Utilities_Consumptive Use Permit_2011 .� ,� FINAL APPROVED BY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Last Date for Agency Action: OCTOBER 31, 2011 November 8, 2011 WATER USE STAFF REPORT Application Number: 060215-11 Permit Number: 50-00046-W Project Name: VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY Water Use Permit Status: MODIFICATION/RENEWAL Location: PALM BEACH COUNTY, S25-26JT40S1R42E S30-32/T40S/R43E MARTfN COUNTY, S33-35/T39S/R42E S1-5, 8-18, 20-24/T40S/R42E S18-19/T40S/R43E Applicant's Name and Address: VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA 250 TEQUESTA DR SUITE 300 TEQUESTA, FL 33469 Local Drainage District: NORTHERN PALM SEACH COUNTY 1MPROVEMENT DISTRICT Water Use C{assification: Public Water Supply Sources: Ground Water from: Floridan Aquifer System Su�cial Aquifer System Authorized Allocation: Annual �4liocation: 1,594 Million Gallons (MG) Maximum Monthly Allocation: 230.1 Million Gallons (MG) Specific Source Limitations: Annual(MG) Monthly(MG) Surficial Aquifer System 401.32 62.21 Floridan Aquifer System 1251.43 167.9 Existing Withdrawal Facilities - Ground Water Source: Floridan Aquifer System 3-16" X 1200' X 1200 GPM Wells Cased to 1000 Feet 1- 16" X 1200' X 1000 GPM Well Cased to 1000 Feet Source: Surficial Aquifer System 2- 10" X 70' X 365 GPM Wells Cased to 50 Feet 1- 10" X 60' X 1250 GPM Well Cased to 45 Feet 1- 10" X 75' X 275 GPM Well Cased to 40 Feet 1- 10" X 90' X 750 GPM Weil Cased to 50 Feet 1- 8" X 62' X 150 GPM Well Cased to 37 Feet 1- 10" X 70' X 750 GPM Well Cased to 50 Feet 1- 10" X 70' X 205 GPM Well Cased to 50 Feet Page 1 of 13 060215-11 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY i� [� Source: Surficial Aquifer System 2- 8" X 60' X 150 GPM Wells Cased to 35 Feet Proposed Withdrawal Facilities - Ground Water Source: Floridan Aquifer System 1- 16" X 1200' X 1000 GPM Well Cased to 1000 Feet Source: Surficial Aquifer System 1- 10" X 70' X 300 GPM Well Cased to 50 Feet Rated Capacity Source Status Code GPM MGM MGY Floridan Aquifer System E 4,600 201.4 2,418 Surficial Aquifer System E 4,410 193.1 2,318 Floridan Aquifer System P 1,000 43.8 526 Surficial Aquifer System P 300 13,1 158 Totals: 10,310 451.4 5,420 PURPOSE The purpose of this application to renew and modify an existing water use permit for a public water supply located in Palm Beach and Martin Counties serving 13,988 persons through the year 2031. The water suppiy sources are groundwater from the surficial and Floridan aquifer systems. PROJECT DESCRiPTION The Village of Tequesta (Village) proper is located in northeastern Palm Beach County. The Village is bounded to the south and west by the northwest fork of the Loxahatchee River and the Intracoastal Waterway, and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. The service area also includes Jupiter Inlet Colony, southern Jupiter Island, the Rolling Hills Subdivision, Jonathan Dickinson State Park, and areas within unincorporated Palm Beach and Martin Counties. See Exhibits 1-2 for location and service area boundaries. PERMIT HISTORY: The Village was first granted a water use permit on December 13, 1974. The permit has been renewed and modified four times since then, The last permit renewal was issued on February 15, 1996 with 10- year permit duration. There have been no modifications to that permit. The allocation was 1,768 million gallons (MG) on an annual basis and 6.71 MG on a daily basis. The applicant is requesting a renewal and modification that reduces the allocation from 1,768 MG to 1,594 MG on an annual basis. In the 1996 permit, the projected 2006 population for the Village was 20,794 persons. The actual 2010 population for the service area was 11,946. The year 2031 population is projected to be 13,988 (Exhibit 7j. WELLFIELDS AND TREATMENT FACILITIES: The Village owns and operates three wellfields: Eastern, Western, and Reverse Osmosis (RO). The Western and Eastern wellfields withdraw groundwater from the surficial aquifer system. The RO wetifield withdraws groundwater from the Floridan aquifer system. The Village has shifted dependence from the surficial aquifer system to the Floridan aquifer system in the previous permit issuance and is proposing the increasing demands be supplied with water from the Floridan aquifer system. The Village's total existing withdrawal capacity is approximately 451 million gallons per month (MGM) via 14 existing and 2 proposed welis. The well locations are depicted on Exhibits 3 and 4 with facility details provided in Exhibit 5. The 1995 permit included four additional proposed surficial aquifer system wells (Wells 28 to 31) and two proposed Floridan aquifer system wells (Wells 4R and 5R). Well 28 is still proposed to be constructed but wells 29 to 31 are no longer proposed by fhe Vitiage and have been removed from the permit. Floridan aquifer system well 4R has been constructed and