CAFR_FY Ending_09/30/1985VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA ORGANIZATION CHART Village Council Village Manager Village Clerk ~ ~ ~ Village Attorney Maintenance Park & Water Finance and Building Police Department Recreation Department Administrative Department Department Department Department COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA September 30, 1985 Prepared by the Finance Department VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT September 30, 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pag e Number Introductory Section Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Letter of Transmittal 4 Certificate of Conformance 13 Village of Tequesta Organization Chart 14 List of Principal Officials 15 Financial Section Auditor's Report--Opinion of Independent Certified Public Accountants 16 General Purpose Financial Statements Combined Balance Sheet--All Fund Types and Account Groups 18 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances--All Governmental Fund Types 22 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances --Budget and Actual-- General and Special Revenue Fund Types 24 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings--Proprietary Fund Type 26 Statement of Changes in Financial Position-- Proprietary Fund Type 27 Notes to Financial Statements 28 Supplemental Information General Fund Schedule of Revenues--Budget and Actual 44 Schedule of Departmental Expenditures-- Budget and Actual 46 Proprietary Fund (Enterprise Fund) Schedule of Operating Expenses--Budget and Actual 54 Comparative Summary of Operations--Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 1985 and 1984 55 2 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT September 30, 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Proprietary Fund (Enterprise Fund) (Continued} Schedule of Restricted Accounts Under Revenue Bond Ordinance Amortization Schedule--Water Refunding Revenue Bonds - Series 1985 General Fixed Asset Account Group Schedule of General Fixed Assets By Source Schedule of General Fixed Assets By Function and Activity Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets By Function and Activity General Long-Term Debt Amortization Schedule--Improvement Revenue Bonds - Series 1979 All Funds Schedule of Investments Schedule of Insurance Statistical Section General Revenues by Source General Government Expenditures by Function Property Tax Levies and Collections Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property Property Tax Rates--All Overlapping Governments Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt to Assessed Value and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita Legal Debt Margin Computation of Overlapping Debt Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to Total General Expenditures Revenue Bond Coverage--Water Bonds Property Value, Construction and Bank Deposits Principal Taxpayers Miscellaneous Statistics Demographic Statistics Page Number 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 68 70 71 73 75 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 85 3 OFFICE OF THE VILLAGE MANAGER VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA 357 TEQUESTA DRIVE TEQUESTA. FLORIDA TELEPHONE AREA CODE 3q5 746-7457 March 10, 1986 The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta Tequesta, Florida Gentlemen: MAILING ADDRE59 P. O. BOX 3273 TEQUESTA, FLORIDA 33458 Submitted herewith is the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the Village of Tequesta, Florida, for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1985. This report is required by Florida Statutes 166.241 and Chapter 10.550 Rules of the Auditor General. The books, records and annual financial report of the Village have been examined by our independent auditors, Nowlen, Holt, Miner & Kisker, Certified Public Accountants, as required, and their opinion on the financial statements of the Village is included as a part of this report. REPORT PURPOSE AND CONTENT This comprehensive annual financial report reflects the Vil- lage's financial operations, and is intended for the use and refer- ence of investment firms, financial institutions, bond holders, rating services and all persons interested in the Village's opera- tions, in addition to the Village Council. The report is divided into three major sections: 1. Introductory Section, which includes the title page, table of contents, this transmittal letter, the names of the principal officials and an organizational chart. 2. Financial Section, which includes the auditor's report, general purpose financial statements and other supplemental informa- tion. I i _ 4 The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta 3. Statistical Section, which contains data of the Village relating to social, political and economic characteristics, is pre- sented to provide a more complete understanding of the financial affairs of the Village, beyond the statements and schedules as found in the Financial Section. PRESENTATION AND STANDARDS The accounting records of the general governmental operations are maintained on a modified accrual basis in that revenue is recog- nized when both measurable and available; whereas, expenditures are recorded when incurred. The full accrual basis is used in the Enter- prise Fund. The Village's financial statements have been designed to conform substantially to the high standards of financial reporting set forth by the National Council on Governmental Accounting and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND BUDGETARY CONTROL In developing and evaluating the Village's accounting system, consideration is given to the adequacy of internal accounting con- trols. Internal accounting controls are designed to provide reasona- ble, but not absolute, assurance regarding: (1) the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition; and (2) the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (1) the cost of a control should be exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. All internal control evaluations occur within the above frame- work. I believe that the Village's internal accounting controls adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions. Budgetary control is maintained at the department level by the encumbrance of estimated purchase amounts prior to the release of purchase orders to vendors. Purchase orders which result in an over- run of departmental balances are not released until additional appro- priations are made available. Open encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balance at September 30, 1985. 5 The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta THE REPORTING ENTITY AND ITS SERVICES This report includes all of the funds and account groups of the Village. It also includes all activities considered to be part of (controlled by or dependent on) the Village, as determined by the application of the criteria set forth in "Defining the Governmental Reporting Entity - NCGA Statement 3." In accordance with NCGA State- ments 3 and 7, for financial reporting purposes, the Village's finan- cial statements include all funds, account groups, departments, agen- cies, boards, commissions and other organizations over which Village officials exercise oversight responsibility. Oversight responsibility includes such aspects as appointment of governing body members, budget approval, approval of property tax levies, outstanding debt secured by Village's full faith and credit or revenues, responsibility for funding deficits and others. As in prior years, the Village found that there were no entities to consider when attempting to implement NCGA Statements 3 and 7. Therefore, the criteria in Statement 3 did not require the inclusion of any entity as an accompanying unit in the Village's financial statements. The Village provides the full range of municipal services con- templated by statute or charter. This includes public safety (police), streets and roads, culture-recreation, public improvements, planning and zoning, and general administrative services. CASH MANAGEMENT Cash temporarily idle is invested with various Village financial institutions in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Florida Statutes. Investments are comprised of certificates of deposits and money market accounts ranging from 30 to 365 days to maturity. The depository is selected based on a comparison of interest rates. The average. yield on maturing investments during the year was 9.0~. The average yield on money market accounts was 7.6$. 6 The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta EXPENDITURES Expenditures for the General Fund totaled $2,002,750 in 1984-85. The detail is summarized below: Purpose 1983-84 1984-85 Amount Amount Percentage of 1984-85 Total 14.8 56.3 10.3 12.0 .5 6.1 100.0 Current General government Public safety Physical environment Transportation Human services Culture and recreation Total $ 274,038 $ 296,537 737,008 1,127,171 183,591 227,840 2, 1 54 206, 776 239,512 10,907 128,247 121,847 $1,552,878 $2,002,750 Revenue and Expenditure Increases Prior to October 1, 1983, Palm Beach County (the County) was divided into several fire control taxing districts. Each of these districts levied their own taxes and was considered an ,independent special district under the laws of the State of Florida. Beginning October 1, 1983, the districts were consolidated into a single County-controlled, public safety department. As a result of that consolidation, beginning October 1, 1984, each municipality in the County has been required to pay a proportionate share of the costs of the fire station which services its area. Therefore, for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1985, the Village of Tequesta increased tax revenue and public safety expenditures by approximately $400,000 for fire protection. 8 The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta Fund Balance The General Fund has a fund balance of $468,046 at September 30, 1985. The balance is summarized as follows: Fund balance, September 30, 1984 $247,409 Excess of revenues over expenditures 391,110 Operating transfers in Operating transfers out (170,473) Fund balance, September 30, 1985 $468,046 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND The Special Revenue Fund is used to account for revenue real- ized from specific sources which is legally required to be accounted for separately from other funds. The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund is the only Special Revenue Fund maintained by the Village. DEBT SERVICE FUND AND GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT ACCOUNT GROUP The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for the payment of general long-term debt principal, inte- rest and related costs. The General Long-Term Debt Account Group is used to account for long-term liabilities expected to be financed from governmental funds . On October 1, 1979, the Village issued $910,000 Improvement Revenue Bonds Series 1979 for the purpose of financing certain drain- age improvements within the Village. The bonds received Moody's A and Standard and Poor's AAA (MBIA) rating. The bonds are secured by the pledge of and first lien on the guaranteed entitlement portion of the State Revenue Sharing Trust Funds and by the pledge of and first lien on certain Franchise Fees, Public Service Taxes and Occupational License Taxes. On September 30, 1985, $805,000 of the bonds were outstanding. During 1984, the Village changed its method of accounting for compensated absences to conform with the requirements of Statement 4 issued by the National Council on Governmental Accounting. The non- current portion of compensated absence liability of the governmental funds is recorded in the Long-Term Debt Account Group. 