6.75$ 1993 April 1 6.75$ 1993 Oct. 1 6.75$ 1994 April 1 6.75 1994 Oct. 1 6.75 1995 April 1 6.75$ 1995 Oct. 1 6.75$ 1996 April 1 6.75 1996.Oct. 1 6_.75$ 1997 April 1 6.75$ 1997 Oct. 1 6.75 1998 April 1 6.75$ 1998 Oct. 1 6.75 1999 April 1 6.75 1999 Oct. 1 6.75 2000 April 1 6.75 2000 Oct. 1 6.75 2001 April 1 6.75 2001 Oct. 1 6.75 Annual Interest Total Re quirements $ 132,131.25 $ 132,131.25 $ 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131 25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 ,132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 40 NOWLEN,STEWART.TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE $3,915,000 WATER REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS - SERIES 1978 SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Coupon Annual Due Date Rate Principal Interest Total Requirements 2002 April 1 6.75$ $ $ 132,131.25 $ 132,131.25 $ 2002 Oct. 1 6.75 132,131.25 132,131.25 264,262.50 2003 April 1 6.75$ 132,131.25 132,131.25 2003 Oct. 1 6.75 2,010,000.00 132,131.25 2,142,131.25 2,274,262.50 2004 April 1 6.75 64,293.75 64,293.75 2004 Oct. 1 6.75 64,293.75 64,293.75 128,587.50 2005 April 1 6.75$ 64,293.75 64,293.75 2005 Oct. 1 6.75 64,293.75 6:4,293.75 128,587.50 2006 April 1 6.75 64,293.75 64,293.75 2006 Oct. 1 6.75 64,293.75 64,293.75 128,587.50 2007 April 1 6.75 1,.905,000.00 64,293.75 1,969,293.75 1,969,293.75 Total $3,915,000.00 $6,660,225.00 $10,575,225.00 $10,575,225.00 41 NOWLEN. STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Certified Public Accountants VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Employees Statutory Life Group Life Insurance Group Hospitalization Comprehensive automobile liability Public Employees Blanket Bond Public Official's Bond Workmen's Compensation Multi-peril Policy (90~ co-insurance) Policy Number SR 40914 3-2215 24883 BAPO 3-17-03 4135132 4087118 U783358 SMP185214 42 NOWLEN, STEWART, TEDAMONSON & HOLT Coverage $10,000 - $20,000 1.5 times annual salary Various $500,000 $25,000 $25,000 $100,000 $1,191,893 Certified Public Accountants Y N OWLEN, S TEWART: TEDAMONSON & BOLT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 200 FLAGLER COURT BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 347 WEST PALM BEACN, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPNON6 (305) 659-3060 [V[R[TT f. NOWL[N, C-A V. C. fT[WART. CIA ALAN L. T[DAMONION, CIA tOWARO T. MOLT, CIA WILLIAM C. KIfK[R, JR., G-A WILLIAM f. MIN l R, C-A JAN[7 R, fA RIC[VICN, CPA WILLIAM D. ORAKi. CIA /. 6. W[[Nf, CPA WANDA W.f[RG[RON,CPA JACLYN J. T[pAMONfON. CPA JOHN B. fOY, JR., CIA R. OR[GORYfMITN, GIA LAYAA W[DDL[, CPA ROf[RT W.N[NDR1%,JR., C-A January 29, 1981 Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta, Florida M[Mf[Rf AM[R1GAN {NSTITUT[ O- C[wT1/1[D -YfLIC ACCOYNTANTf ILORIOA /NfTITYTi O• C[RTIr1iD WtLIC ACCOYNTANTf ACCOUNTING -IRMf AffOC/AT[D INC. f[LL[ GLAD[, rLORIDA OIIICf 7]] f.i. aND fTR[[T rofr orncc fox aas •[LL[ DEAD[, rww/Dw a]sae T[L[-NOw[ IaosY sss-ss/ ] We have examined the financial statements of the Village of Tequesta, Florida for the year ended September 30, 1980, and have issued our audit report thereon dated December 17, 1980. As part of our examination, we made a study and evaluation of the Village's system of internal accounting control to the extent we considered necessary to evaluate the system as required by generally accepted auditing standards. Under these standards, the purposes of such evaluation are to establish a basis for reliance on the system of internal accounting control in determining the nature, timing, and extent of other auditing procedures that are necessary for expressing an opinion on the financial statements and to assist the auditor in planning and performing his examination of the financial statements. A description of~the objective of internal accounting control and the inherent limitations of any system is included in Appendix A to this report. Our examination of the financial statements made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, including the-study and evaluation of .the. Village's system of internal. accounting control for the year ended September 30, 1980, that was made for the purposes set forth in the first paragraph above,~would not necessarily disclose all weaknesses in the system because it was based on selective tests of accounting records and related data. However, such study and evaluation disclosed the following conditions that we believe to be material weaknesses, excluding those which were corrected before they came to our attentioh. Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta, Florida January 29, 1981 Page 2 1. A written plan of organization which specifies the division of duties and areas of responsibilities . concerned with accounting and administrative controls relating to safeguarding of assets, custody of financial records and the reliability of financial statements. has not been prepared. A written plan should be adopted which complies with Rules of Auditor General Chapter 10.500. The Village had commenced work on a written plan curing the fiscal year ended September 30, 1979. No additional work was performed during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1980. 2. Invoices and supporting documentation should be cancelled upon payment. We noted that 'invoices and. supporting documentation were not always cancelled. All invoices and supporting documentation should be cancelled to prevent duplicate payment.. 3. We noted that overtime paid to watez department employees were accounted for as a reduction to a revenue account rather than accounted for in an expenditure account. Employees' overtime pay should be properly budgeted and reported as "overtime pay." 4. Employees' time cards were not always signed by them and approved by their respective department heads. Time cards should be signed by employees and approved by department heads. Overtime hours not reported on time cards but o~ standardized forms should also be signed by the employees and their department heads. Item Nos. 1 and 2 described above were weaknesses existing in the previous year. Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta, Florida January 29, 1981 Page 3 The foregoing conditions were considered in determining the nature, timing, and extent of audit tests to be applied in our examination of the financial statements. This report of such conditions does not modify our audit report dated December 17, 1980, on such financial statements.- . Sincerely, ~~ ~ /~~'C" P,iiQ, . Nowlen, Stewart, Tedamonson & Holt APPENDIX A The objective of internal accounting control is to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance as to the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of a system of internal accounting control should not exceed the benefits derived and also recognizes that the evaluation of these factors necessarily requires estimates and judgments by management. There are inherent limitations that should be recognized in considering the potential effectiveness of any system of internal accounting control. In the performance of most control procedures, errors can result. from misunderstanding of instructions, mistakes of judgment,.: carelessness, or other personal factors. Control - procedures whose effectiveness depends upon segregation of duties - can be circumvented by collusion. Similarly,• control procedures can be circumvented intentionally by management either with respect to the execution and recording of transactions or with respect to the estimates and judgments required in the preparation of financial statements. Further, projection of any evaluation of_ internal accounting control to future periods is subject .to the risk that the procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions and that the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. -