9 The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta ENTERPRISE FUND Water Treatment Plant Improvements During March of 1985,. construction was completed at the Water Treatment Plant that upgraded the water treatment system to a mangan- ese greensand system, with a pumping capacity of 1.8MGD. The former water treatment system, an aeration chlorination, gravity sand filtration system had a .96MGD capacity. The new water treatment system nearly doubles the daily pumping capacity and was necessary to meet Department of Environmental Regu- lation requirements and the projected future water demands for custo- mers of the system. Total cost of the improvements was $700,302 consisting of: Engineering fees $100,802 General contractor payments 592,250 Miscellaneous incidental costs 7,250 Total $700,302 Original project costs were estimated at $650,000. During this fiscal .period, $633,507 was expended from unreserved retained earn- ings of the water system. Payments totaling $64,781 were expended during fiscal year 1984. Incidental project expenses totaling $2,014 were paid through January 20, 1986 reflecting the total cost of $700,302. Enterprise Fund income data is shown in the following schedule: Operating revenues $1,400,742 Operating expenses 1,239,255 Operating income 161,487 Nonoperating revenues (expenses) (22,376) Operating transfers in 96,673 Extraordinary item 870,022 Net income $1,105,806 10 The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta The Village issued $1,525,000 Water Refunding Revenue Bonds - Series 1985, on 'January 1, 1985. The bond sale proceeds were used to refund Series 19?8 Water Refunding Revenue Bonds. The bonds are secured by the net revenues of the Water Fund. On September 30, 1985, $1,500,000 of the bonds remained outstanding. GENERAL FIXED ASSETS General Fixed Assets are those fixed assets which are not ac- counted for in the Enterprise Funds. These assets are classified as land, buildings, improvements other than buildings and equipment. They are acquired by general fund revenue, federal or state grants or gifts. A summary of changes in general fixed assets follows: Balance Balance October 1, September 30, 1984 Additions Deletions 1985 Land $ 35,000 $ $ $ 35,000 Buildings 211,004 3,828 214,832 Equipment 293,207 91,454 31,780 352,881 Total $539,211 $95,282 $31,780 $602,713 PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE The Village administration is intent upon maintaining its strong financial condition and maintaining service levels with minimal increase in ad valorem property taxes. Budget plans are now being implemented that emphasize the following goals: 1. Greater reliance on technology and improved data pro- cessing capability to increase internal efficiency and reduce the need for additional personnel. 2. Continued emphasis on improvement and maintenance of the Village's infrastructure system. 3. Continued upgrading of the present water treatment system with emphasis on potential well field expansion. If the Village maintains the level of fiscal discipline and control exercised over the past several years, its financial condi® tion should continue to be strong and stable. 11 The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Conformance in Financial Reporting to the Village of Tequesta for its comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1984. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Conformance, a govern- mental unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report, whose contents conform to pro- gram standards. Such reports must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Conformance is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current report continues to conform to the Certificate of Achievement Program (formerly Certificate of Conform- ance) requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another certificate. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The preparation of this report on a timely basis could not have been accomplished without the cooperation and dedicated services of the entire staff of the Village and the efficient assistance of the independent auditors. We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the members of the Village Council for their interest and support in conducting the financial operations of the Village in a sound and progressive manner, thus assuring the citizens of the Village a high level of financial stability. Respectfully submitted, Robert Harp, V llage Manager Bill C. scav lis, Finance Director 12 Certificate of Conformance in Financial F~eporting Presented to Llillage of Tequesta, Florida For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1984 A Certificate of Conformance in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to governmental units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFR's) are judged to substantially conform to program standards. 4\aQH OF TNE~CF9,r / i '~ UNITED STATES ~ y W ' AND ; H President f ~ CANADA j c Z6~ ; CONPORATION ~ a CNi[~b0 % C J-- Executive Director 13 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA ORGANIZATION CHART Village Council Village Manager Village Clerk ~ ~ ~ Village Attorney Maintenance Park & Water Finance and Building Police Department Recreation Department Administrative Department Department Department Department VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Council - Manager Form of Government VILLAGE COUNCIL - 1984-1985 Carlton D. Stoddard Arthur R. Murphy W. Harvey Mapes, Jr. Jill K. Gemino Edward C. Howell Mayor Vice Mayor Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember VILLAGE OFFICIALS Robert Harp Cyrese Colbert John C. Randolph (Johnston, Sasser & Randolph) Bill C. Kascavelis Franklin D. Flannery Scott D. Ladd Gary Preston James W. Worth Curtis S. Sapp Manager Clerk Attorney Finance Director Police Chief Building Official Recreation Director Water Superintendent Maintenance Superintendent INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Nowlen, Holt, Miner & Risker 15 NOWLEN, HOLT, MINER & KI5KER CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 215 FIFTH STREET SUITE 200 POST OFFICE BOX 347 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE 1305) 859.3060 EVERETT 8. NOWLEN, CPA, (1930.19841 JANET R. BARICEVK:H, CPA KATHLEEN A. BENTLEY CPA EDWARD T. HOLT, CPA B.E. WEEKS, CPA , DEBRA M. ALBERDI CPA WIWAM B. MINER, CPA CAROL A. CALLAHAM, CPA . KIM HATCHER, CPA WILLIAM C. KISKER. JR., CPA RICHARD D. HOOVER, JR., CPA ANTHONY B. GRAVETT CPA R. GREGORY SMITH, CPA MARIA O. GALDOS. CPA , GAIL HILL CPA R08ERT W. HENORIX. JR., CPA . RICHARD J. HUTCHINSON, CPA The Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Tequesta Tequesta, Florida MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS- ACCOUNTING FIRMS ASSOCIATED INC. BELLE GLADE OFFICE 333 S.E. 2ntl STREET POST OFFICE BOX 338 BELLE GLADE, FLORIDA 33x30 TELEPHONE (3051 948.5812 We have examined the general purpose financial statements of the Village of Tequesta, Florida, as of and for the year ended Septem- ber 30, 1985, as set forth in the table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Village of Tequesta, Florida at September 30, 1985, and the results of its operations and the changes in financial position of its proprietary fund type for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. We have also reviewed the accounting requirements of the bond ordi- nances associated with both the Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1979 and Water Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1985, relating to the receipts and application of funds, In our opinion, based on our examination of the general purpose financial statements, the Village has complied with such provisions. It should be noted that informa- tion obtained on the basis of our examination of the general. purpose financial statements would not necessarily disclose defaults of a nonaccounting nature. Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The supple- mental information listed in the the table of contents is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of the Village of Tequesta, Florida. The information has been subjected to the auditing proce- dures applied in the examination of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. We did not examine the statistical data as set forth in the table of contents and, therefore, express no opinion thereon. 'January 28, 1986 GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups September 30, 1985 Governmental Fund Types Special Debt General Revenue Service Assets Cash Cash with fiscal agent Investments Receivables Accounts (net of allowance for uncollectibles) Accrued interest Due from other funds Due from other governments Prepaid expenses Inventories of supplies Unamortized debt issue costs Restricted assets Cash Investments Accrued interest Fixed assets Amount available in debt service fund Amount to be provided for retirement of general long-term debt $ 57, 01 9 $1 2, 841 $ 455,000 1 7, 853 2, 227 21,245 3, 767 4, 007 735 6, 996 1,260 100,000 Total assets 2, 773 $557,846 $16,848 $111,029 18 Proprietary Fund Type Enterprise $ 156,322 605,000 161,123 4,425 1,511 11,097 86,430 1 31 , 281 552,029 4, 766 4,609,612 $6,323,596 Account Groups General General Fixed Long-Term Assets Debt 602, 71 3 $602,713 109,769 727,468 .--- $837,237 See notes to financial statements. 19 Totals (Memorandum Only) $ 233,178 1,260 1,160,000 178,976 9, 425 21 , 245 7,774 1,511 1 1 , 832 86, 430 131,281 552,029 4, 766 5,212,325 109,769 727,468 $8,449,269 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups (Continued) September 30, 1985 Liabilities and fund equity Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Matured interest payable Payable from restricted assets Deposits Due to other funds Deferred revenue Improvement revenue bonds payable Water refunding revenue bonds payable Unamortized debt discount Other liabilities Total liabilities Fund equity Contributed capital Investment in general fixed assets Retained earnings Reserved for revenue bond debt service Unreserved Fund balances Reserved for inventory of supplies Reserved for debt service Reserved for recreation and parks Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved Designated for subsequent year's expenditures Designated for debt service Undesignated Total fund equity Total liabilities and fund equity Governmental Fund Types Special Debt General Revenue Service $ 37,480 $ 40,255 1,260 ~ 12,065 16, 800 89,800. 16,800 1,260 735 13,161 2,000 271,518 180,632 468,046 22, 234 48 48 '109,769 $557,846 $16,848 $111,029 87,535 20 Proprietary Fund Type Account Grou s General Genera Totals Fixed Long-Term (Memorandum Enterprise Assets Debt Only) $ 82,905 $ $ $ 120,385 9,489 32,237 81,981 1,260 115,083 115,083 4,445 21,245 12,065 805,000 805,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 (43,670) (43,670) 6,714 6,714 1,674,966 837,237 2,620,063 1,221,163 1,221,163 602,713 602,713 572,993 572,993 2,854,474 2,854,474 735 87,535 13,161 2, 000 271,518 22,234 180,680 4,648,630 602,713 5,829,206 $6,323,596 $602,713 $837,237 $8,449,269 See notes to financial statements. 21 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Revenues Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenues Charges for services Fines and forfeits Miscellaneous revenues Intragovernmental services Total revenues Expenditures Current General government Public safety Physical environment Transportation Human services Culture/recreation Debt service Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses) Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total other financing sources (uses) Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses Fund balances, October 1, 1984 Fund balances, September 30, 1985 General $1,777,305 102,894 332,731 9,023 43, 330 68,577 60,000 2 ,~ 296, 537 1,127,171 206,776 239,512 10,907 121,847 2,002, 5 391,110 {170,473) (17 ,473) 220,637 247,409 $ 468,046 22 Governmental Fund Types Totals Special Debt (Memorandum Revenue Service Only) $ $ $1,777,305 1 02, 894 16,205 348,936 9,023 43,330 357 15,367 84,301 60,000 16,562 15,367 2,42 , 9 296,537 16,800 1,143,971 206,776 239,512 10,907 121,847 20,000 20,000 69,603 69,603 16,800 89,603 2,109,153 (238) (74,236) 316,636 73,800 73,800 (170,473) 73,800 {9 ,6 ) (238) (436) 219,963 286 110,205 357,900 $ 48 $109,769 $ 577,863 See notes to financial statements. 23 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual General and Special Revenue Fund Types For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Revenues Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenues Charges for services Fines and forfeits Miscellaneous revenues Inteagovernmental services Total revenues and General Fund Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $1,721,803 1 Q3,550 313,180 8,530 40, 200 32,353 60,000 2,279,E $1,777,305 102,894 332, 73i 9,023 43, 330 68,577 60,000 ,3 ,86 Expenditures Current. General government Public safety Physical environment Transportation Human services Culture/recreation Contingency Total expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses) Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total other financing sources (uses} Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses Fund balances, October 1, 1984 Fund balances, September 30, 1985 320, 575 1,141,767 206,800 259,175 12,920 122,387 214, 435 2,27 ,OS 296, 537 1,127,171 206,776 239,512 10,907 121,847 ~,~ 1,557 391,110 (170,473) (170,473) (170,473) (170,473) $ (168,916) 24 220, 637 247,409 $ 468,046 $ 55, 502 (656) 1 9, 551 493 3,130 36,224 14, 4 24,038 1 4, 596 24 1 9, 663 2,013 540 21 4, 435 5_, 389,553 $389,553 Special Revenue Fund Totals (Memorandum Only} Variance - Variance - Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ $ $ $1,721,803 $1,777,305 $ 55,502 103,550 102,894 (656) 16,276 16,205 (71) 329,456 348,936 19,480 8,530 9,023 493 40,200 43,330 3,130 540 357 (183) 32,893 68,934 36,041 60,000 60,000 16,816 16,562 (254) 2,296,432 2,4 ,4 13, 90 320,575 296,537 24,038 17,316 16,800 516 1,159,083 1,143,971 15,112 206,800 206,776 24 259,175 239,512 19,663 1 2, 920 1 0, 907 2, 01 3 122,387 121,847 540 214,435 214,435 17,316 16,8 0 516 2,295,375 2,019,550 275,825 (500) (238) 262 1,057 390,872 389,815 (170,473) (170,473) (170,473} (170,473) $ (500) (238) $ 262 $ (169,416) 220,399 $389,815 286 247,695 $ 48 $ 468,094 See notes to financial statements. 25 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings - Proprietary Fund Type For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Operating revenues Charges for services Operating expenses Purchased water Personal services Contractual services Supplies Heat, light and power Repairs and maintenance Depreciation Bad debts Total operating expenses Operating income Nonoperating reven Computer service Interest revenue Interest expense Loss on disposal Total nonoperating ues (expenses) fee and fiscal charges of fixed assets revenues (expenses) Income before operating transfers and extraordinary item Operating transfers in Income before extraordinary item Extraordinary item Gain on extinguishment of debt Net income Depreciation on fixed assets acquired by contributions from subdividers Increase in retained earnings Retained earnings, October 1, 1984 Retained earnings, September 30, 1985 See notes to financial statements. Proprietary Fund Type Enterprise $1,400,742 465,375 173,405 147,049 18,676 74,794 20,565 338,617 774 1,239,255 161,487 2, 333 1 63, 809 (183,139) (5,379) (22,376) 139,111 96,673 235,784 870,022 1,105,806 15,120 1,120,926 2,306,541 $3,427,467 26 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Statement of Changes in Financial Position - Proprietary Fund Type For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Proprietary Fund Type Enterprise Sources of working capital Operations Income before extraordinary item $ 235,784 Items not requiring working capital Depreciation 338,617 Amortization of debt discount and issue costs 11,511 Depreciation on contributed assets 15,120 Loss on disposal of fixed asset 5,379 Working capital provided by operations before extraordinary item 606,411 Extraordinary item - gain on retirement of bonds 870,022 Working capital provided by operations 1,476,433 Contributions 341,494 Proceeds from sale of land 16,499 Proceeds from issuance of bonds 1,525,000 Increase in other liabilities 791 Decrease in restricted assets 1,224,045 Decrease in debt discount and issue costs 97,943 Total sources of working capital 4,682,205 Uses of working capital Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 977,562 Retirement of bonds payable 3,940,000 Decrease in current liabilities payable from restricted assets 112,992 Total uses of working capital 5,030,554 Net decrease in working capital $ (348,349) Elements of net increase (decrease) in working capital Cash $ 4,584 Investments (345,700) Accounts receivable 44,329 Accrued interest receivable (10,955) Prepaid expenses 1,511 Inventories 7 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (38.072) Due to other funds (4,053) Net decrease in working capital $ (348,349) See notes to financial statements. 27 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounts of the Village are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a sepa- rate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, Liabil- ities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. The various funds are grouped, in the financial state- ments in this report, into four generic fund types and two broad fund categories as follows: Governmental Fund Types General Fund The General Fund is the general operating fund of the Village. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Fund The Special Revenue Fund is used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments, expendable trusts, or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. The Special Revenue Fund used by the Village is the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund which accounts for revenue received from the Federal government under the General Revenue Sharing Program. Debt Service Fund The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, long-term debt principal, interest, and related costs. The Debt Service Fund of the Village accumulates monies for payment of the Improvement Reve- nue Bonds, Series 1979. Proprietary Fund Type Enterprise Fund The Enterprise Fund is used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises - where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. The 28 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Proprietary Fund (Continued) Enterprise Fund (Continued) Enterprise Fund of the Village is the Water Fund which accounts for the provision of water services to the residents of the Village and some residents of the County. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in this fund including, but not limited to, administration, operations, maintenance, financing and related debt service and billing and collection. Fixed Assets and Long-Term Liabilities The accounting and reporting treatment applied to the fixed assets and long-term liabilities associated with a fund are determined by its measurement focus. All governmental funds are accounted for on a spending or "financial flow" measurement focus. This means that only current assets and current liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund balance (net current assets) is considered a measure of "available spendable resources." Governmental .fund operating statements present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingly, they are said to present a summary of sources and .uses of "available spendable re- sources" during a period. Fixed assets used in governmental fund type operations (general fixed assets) are accounted for in the General Fixed Assets Account Group, rather than in governmental funds. Public domain ("infrastructure") general fixed assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems, and lighting systems, are not capital- ized. No depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. All fixed assets are valued at historical cost or estimated histori- cal cost if actual historical cost is not available. Donated fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair value on the date donated. Long-term liabilities expected to be financed from governmental funds are accounted for in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group, not in the governmental funds. The two account groups are not "funds." They are concerned only with the measurement of financial position. They, are not involved with measurement of results of operations. 29 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Fixed Assets and Long-Term Liabilities (Continued) Special reporting treatments are also applied to governmental fund inventories to indicate that they do not represent "available spenda- ble resources," even though they are a component of net current assets. Such amounts are offset by fund balance reserve accounts. Because of their spending measurement focus, expenditure recognition for governmental fund types is limited to exclude amounts represented by noncurrent liabilities. Since they do not affect net current assets, such long-term amounts are not recognized as governmental fund type expenditures or fund liabilities. They are instead reported as liabilities in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. The. proprietary fund is accounted for on a cost of services or "capi- tal maintenance" measurement focus. This means that all assets and all liabilities (whether current or noncurrent) associated with its activity are included on its balance sheet. The reported fund equity (net total assets) is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings components. Proprietary fund type operating state- ments present increases (revenues) and decreases (expenses) in net total assets. Depreciation of all exhaustible fixed assets used by the proprietary fund is charged as expense against the operations. However, depreci- ation expense related to contributed assets is closed to the contrib- uted equity account and not to retained earnings. Accumulated depreciation is reported on the proprietary fund balance sheet. Depreciation has been provided over the estimated useful lives using the straight-line method. The estimated useful lives are as follows: Buildings 40 years Improvements 20 - 25 years Equipment 4 - 10 years Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or ex- penses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the mea- surements made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. All governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. 30 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Basis of Accounting (Continued) Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. An exception to this general rule includes principal and interest on general long-term debt which is recognized when due. The proprietary fund is accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when they are earned, and the expenses are recognized when they are incurred.. Unbilled Water Fund utility service receivables are recorded at year end. Interfund transactions Following is a description of the basic types of interfund transac- tions made during the year and the related accounting policy: Transactions for services rendered or facilities provided. These transactions are recorded as revenue in the receiving fund and expenditures in the disbursing fund. Transactions to transfer revenue or contributions from the fund budgeted to receive them to the fund budgeted to expend them. These transactions are recorded as operating transfers in and out . Compensated Absences Accumulated unpaid vacation and sick leave amounts are accrued when incurred. In governmental funds, the current liability to be liqui- dated with expendable available financial resources is recorded in the specific fund, with the remainder of the liability reported in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. The Proprietary Fund records its respective share of the liability in total. Encumbrances The Village records encumbrances, if any, as a reservation of fund balance until expended or accrued as a liability of the fund. Encum- brances at September 30, 1985 and 1984 were $2,000 and $84,232, respectively. 31 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Revenue Recognition Ad Valorem Taxes Ad valorem taxes are assessed as of January 1 and billed the following October. They are due and payable on November 1 of each year or as soon thereafter as the assessment roll is certified and delivered to the Tax Collector. These taxes are collected by the County and remitted to the Village. Revenue is recognized at the time monies are received from the County. All unpaid taxes become delinquent on April 1 following the year in which they are assessed. Discounts are allowed for early payment at the rate of 4$ in the month of November, 3~ in the month of December, 2$ in the month of January and 1~ in the month of February. The taxes paid in March are without dis- count.. At September 30, unpaid delinquent taxes,. if any, are reflected as a receivable on the balance sheet and are fully reserved. The Village does not accrue property tax revenues since the collection of these taxes coincides with the fiscal year in which levied, and since the Village consistently has no mate- rial uncollected property taxes at year end. .Federal Revenue Sharing Entitlement Payments Revenue sharing payments are normally received within 10 days following the end of each entitlement period. Revenue is recognized on the last day of each entitlement period at which time the revenue has become both measurable and available. Budgets and Budgetary Accounting Formal budgetary integration is employed as a management control device during the year for the General Fund and Special Revenue Fund. The Finance Department maintains control over expenditures of the debt service fund through the use of bond indenture provisions and informal budgets. Budgets for the General .and Special Revenue Funds are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. For budgeting purposes, current year encumbrances are not treated as expenditures. 32 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Budgets and Budgetary Accounting (Continued) The Village follows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: 1. Prior to September 1, the Village Manager submits to the Village Council a proposed operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following October 1. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. 2. Public hearings are conducted to obtain taxpayer comments. 3. Prior to October 1, the budget is legally enacted through passage of a resolution. Changes or amendments to the total budgeted expenditures of the Village total departmental expenditures or items within a department must be approved by the Village Council. However, in order to make the most effective use of the budgetary process, it is the policy of the Village to make as few budget adjustments as possible. Appropri- ations are legally controlled at the departmental level within funds and expenditures may not legally exceed budgeted appropriations at that level. During the year, the Village did not make any supplemental appropria- tion increases but did make several administrative changes on the departmental level. The Village has complied with the Florida requirement that budgets be in balance. The General Fund and Special Revenue Fund budgets re- flected in the accompanying financial statements are not balanced because they do not include amounts budgeted from beginning fund balance. Appropriations which are neither expended or specifically designated to be carried over lapse at the end of the fiscal year. A budget for operating expenses of the Water Fund is also adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles in accordance with requirements of Ordinance 260-Water Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1978. 33 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Investments Investments, consisting of certificates of deposits, U.S. treasury obligations and money market accounts are stated at cost or amortized cost, which approximates market. Inventories Inventories are valued at cost (first-in, first-out) or market. Inventories in the General Fund consist of expendable supplies held for consumption. The cost is recorded as an expenditure at the time individual inventory items are purchased. Reported inventories are equally offset by a fund balance reserve which indicates that they do not constitute "available spendable resources" even though they are a component of net current assets. Amortization The issue costs and debt discount on long-term debt are amortized over the life of the bonds using the straight-line method. Total Columns on Combined Statements The Total columns on the combined statements are captioned "Memoran- dum Only" to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of operations, or changes in financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. NOTE 2 - INTERFUND ADMINISTRATIVE FEE During the year ended September 30, 1985, the Enterprise Fund remitted $60,000 to the General Fund for administrative management fees. .This amount is reflected as intragovernmental services revenue in the General Fund and as contractual services operating expenses in the Enterprise Fund. 34 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 3 - PENSION PLAN All full-time Village employees are eligible to participate in the noncontributory Florida Retirement System as authorized by Chapter 121 of the Florida Statutes. Total pension costs for the year ended September 30, 1985 were $111,828 (General Fund $96,775, Enterprise Fund $15,053). The funding methods and the determination of benefits payable are provided in various acts of the State Legislature. All accounting records relating to the Retirement System are maintained by the State on a statewide basis only. At September 30, 1985, information was not available with regard to the excess of the actuarially computed vested benefits over pension fund assets relating to employees of the Village. Actuarial valuations of the system are required by State Statute on a periodic basis. NOTE 4 - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - ENTERPRISE FUND Accounts receivable of $161,123 are stated net of a $1,500 allowance for doubtful accounts and consist of billed revenues totaling $130,745 and unbilled revenues totaling $31,878. NOTE 5 - COMPENSATED ANNUAL LEAVE AND SICR PAY In accordance with Statement 4 of the National Council on Government- al Accounting, vacation pay and sick pay are recorded when earned by employees. As of September 30, 1985, the total liability for compen® sated absences was $65,166. The current liability in the General Fund was $20,682. The noncurrent portion of compensated absence liability of the General Fund is recorded in the Long-Term Debt Group. For the fiscal year ended September 30, 1985, the long-term amount was $32,237. The liability recorded by the Enterprise Fund was $12,247. NOTE 6 - LONG-TERM DEBT Water Fund: Water Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1985 were issued pursuant to Resolution 2-84/85 enacted by the Village Council on October 23, 1984, for a total principal amount of $1,525,000. 35 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 6 - LONG-TERM DEBT (Continued) Water Fund: (Continued) Resolution 2-84/85-provides for the disposition of all revenues derived from the operation of the water system. Revenues are first to be used for payment of all current operating expenses. Revenues are next to be used for the required payments for principal and inte- rest on, and reserve for, the outstanding water refunding revenue bonds. Revenues are next to be used to maintain the renewal, replacement and improvement of the water system. Such payments to the renewal and replacement fund are made monthly equal to one-twelfth of the esti- mated annual cost of extensions, additions to, enlargements and replacement of capital assets of the system and emergency repairs thereto, such cost to be established by recommendation of the con- sulting engineer. Finally, any revenues remaining may be used for any lawful purpose. The Resolution requires the establishment of the following accounts: Account Purpose Revenue Account To collect the entire gross revenues derived from the system, except invest- ment earnings. Operation and To pay fully accrued operating expenses. Maintenance Account Sinking Account To accumulate sufficient funds to meet annual debt service requirements through transfers from the Revenue Account. Bond Amortization Established within the Sinking Account Account to meet principal payment on the debt. Reserve Account To accumulate funds for. payment of principal and interest only if funds in the Sinking Account are insufficient. Renewal and Replacement To accumulate funds for. the purpose of Account funding the cost of extensions, addi- tions to, enlargements and replacement of capital assets of the system and emergency repairs thereto. 36 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 6 - LONG-TERM DEBT (Continued) Water Fund: (Continued) The annual requirements to amortize the debt are as follows: Fiscal Year Ending September 30 1 986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1 991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1 997 Principal Interest $ 55,000 70,000 70,000 80,000 80,000 90, 000 95,000 105,000 185,000 275,000 300,000 120,000 $ 125,426 118,599 114,311 1 09, 505 103,805 97,667 90,749 83,005 74,199 55,1 43 30,592 5,340 $1,525,000 $1,008,341 Total $ 1 80, 426 188,599 184,311 189,505 1 83, 805 187,667 185,749 188,005 259,199 330,1 43 330,592 125,340 $2,533,341 The Village is obligated by the securities contract to purchase an aggregate of $980,000 par amount of U.S. Treasury Bonds due Febru- ary 15, 2007, bearing interest at 7-5/8~, at an aggregate purchase price of $928,323.57. Purchase must be made semi-annually on April 1 and October 1 from April 1, 1985 through October 1, 1993, at semi- annual prices increasing from approximately $33,000 in 1985 to approximately $71,000 in 1993. Neither the U.S. Treasury Bonds nor their income is pledged for payment of the refunding bonds. However, the purchase prices of the Treasury Bonds are added to gross debt service and the income from the Treasury Bonds is subtracted from gross debt service to compute bond service requirements. Debt issue expense and bond discount on the Water Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1985, are being amortized over the life of the bonds. General Long-Term Debt: This debt consists of Improvement .Revenue Bonds Series 1979, dated October 1, 1979, in the amount of $910,000 with interest rates ranging from 8.30 to 8.50$. At September 30, 1985, $805,000 of this issue, which consists of term and serial bonds, were outstanding. The guaranteed entitlement portion of state revenue sharing trust funds, public service utilities taxes, fran- chise fees and occupational license taxes have been pledged. The bonds will be repaid through the Debt Service Fund. 37 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 6 - LONG-TERM DEBT (Continued) General Long-Term Debt: (Continued) Annual requirements to amortize this debt are as follows: 1986 October 1987 October 1988 October 1989 October 1990 October 1991 October 1992 October 1993 October 1994 October 1995 October 1996 October 1997 October 1998 .October 1999 October 2000 October 2001 October 2002 October 2003 October 2004 October Totals Coupon Total Rate Principal Interest Payments 8.40$ $ 20,000 8.40$ 25,000 8.40 25,000 8.30 25,000 8.30$ 30, 000 8.30 30,000 8.40$ 8.40$ 8.40$ 8.40$ 8.40$ 8.40 8.40$ 8.40$ 8. 40~ 8.40$ 8.40$ 8.40$ 8.40 650,000 $ 67,535 65,855 63,755 61,655 59, 580 57,090 54, 600 54,600 54,600 54,600 54,600 54,600 54, 600 54,600 54,600 54,600 54,600 54,600 54,600 $ 87,535 90,855 88,755 86,655 89, 580 87,090 54, 600 54,600 54,600 54, 600 54,600 54,600 54, 600 54,600 54, 600 54,600 54, 600 54,600 704,600 $805,000 $1,085,270 $1,890,270 Monies will be deposited into a bond amortization account for the retirement of the 2004 term bonds on October 1 in such years and such amounts as follows: Year Amount 1992 $ 35,000 1993 35,000 1994 40,000 1995 40,000 1996 45,000 1997 45,000 1998 50,000 Year Amount 1999 $ 55,000 2000 55,000 2001 60,000 2002 65,000 2003 70,000 2004 55,000 38 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 6 - LONG-TERM DEBT (Continued} General Long-Term Debt: (Continued} The annual requirements to amortize all outstanding debt including interest payments of $2,093,611 as of September 30, 1985 are as follows: Fiscal Year Ending Compensated Improvement Water September 30 Absences Revenue Revenue Total 1 986 $ $ 87, 535 $ 1 80, 426 $ 267, 961 1987 90,855 188,599 279,454 1988 88,755 184,311 273,066 1989 86,655 189,505 276,160 1 990 89, 580 1 83, 805 273, 385 1991 87,090 187,667 274,757 1992 54,600 185,749 240,349 1993 54,600 188,005 242,605 1994 54,600 259,199 313,799 1 995 54, 600 330,1 43 384, 743 1996 54,600 330,592 385,192 1997 54,600 125,340 179,940 1998 54,600 54,600 1999 54,600 54,600 2000 .54,600 54,600 2001 54,600 ~ 54,600 2002 54,600 54,600 2003 54,600 54,600 2004 704,600 704,600 Various 32,237 32,237 $32,237 $1,890,270 $2,533,341 $4,455,848 Annual maturities of long-term compensated absences cannot be reason- ably determined. 39 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 6 - LONG-TERM DEBT (Continued) Chan es in Lon -Term Debt: Transactions for the Village for the year ended Septem er 30, 1985 are summarized as follows: Improvement Water Compensated Revenue Revenue Absences Bonds Bonds Total Long-term debt at October 1, 1984 Add: Compensated absences Bonds issued Less: Bonds retired Long-term debt at September 30, 1985 Interest Expense $30,783 $825,000 $3,915,000 $4,770,783 1 , 454 1 ,.454 1,525,000 1,525,000 20,000 3,940,000 3,960,000_ $32,237 $805,000 $1,500,000 $2,337,237 Interest expense on long-term debt for the fiscal year ended Septem- ber 30, 1985 totaled $239,160 (general long-term debt - $69,235; Enterprise Fund - $169,925). NOTE 7 - LEASE COMMITMENTS The Village presently has no material lease commitments. In addi- tion, the Village has no commitments under lease purchase or similar contractual arrangements. NOTE 8 - CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL - ENTERPRISE FUND Contributed capital consists of the following: Contributions from capital improvement charges $ 998,531 Contributions from developers $237,752 Less: amortization 15,120 222,632 $1,221,163 For the year ended September 30, 1985, contributions from capital improvement charges totaled $243,994 and contributions from develop- ers totaled $97,500. 40 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 9 - LONG-TERM AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE WATER On July 15, 1976, the Village entered into an agreement with Tri- Southern Utilities Company, Inc. (the agreement subsequently assumed by the Town of 'Jupiter) to purchase water for the Village's water system for a period of 30 years. Rates for water service are based on wholesale rates. The Village is billed monthly based upon a 1,500,000 gallons per day contracted minimum. NOTE 10 - INTERFUND RECEIVABLES AND PAYABLES Individual fund interfund receivables and payables at September 30, 1985 are as follows: Fund General Fund Special Revenue Fund Enterprise Fund NOTE 11 - COMPONENTS OF FIXED ASSETS Interfund Interfund Receivables Payables $21,245 $ 1 6, 800 4,445 $21,245 $21,245 A summary of changes in general fixed assets follows: Balance Octo'oer 1 , 1984 Balance September 30, Additions Deletions 1985 Land $ 35,000 $ $ $ 35,000 Buildings 211,004 3,828 214,832 Equipment 293,207 91,454 31,780 352,881 Total $539,211 $95,282 $31,780 $602,713 41 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 11 - COMPONENTS OF FIXED ASSETS (Continued) The components of fixed assets at September 30, as follows: 1985 are summarized General Land Buildings Improvements buildings other than Machinery and equipment Accumulated depreciation Total Enterprise Fixed Assets Fund Account Group Total $ 92,042 $ 35,000 $ 127,042 386,394 214,832 601,226 5,553,002 5,553,002 209,774 352,881 562,655 6,241,212 602,713 6,843,925 1,631,600 1_,631,600 $4,609,612 $602,713 $5,212,325 NOTE 12 - EXTRAORDINARY GAIN - EARLY EXTINGUISHMENT OF DEBT Water Fund During the year ended September 30, 1985, the Village refunded its outstanding $3,915,000 Water Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1978 by issuance of $1,525,000 Series 1985 Bonds. The transaction resulted in an extraordinary gain of $870,022. This gain represents the excess of the principal amount of the refunded bonds (after deducting unamortized debt issue costs, discounts and expenses of the refund- ing) over the stated value of the new bond issue at issuance. Refunding revenue bond proceeds were placed in an irrevocable escrow fund with an independent escrow agent. The funds were invested in direct obligations of the United States of America, the maturing principal and interest earnings of which will provide sufficient monies to pay at maturity, or redeem prior to maturity, the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the refunded water and sewer revenue bonds. These obligations mature at various dates through April 1, 2007. In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, the refunded debts are not included in the combined balance sheet all fund types and account groups at September 30, 1985. Similarly, interest expense related to the refunded debt and interest earned on the investment of the escrowed funds have not been recognized in the statement of revenues and expenses and changes in retained earnings - Proprietary Fund Type. 42 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1985 NOTE 13 - CONSIDERATION OF DEFINITION OF THE REPORTING ENTITY This report includes all of the funds and account groups of the Village. It also includes all activities considered to be part of (controlled by or dependent on) the Village, as determined by the application of the criteria set forth in "Defining the Governmental Reporting Entity - NCGA Statement 3." In accordance with NCGA State- ments 3 and 7, for financial reporting purposes, the Village's finan- cial statements include all funds, account groups, departments, agencies, boards, commissions and other organizations over which Village officials exercise oversight responsibility. Oversight responsibility includes such aspects as appointment of governing body members, budget approval, approval of property tax levies, outstanding debt secured by Village's full faith and credit or revenues, responsibility for funding deficits and others. As in prior years, the Village found that there were no entities to consider when attempting to implement NCGA Statements 3 and 7. Therefore, the criteria in Statement 3 did not require the inclusion of any entity as an accompanying unit in the Village's financial statements. NOTE 14 - LITIGATION The Village, in accordance with the normal conduct of its involved in various judgments, claims and litigations. It ed that the final settlement of these matters will not affect the financial statements of the Village. affairs, is is expect- materially 43 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Fund Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Taxes Current ad valorem taxes Delinquent ad valorem taxes Franchise fees Utility service taxes Total taxes Licenses and permits Professional and occupational licenses Building permits Other licenses and permits Total licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenues Cigarette tax State revenue sharing Alcoholic beverage licenses Municipal fuel tax Local option gas tax Countywide registrations One-half cent sales tax State alternative fuel tax County road and bridge tax Total intergovernmental revenues Charges for services Zoning fees Map sales Certification, copying, record search Building inspection service Municipal police academy Tennis lights Total charges for services Budget Actual $1,036,125 1,000 380,178 304,500 1,7 1, 3 $1,036,124 879 411,704 328,598 1,777,305 40,000 58,000 5,550 103,550 16,000 129,228 5,200 2,650 25,200 19,800 1 1 5, 000 25 77 313,180 300 380 850 1,000 3,800 2,200 8,530 44 41,725 56,368 4,801 102,894 15,877 1 29, 235 5,769 2,612 26,747 1 9, 738 132,650 26 77 332,731 450 492 81 7 1,478 3, 540 2,,246 9,023 Variance - Favorable (Unfavorable) $ (1 (121 31 , 526 24,098 55,502 1,725 (1,632) (749) (656) (123) 7 569 (38) 1,547 (62) 1 7, 650 1 19,551 150 112 (33) 478 (260) 46 493 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Fund Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Fines and forfeits Court fines Parking tickets Total fines and forfeits Budget $ 40, 000 200 40,200 Actual $ 43,120 21 0 43,330 Miscellaneous revenues Interest Contribution for park land Contribution from private sources Other Abandoned bicycle sales Total miscellaneous revenues Intragovernmental services Administrative management - water fund Total revenues 27,500 4,800 53 32,353 35,721 30,267 1,200 1,336 53 68,577 60,000 60,000 $2,279,616 $2,393,860 45 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 3,120 10 3,130 8, 221 30,267 1,200 (3,464) 3 6 ~~ $114,244 -VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Fund Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 General government Legislative Travel and per diem Other charges Total legislative Executive Village manager's salary F.I.C.A. Retirement Life and health insurance Worker's compensation insurance Travel and per diem Other charges Books, publications, dues Village clerk's salary F.I.C.A. .Retirement Life and health insurance Worker's compensation insurance Travel and per diem Other charges Operating supplies Books, publications, dues Machinery and equipment Repairs and maintenance - office machines Total executive Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 3,800 $ 3,412 $ 388 100 84 16 3,900 3,496 404 38,682 38,631 51 2,760 2,713 47 4,685 4,627 58 1,560 1,553 7 100 100 1,600 1,406 194 50 34 16 50 20 30 19,770 19,766 4 1,400 1,386 14 2,365 2,363 2 3,200 3,175 25 55 51 4 1,300 1,150 150 1,200 396 804 350 279 71 60 60 115 115 79,302 77,825 Financial and administrative Finance director's and bookkeeper's salary F.I.C.A. Retirement Life and health insurance Worker's compensation insurance 41,300 41,300 2,905 2,902 3 5,000 4,951 49 1,650 1,618 32 110 107 3 46 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Fund Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 General government (continued) Financial and administrative (continued) Computer services Accounting and auditing Travel and per diem Other charges Office supplies Books, publications, dues Machinery and equipment Repairs and maintenance - office machines Total financial and administrative Legal counsel Legal services Total legal counsel Planning and zoning Planning service Other current charges Total planning and zoning Other general government Salaries F.I.C.A. Retirement Life and health insurance Worker's compensation insurance Unemployment compensation Employee recognition program Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 2, 335 $ 2, 333 $ 2 13,000 13,000 600 525 75 395 315 80 1,765 1,763 2 1 50 90 60 390 375 15 2,425 686 1,739 72,025 69,965 2,060 35,000 28,210 6,790 35,000 28,210 6,790 12, 000 1 1 , 586 41 4 200 200 12,200 11,586 614 11,025 11,023 2 780 776 4 1,300 1,315 (15) 1,525 1,522 3 24 19 5 500 500 2,970 2,970 47 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Fund Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 General government (continued) Other general government (continued) Codification Communication services Postage Utility services Fire hydrant rental fees Office equipment rentals Insurance Village Hall maintenance Office machines maintenance Other charges Office supplies Books, publications, dues Personnel training Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment (computer) Aid to private organizations Other grants and aids Total other general government Total general government Public safety Police department Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 3,660 $ 3,488 $ 172 3,700 3,174 526 2,500 2,298 202 9,600 8,777 823 1 1 , 400 1 1 , 400 5,000 4,543 457 8,500 7,343 1,157 8,000 5,473 2,527 220 87 133 3,400 3,390 10 3,220 2,843 377 1,100 815 285 425 380 45 3,500 1,094 2,406 20,400 20,296 104 12,400 12,400 2,999 2,999 118,148 105,455 12,693 320,575 296,537 24,038 Salaries 437,200 437,141 59 Overtime 20,450 20,430 20 F.I.C.A. 32,750 32,114 636 Retirement 64,600 62,200 2,400 Life and health insurance 62,200 60,414 1,786 48 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Fund Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Public safety (continued) Police department (continued) Worker's compensation insurance Travel and per diem Communication services Insurance Rentals and leases - office equipment Repairs and maintenance - cars Repairs and maintenance - office equipment Repairs and maintenance - radio communications Repairs and maintenance - other Printing and binding Other charges Personnel training Office supplies Gasoline and oil Uniforms and equipment Books, publications, dues Machinery and equipment Total police department Detention and/or correction Other contractual services - P.B.C. Sheriff's Department Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 16,400 $ 16,324 $ 76 4,600 4,468 132 5, 200 5, 1 50 50 11,000 10,554 446 385 384 1 11,000 10,036 964 1,365 1,006 359 2,150 2,100 50 150 119 31 600 50 550 4,500 4,459 41 3,000 2,318 682 2,800. 2,533 267 26,000 24,145 1,855 5,000 4,916 84 400 392 8 35,430 37,532 (2,102) 747,180 738,785 8,395 150 150 Total detention and/or correction Protective inspections 1 50 1 50 Salaries 61,150 61,135 15 F.I.C.A. 4,300 4,293 7 4 Retirement 7,305 7,301 64 Life and health insurance 9,200 9,136 49 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Fund Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Public safety (continued) Budget Actual Variance - Favorable (Unfavorable) Protective inspections (continued) Office supplies $ Worker's compensation insurance Travel and per diem Communication services Other charges Books, publications, dues Machinery and equipment Repairs and maintenance - 2, 600 $ 2, 51 0 $ 90 2,090 2,089 1 2,600 2,370 230 1,360 1,340 20 144 39 105 520 51 6 4 1,575 1,497 78 office machines 570 394 176 Total protective inspections 93,414 92,620 794 Emergency and disaster relief Civil preparedness Contingency fund Capital outlay Machinery and equipment Total emergency and disaster relief Fire protection and emergency medical service Palm Beach County contractual services Total fire protection and emergency medical service 800 4,700 500 6,000 295,023 295,023 743 57 4,700 500 743 5,257 295,023 295,023 Total public safety 1,141,767 1,127,171 14,596 Physical environment Contractual services - garbage and trash 206,800 206,776 24 Total physical environment 206,800 206,776- 24 Transportation Road and street facilities Salaries 77,000 74,394 2,606 Overtime 1,000 487 513 F.I.C.A. 5,500 5,359 141 50 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Fund Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Trarnsportation (continued) Road and street facilities (continued) Retirement Life and health insurance Worker's compensation insurance Travel and per diem Communication services Street lights Insurance Repairs and maintenance - truck and tractor Repairs and maintenance - drainage Other charges Gasoline and oil - truck and tractor Gasoline and oil - other Small tools Traf f is s igns General maintenance Road materials and supplies Capital outlay Road improvements Machinery and equipment Building Total transportation Human services Health - mosquito control Salaries F.I.C.A. Retirement Repairs and maintenance - equipment Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 9,600 $ 9,174 $ 426 12,200 11,087 1,113 5,000 4,990 10 50 50 725 655 70 20,400 18,606 1,794 2, 800 2, 583 21 7 2,000 1,786 214 12,000 3,049 8,951 50 50 2,000 1,674 326 280 279 1 920 911 9 1,000 1,000 28,000 27,773 227 3,650 1,938 1,712 66,000 65,803 197 9,000 8,964 36 259,175 239,512 19,663 2,000 1,658 342 140 15 125 245 245 200 23 177 51 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Fund Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Human services (continued) Health - mosquito control (continued) Machinery and equipment Flushing solution Other charges Gasoline and oil Insecticide Total human services Culture/Recreation Parks and recreation Salaries Overtime F.I.C.A. Retirement Life and health insurance Worker's compensation insurance Travel and per diem Communication services Utility services - trailer and office Utility services - field lights Utility services - security lights Utility services - water Insurance Buildings, equipment and grounds repairs and maintenance Fields repairs and maintenance Truck repairs and maintenance Bicycle path repairs and maintenance Other charges Budget Actual $ 4,810 $ 4,810 350 204 45 1 30 36 5,000 4,161 12,920 10,907 Variance - Favorable (Unfavorable) 1 46 45 94 Quo 2,013 46, 900 46, 81 2 88 100 79 21 3,530 3,526 4 4,920 4,844 76 3, 440 3, 436 4 955 954 1 1,250 1,232 18 500 384 11 6 3,870 4,121 (251) 4,700 4,610 90 300 21 6 84 735 735 1,100 1,076 24 8,000 6,084 1,916 6,000 4,473 1,527 500 447 53 4, 475 4, 472 3 50 50 52 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Fund Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Culture/Recreation (continued) Parks and recreation (continued) Office supplies Gasoline and oil - truck and tractor Gasoline and oil - other Small tools and minor equipment Program expense Books, publications, dues Buildings - restroom facility Playground parks - wood fence Machinery and equipment Tennis court resurfacing Village Green (sodding and walks) Total culture/recreation Contingency Total contingency Total expenditures Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 50 $ 9 $ 41 600 540 60 1 , 420 1 , 271 1 49 1,200 1,004 196 100 10 90 3,828 (3,828) 2, 1 OS 2, 1 01 4 1,180 1,180 6,932 6,932 17,475 17,471 4 122,387 121,847 540 214,435 214,435 21 4, 435 21 4, 435 $2,278,059 $2,002,750 $275,309 53 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Enterprise Fund Schedule of Operating Expenses - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Variance - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Purchased water $474,000 $465,375 $ 8,625 Personal services Wages $131,350 $126,700 $ 4,650 F.I.C.A. taxes 9,110 8,805 305 Retirement 15,210 15,053 157 Life and health insurance 23,570 22,847 723 Employee recognition program 400 400 Total personal services 179,640 173,405 6,235 Contractual services Insurance $ 7,250 $ 5,496 $ 1,754 Professional services 30,500 27,814 2,686 Communication services 4,900 4,300 600 Rentals 1,480 1,430 50 Legal 3,000 2,960 40 Engineering 24,200 20,697 3,503 Accounting and auditing 14,600 14,600 Other current charges 990 1,400 (410) Licenses and fees 1,600 1,595 5 Administrative management 60,000 60,000 Personnel training and travel 7,250 6,757 493 Total contractual services $155,770 $147,049 8,721 Supplies Office supplies $ 6,150 $ 5,574 $ 576 Truck gas and oil 2,800 2,644 156 Chemicals 10,500 9,673 827 Small tools 510 510 Laboratory supplies 300 300 Diesel fuel 290 290 Books 300 275 25 Total supplies $ 20,850 18,676 2,174 Heat, light and power $ 80,000 $ 74,794 $ 5,206 Repairs and maintenance $ 24,775 $ 20,565 $ 4,210 54 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Enterprise Fund Comparative Summary of Operations For the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 1985 and 1984 1985 1984 Operating revenues $1,400,742 $1,094,051 Operating expenses 1,239,255 982,883 Operating income 161,487 111,168 Nonoperating revenues (expenses) (22,376) (41,168) Income before operating transfers and extraordinary item 139,111 70,000 Operating transfers in (out) 96,673 (96,673) Income before extraordinary item 235,784 (26,673) Extraordinary item 870,022 Depreciation on fixed assets acquired by contributions from subdividers 15,120 Net income (loss) $1,120,926 $ (26,673) 55 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Enterprise Fund Schedule of Restricted Accounts Under Revenue Bond Ordinance For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1985 Sinking a .,.,r,~,,,+- Balance, October 1, 1984 Cash and investments $ 1,061 Unamortized discount on investments Accrued interest receivable 1 ,061 Increases Treasury obligation purchase - 1985 bond issue Transfers from unrestricted accounts 191,131 Investment earnings 5,170 Transfers from restricted accounts 206,518 Total 402,819 Decreases Treasury obligation defeased - 1979 bond issue Capital outlay Interest payments 197,193 Other debt service costs 1,158 Transfers to other unrestricted accounts Transfers to other restricted accounts 203,050 Total 401,401 Balance, September 30, 1985 Cash and investments 2.479 Unamortized discount on investments Accrued interest receivable Total $ 2-479 56 Bond Renewal and Amortization Reserve Replacement Account Account Account $923,687 $268,352 $26,693 (49,253) 8,505 1,861 184 882,939 270,213 26,877 32,627 68,300 20,531 3,054 2,766 _107,380 21,800 35,393 196,211 24,854 838,459 20,531 89,906 27,111 8,801 107,380 847,260 197,286 47,642 73,391 267,344 4,061 (2,319) 1,794 28 $ 71,072 $269,138 $ 4,089 57 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Amortization Schedule $1,525,000 Water Refunding Revenue Bonds - Series 1985 September 30, 1985 The debt was incurred on "January 1, 1985, through the issuance of $1,525,000 water refunding revenue bonds. The proceeds were used to refund a portion of the outstanding Series 1985 water refunding revenue bonds. The bonds are secured by the net revenues of the Water Fund. On September 30, 1985, the outstanding bonds totaled $1,500,000; the payment schedule follows: Due Bate 1985 Oct. 1* 1986 April 1 1986 Oct. 1 1987 April 1 1987 Oct. 1 1988 April 1 1988 Oct. 1 1989 April 1 1989 Oct. 1 1990 April 1 1990 Oct. 1 1991 April 1 1991 Oct. 1 1992 April 1 1992 Oct. 1 1993 April 1 1993 Oct. 1 1994 April 1 1994 Oct. 1 1995 April 1 1995 Oct. 1 1996 April 1 1996 Oct. 1 Totals Principal $ 25,000 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 50,000 50,000 55,000 55,000 130,000 135,000 140,000 150,000 150,000 120,000 $1,525,000 Interest $ 64,761 60,665 59, 802 58,796 57,703 56,609 55,427 54,078 52,627 51,178 49,677 47,990 46,246 44,503 42,502 40,503 38,234 35,965 30, 440 24,702 18,578 12,015 5,340 $1,008,341 Total $ 89,761 90,665 94,802 93,796 92, 703 91,609 95,427 94,078 92,627 91,178 94,677 92,990 91,246 94,503 92, 502 95,503 93,234 165,965 165,440 164,702 168,578 162,015 125,340 $2,533,341 Annual Requirements $ 123,797 258,278 257,346 260,246 256,968 257, 1 56 256,021 263,207 258,962 256,080 257,955 212,030 $2,918,046 * This payment was made in advance on September 30, 1985. 58 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Schedule of General Fixed Assets By Source September 30, 1985 General fixed assets Land $ 35,000 Building and improvements 214,832 Equipment 352,881 Total general fixed assets $602,713 Investment in general fixed assets General Fund revenue $547,324 Special Revenue Fund revenue (Federal Revenue Sharing) 55,389 Total investment in general fixed assets $602,713 59 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Schedule of General Fixed Assets By Function and Activity September 30, 1985 Buildings and Total Land Improvements Equipment General government $187,075 $35,000 $127,892 $ 24,183 Public safety 163,052 14,180 148,872 Transportation 54,023 2,782 51,241 Human services 4,810 4,810 Culture/recreation 54,017 48,995 5,022 Total general fixed assets Allocated to functions 462,977 35,000 193,849 234,128 Prior year data which cannot be allocated 139,736 20,983 118,753 Total general fixed assets $602,713 $35,000 $214,832 $352,881 60 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets By Function and Activity September 30, 1985 General Fixed Assets October 1, Function and Activity 1984 Additions Deletions General government $166,404 $20,671 $ Public safety 139,003 55,829 31,780 Transportation 45,059 8,964 Auman services 4,810 Culture/recreation 49,009 5,008 399,475 $95,282 $31,780 Prior to allocation by function 139,736 C~zo ~~~ General Fixed Assets September 30, 1985 $187,075 1 63, 052 54,023 4,810 54,017 462,977 139,736 a~n~_~~~ 61 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Amortization Schedule Improvement Revenue Bonds - Series 1979 September 30, 1985 The debt was incurred on April 1, 1980, through the issuance of $910,000 improvement revenue bonds. The proceeds were used for pav- ing and drainage improvements. On September 30, 1985, the outstand- ing bonds totaled $805,000: Coupon Total Rate Principal Interest Payments 1986 October 1 8.40 $ 20,000 $ 67,535 1987 October 1 8.40$ 25,000 65,855 1988 October 1 8.40$ 25,000 63,755 1989 October 1 8.30$ 25,000 61,655 1990 October 1 8.30 30,000 59,580 1991 October 1 8.30 30,000 57,090 1992 October 1 8.40$ 54,600 1993 October 1 8.40 54,600 1994 October 1 8.40$ 54,600 1995 October 1 8.40$ 54,600 1996 October 1 8.40$ 54,600 1997 October 1 8.40$ 54,600 1998 October 1 8.40 54,600 1999 October 1 8.40 54,600 2000 October 1 8.40 54,600 2001 October 1 8.40 54,600 2002 October 1 8.40$ 54,600 2003 October 1 8.40 54,600 2004 October 1 8.40 650,000 54,600 Totals $805,000 $1,085,270 $ 87,535 90,855 88,755 86,655 89,580 87,090 54, 600 54,600 54,600 54,600 54, 600 54,600 54, 600 54,600 54, 600 54,600 54,600 54,600 704,600 $1,890,270 62 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Schedule of Investments - All Funds September 30, 1985 Enterprise Fund Bond Amortization Account Enterprise Fund Meter deposits accounts United States Treasury Obligations Unamortized Interest Maturity Par Value -Cost Discount Rate Date $35,000 $32,683 $2,317 7.625$ 2/15/07 Retained earnings account Renewal and replacement account General Fund Money Market Accounts Interest Amounts Rate $5,000 Various 5,000 Various 5,000 Various 5,000 Various 63 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Schedule of Investments - All Funds September 30, 1985 Debt Service Fund Enterprise Fund Meter deposits account Retained earnings account Reserve account Capital improvement account General Fund Certificates of Deposit Interest Maturity Amounts Rate Date $100,000 11.000 4/01/90 100,000 7.825 2/20/86 63,000 7.750 1/20/86 63,000 7.750 1/20/86 150,000 7.625 2/10/86 150,000 7.500 1/13/86 100,000 7.375 10/21/85 100,000 7.500 12./16/85 100,000 7.500 11/11/85 208,848 7.500 7/01/86 2,000 10.750 4/20/87 52,500 7.750 2/20/86 20,000 7.250 11/21/85 150,000 7.375 11/18/85 100,000 7.500 12/12/85 100,000 7.500 11/01/85 100,000 7.375 10/04/85 64 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Schedule of Insurance September 30, 1985 Policy Number Coverage Employees Statutory Life SR 40914 $10,000 - $20,000 Group Life Insurance 3-2215 1.5 times annual salary Group Hospitalization 24883 Various Comprehensive automobile liability BAP468606 500,000 Public Employees Blanket Bond H04135132 100,000 Workmen's Compensation WC0075436 100,000 Multi-peril Policy (90~ co-insurance) SMP486543 Various (includes rider for computers) 10,000/40,000 Police Professional Liability ULF-0953 100,000/1,000,000 Public Official's and Employee's Liability 5240053602 200,000 Umbrella Liability 5502058392 1,000,000 Group Accident Policy DJA7252328 50,000 65 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Revenues by Source (Unaudited) (1) Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year Ended September 30 Licenses and Taxes (3) Permits 1976 $ 499,044 $ 31,687 1977 534,853 45,140 1978 582,544 44,982 1979 631,429 67,130 1980 736,789 60,366 1981 893,403 75,221 1982 991,734 74,325 1983 1,014,020 95,964 1984 1,129,107 113,982 1985 1,777,305 102,894 (1) Includes General, Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds. (2) Includes intragovernmental services. (3) Includes Fire/Emergency Rescue Service. Ad valorem tax millage effective year 1985. Source: Village of Tequesta financial records. 66 Intergovernmental $179,354 258,817 216,284 202,807 237,467 249,224 200,916 283,130 335,899 348,936 0 ~. Charges for Fines and Services Forfeits Miscellaneous(2) Total $7,600 $12,850 $ 34,233 $ 764,768 8,200 7,311 24,982 879,303 8,200 5,120 14,650 871,780 7,172 12,524 35,556 956,618 7,874 11,891 45,767 1,100,154 8,178 18,573 124,152 1,368,751 8,200 23,574 98,081 1,396,830 9,463 32,455 99,601 1,534,633 8,807 48,783 107,163 1,743,741 9,023 43,330 144,301 2,425,789 ~~~e t~~ ~g~e is~~e ~ 9381 983 13:3 t3~84 2.35 24 S.3 2.2 Z! 2 1.9 !.8 1J ].8 ~.~ 1.4 1.3 i.z ~.i ra,g o.e o.~ O ita~rsnue ~ssef 67 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA General Government Expenditures by Function (Unaudited) (1) Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year Ended September 30 General Government Public Safety (2) Transportation 1976 $161,175 $ 254,126 $132,328 1977 199,850 261,261 246,482 1978 194,720 278,171 144,676 1979 169,923 395,799 543,838 1980 175,074 470,194 296,792 1981 197,191 534,729 125,801 1982 271,157 635,668 299,846 1983 279,561 703,124 356,401- 1984 274,038 755,573 227,840 1985 296,537 1,127,171 239,512 (1) Includes General, Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds. (2) Includes Fire/Emergency Contract with Palm Beach County year 1985. Source: Village of Tequesta financial records. 68 Physical Environment $128,259 132,264 139,816 150,930 186,776 127,641 159,155 177,427 183,591 206,776 Culture Human and Services Recreation $ 4,784 3,781 4,073 4,397 7,281 8,382 11,069 8,024 2,154 10,907 $ 57,860 46,387 55,271 63,813 71,986 76,857 82,808 79,719 128,247 121,847 Debt Service $ 13,562 13,070 13,601 26,385 101,330 90,535 89,088 92,988 91,299 89,603 Total $ 752,094 903,095 830,328 1,355,085 1,309,433 1,161,136 1,548,791 1,697,244 1,662,742 2,090,353 ie~a ~o?~ ie~n i~~ »eo i~ei i~aa i~8.3 ige4 isaa 2.1 2 i.a i.e !.7 i.a i~ i.~+ i .~ i.z i.i 1 l~.9 a.~ 0.7 ~ ~cp~nd!#u~+se 69 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Property Tax Levies and Collections (Unaudited) (1) Last Ten Fiscal Years Percent of Fiscal Year Total Current Tax Percent Outstanding Delinquent Ended Tax Levy Collections of Levy Delinquent Taxes to September 30 (1) (1) Collected Taxes Tax Levy 1976 $ 315,095 $ 314,464 99.8 $ 631 .2 1977 337,294 336,658 99.8 636 .2 1978 358,362 357,307 99.7 1,055 .2 1979 387,591 386,889 99.8 702 .2 1980 410,854 407,931 99.3 2,923 .7 1981 534,655 531,676 99.4 2,979 .6 1982 569,277 558,068 98.0 11,209 2.0 1983 550,573 540,876 98.2 9,697 1.8 1984 641,179 636,533 99.3 4,646 .7 1985 1,038,027 1,037,003 99.9 1,024 .1 (1) Includes discounts taken by property taxpayers. Source: Palm Beach County Tax Collector's office. 70 VILLAGE Assessed and Taxable Last Fiscal Year Ended September 30 1976 1977 1978 1979 1 980 1981 1 982 1983 1984 1985 OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Estimated Actual Value of Property (Unaudited) Ten Fiscal Years Real Property Assessed Estimated _ Value Actual Value $ 62,427,067 81,345,307 93,399,125 96, 41 4, 986 108,755,676 146,062,451 200,770,160 199,394,093 206,001,538 219,001,538 Source: Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's office. $ 73,334,539 93,025,940 102,927,462 106,896,714 118,734,404 212,663,476 237,918,493 243,749,997 262,247,858 275,901,415 71 Personal Property Total Estimated Assessed Actual Assessed Estimated Value Value Value Actual Value $ 5,720,139 $ 7,695,025 $ 68,147,206 $ 81,029,564 6,147,522 8,550,730 87,492,829 101,576,670 6,398,719 9,807,003 99,797,844 112,734,465 7,218,482 10,918,206 103,633,468 117,814,920 8,036,976 11,774,601 116,792,652 130,509,005 8,576,046 12,847,602 154,638,497 225,511,078 9,434,287 9,856,038 210,204,447 247,774,531 10,410,095 10,943,311 209,504,188 254,693,308 11,333,640 11,916,171 218,153,678 274,164,029 10,902,190 11,562,981 229,903,728 287,464,396 goo 280 280 24d 220 ,., 200 a c ~ 180 160 1419 120 100 80 80 Ratio of Assessed to Total Estimated _Actual Value 84~ 86 89 88 89 69 85 82 80 80 1978 197? 1878 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 198!5 O Attasnd + ~Aolunt 72 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Property Tax Rates - All Overlapping Governments (Unaudited) (Per $1,000 of Assessed Value) Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year County Ended General School County September 30 Fund County Board Library 1976 4.9560 6.1500 9.9700 .4020 1977 4.1110 5.9808 9.7500 .3838 1978 4.0090 6.0734 8.3000 .3717 1979 4.0540 6.3170 7.0200 .3620 1980 5.0430 7.3227 8.6300 .4008 1981 2.9839 4.9361 6.9192 .3707 1982 2.6762 4,1823 6.1331 .3261 1983 3.1506 4.2489 6.9329 .3526 1984 4.9200 4.1836 7.1720 .3525 1985 5.0867 4.5271 7.2280 .3428 (1) Two (2} year levy (2) Included in Village General Fund millage rate. At October 1, 1983, the Jupiter Fire Control District No. 1 became a part of Palm Beach County through consolidation. Source: Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's office. 73 South Florida 'Jupiter Water 'Jupiter Fire Palm Beach Management Inlet District "Junior District District No. 1 College Total .3650 .2290 1.8600 23.9320 .3970 .1980 1.6810 22.5016 .3970 .1950 1.7610 21.1071 .4220 .1850 1.7049 20.0649 .4020 .1641 1.7014 .5000(1) 24.1640 .3580 .1003 1.2422 .5000(1) 17.4104 .3840 .1866 1.1845 15.0728 .3990 .2290 1.4660 16.7790 .4270 .2290 (2) 17.2841 .4390 .2290 (2) 17.8526 ~~ 24 ~Z "~"'~. "'.`~.~ 2fl 18 --~-- 14 13 1a a e z 1875 18TJ 1878 1878 188 1881 ~88Z 1883 18!!4 1880 A 7aq~3c~ # Cour~#y W1ds 74 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt To Assessed Value and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita (Unaudited) Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year Ended September 30 Assessed Population* Value 1976 3,852 $ 68,147,206 1977 3,812 87,492,829 1978 3,814 99,797,844 1979 3,842 103,633,468 1980 3,685 116,792,652 1981 3,750 154,638,497 1982 3,828 210,204,447 1983 3,810 209,804,188 1984 3,870 218,153,678 1985 3,928 229,903,728 * Source: Palm Beach County Planning Board, University of Florida Estimates and Federal Census 75 Debt Gross Service Net Bonded Monies Bonded Debt (1) Available Debt Ratio of Net Bonded Debt to Assessed Value Net Bonded Debt Per Capita $ 48,000 $ 13,766 $ 34,234 .05 8.89 37,000 15,046 21,954 .03 5.76 25,000 14,110 10,890 .01 2.86 910,000 147,650 762,350 .79 126.47 895,000 147,650 747,350 .64 202.81 880,000 102,751 777,249 .50 207.27 865,000 110,918 754,082 .36 196.99 845,000 110,508 734,492 .35 192.78 825,000 110,205 714,795 .33 184.70 805,000 109,769 695,231 .30 176.99 76 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Legal Debt Margin (Unaudited) September 30, 1985 The Village of Tequesta, Florida has no legal debt margin. 77 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Computation of Overlapping Debt (Unaudited) September 30, 1985 Taxing Authority Village of Tequesta Palm Beach County Total Net Debt Outstanding $ 695, 231 75,931,013 Percentage Applicable To Tequesta 78 100.00 .83~ Amount Applicable To Tequesta $ 695,231 630,227 $1,325,458 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to Total General Expenditures (Unaudited) Last Ten Fiscal Years Ratio of Debt Total Service to Fiscal Year Total General Total Ended Debt Expenditures General September 30 Principal Interest Service (1) Expenditures 1976 $11,000 $ 2,507 $ 13,507 $ 752,094 1.7 1977 11,000 2,040 13,040 903,095 1.4 1978 12,000 1,572 13,572 830,328 1.6 1979 25,000 1,063 26,063 1,355,085 1.9 1980 15,000 86,330 101,330 1,309,433 7.7 1981 15,000 75,535 90,535 1,161,136 7.7 1 982 1 5, 000 73, 91 0 88, 91 0 1 , 548, 791 5. 7 1983 20,000 72,988 92,988 1,697,244 5.5. 1984 20,000 71,299 91,299 1,662,742 5.5 1985 20,000 69,235 89,235 2,109,153 4.2 (1) Includes General, Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds. 79 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Revenue Bond Coverage Water Bonds (Unaudited) Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year Ended September 30 Gross Revenues Net Revenue Available Operating for Debt Expenses Service Debt Service Requirements Cover- Principal Interest Total age 1976 $ 393,787 $ 170,840 $222,947 $23,000 $ 91,,422 $114,422 1.94 1977 827,800 227,821 599,979 -0- 216,456 216,456 2.77 1978 919,127 494,792 424,335 -0- 228,228 228,228 1.85 1979 995,592 493,811 501,781 -0- 264,263 264,263 1.89 1980 1,088,504 659,326 429,178 -0- 275,948 275,948 1.55 1981 1,207,659 752,255 455,404 -0- 274,759 274,759 1.65 1982 1,249,423 745,584 503,839 -0- 275,090 275,090 1.83 1983 1,245,749 804,402 441,347 -0- 275,252 275,252 1.60 1984 1,349,576 982,883 366,693 -0- 276,344 276,344 1.33 1985 1,566,884 1,239,255 327,629 -0- 183,139 169,925 1.93 80 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Property Value, Construction and Bank Deposits (Unaudited) Last Three Fiscal Years Commercial Residential Construction (1) Construction(1) Property Value(3) Number Number Fiscal of of Bank Real Personal Year Units Value Units Value Deposits (2) Property Property 1983 2 $ 687,754 39 $5,535,834 $270,278,000 $199,394,093 $10,410,095 1984 3 329,567 50 4,366,966 232,803,399 206,820,038 11,333,640 1985 9 4,692,681 33 2,106,652 224,302,732 219,001,538 10,902,190 Source: (1) Village of Tequesta Planning and Zoning Department. (2) Tequesta Commercial Banks and Savings and Loan Associations. (3) Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's office. 81 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Principal Taxpayers (Unaudited) September 30, 1985 Taxpayer Barnett-Bank of Palm Beach County Lighthouse Plaza Village Square Tequesta Plaza Pride Plaza Tequesta Fashion Mall Tequesta Country Club Villager Apartments Management Advisory & Research Shaw Properties Percentage 1985 of Assessed Assessed Type of Business Valuation Valuation Banking $7,093,858 3.09 Shopping plaza 5,367,677 2.34 Shopping center 3,248,803 1.42 Shopping plaza 2,355,524 1.03 Super market 2,215,183 .97 Shopping center 1,897,805 .83 Golf and social club 1,775,580 .78 Apartment rentals 1,264,162 .55 Commercial property 907,982 .40 Office building 900,032 .39 Source: Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's office. 82 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Miscellaneous Statistics (Unaudited) September 30, 1985 Date of Incorporation: 1957 Forms of Government: Council-Manager Municipal Elections: Non-Partisan Area: 1.69 square miles Miles of Streets: Approximately 17 miles Fire Protection: Provided by - Palm Beach County Fire Insurance Rating - 6 Police Protectionz Number of stations - 1 Number of certified officers - 17 Number of dispatchers - 4 Municipal Water Department: Number of customers - 3,654 Average daily consumption - 1,941 million gallons Miles of water mains - 43 miles Sanitary Sewage: Service provided by - Loxahatchee River Environmental Control District Storm Sewers: Adequate coverage Garbage Collection: Service provided by - Franchised to Nichols Sanitation Frequency - Bi-weekly 83 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Miscellaneous Statistics (Unaudited) (Continued) September 30, 1984 Electric Service: Florida Power & Light Telephone Service: Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. Building Permits Issued: 1,893 Recreation and Culture: Number of parks - 2, approximately 50 acres Number of libraries - 1, branch of Palm Beach County system Number of volumes - 15,000-20,000 Municipal Employees: Full-time - 43 Part-time - 5 (seasonal) 84 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA, FLORIDA Demographic Statistics Last Ten Fiscal Years (And as Available) Education Level in Years of Fiscal Population Per Capita Median Formal Unemployment Year (1) Income (2) Age (2) Schooling (2) Rate (3) 1976 3,852 14.6 1977 3,812 $11,336 12.4 1978 3,814 9.5 1979 3,842 15,034 8.4 1980 3,685 49.7 13.7 7.2 1981 ,3,750 19,072 8.4 1982 3,828 10.9 1983 3,810 20,169 12.1 1984 3,870 9.1 1985 3,928 8.8 Sources: (1) Palm Beach County Planning Board, University of Florida Estimates and Federal Census. (2) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. (3)'Job Service of Florida. 85