Well 5R is still proposed in this permit. Page2of13 060215-11 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY PROJECT DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED) The Viilage's water system consists of two water treatment piants (WTP) co-located on the same site. The surficial aquifer water supply is treated with a manganese green sand filtration system which has a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) permitted capacity of 2.7 million gallons per day (MGD) with a 90% efficiency recovery rate. The Floridan aquifer water suppiy is treated with RO with manganese softening through two treatment trains with a total capacity of 2.4 MGD and a 75% eificiency recovery rate. Two more treatment trains will be on-line shortly and will bring the total capacity of the RO Plant to 3.6 MGD. The Village will continue to operate the existing manganese green sand filter water treatment faci{ity for the surficiaf aquifer system groundwater. Each treatment process is operated independently with the treated water from each process being blended to produce the final product. The on-site storage capacity is 2.5 MG and there is an additional off-site storage facility with a capacity of 0.5 MG. The Village has three high service pumps located at the WTt' a capacity of 8.4 MGD. WELLFIELD OPERATING SCHEDULE: The existing wellfields are composed of 4 Floridan aquifer wells and 10 su�cial aquifer wells. Exhibits 10 and 11 contain the wellfield operating plans for the two withdrawal sources. Surficial aquifer system well 24 is limited to 3 MGM due to wetlands concerns. This rotation continues throughout the year which serves to distribute the demand over the entire wellfield and minimize localized drawdown. The wellfield operation schedule will be updated when wells 4R, 5R and 28 are placed on-line (Limiting Condition 27). INTERCONNECTS: As of July 2007, the Village no longer purchases bulk finished water from the Town of Jupiter. Fiowever, the Village has maintained two emergency interconnects with the Town of Jupiter. PROJECTED WATER USE DEMANDS Pursuant to Section 2.6 of the Basis of Review (BOR), the recommended combined source annual allocation is 1,594 MG. The maximum surficial aquifer system annual allocation is 401.32 MG and the maximum Floridan aquifer system allocation is 1,251.43, based on a population of 13,988 persons in the year 2031 and a per capita use rate of 312 gallons per day (GPD) for raw water. The treated water per capita is 232 GPD. The maximum monthfy allocations are 62.21 MG for the surfiicial aquifer system and 167.9 MG for the Floridan aquifer system. The maximum to average monthly allocation ratio is 1.61:1. There are no increases in allocations during the 20 year permit duration. These figures also take into account 90% (green sand treatment) and 75% (RO) treatment efficiencies. The Village acknowledges that the maximum annual allocation of 1,594 MG will not be exceeded, using a rolling sum of the withdrawals from both sources. Village staff will compare flows from each aquifer to the respective allocation, then total flows from both aquifers to the total annual allocation. Using this method the Village will be able to ensure that allocations from each aquifer and the annual allocation are not exceeded. As mentioned above, the two water treatment plants operate independently with the final finished water being blended before delivery to consumers. The Village is in the process of finalizing the expansion of the RO treatment facility. The applicant is requesting allocations from each source in excess of the combined annual allocation to allow flexibility in achieving finished water total hardness target parameters. The Village has a range of hardness it has deemed acceptable for its finished water quality of 60 milligrams per liter (mg/L) to 140 mg/L total hardness. With a 60/40 filter/RO split average total hardness is 140 mg/L. With a 20/80 filter/RO split average hardness is 60 mg/L. This range and the planned RO incremental capacity was used to define the specific aquifer allocations requested by the Village. These aquifer allocations will allow the Village the operational flexibility to provide a finished product within the range noted above while utilizing the current facilities and projected facilities as they come on-line. The operating regime and incremental capacity of the RO Plant are as follows: Green sand filter plant with one RO train (1.2 MGD) 62% surficial aquifer system and 38% Floridan aquifer system Green sand filter plant with two RO trains (2.4 MGD} 22% su�cial aquifer system and 78% Floridan aquifer system Page 3 of 13 060215-11 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY PROJECTED WATER USE DEMANDS (CONTINUED) The population figures provided by the Village of Tequesta are those approved by the Florida Department of Community Affairs on August 31, 2009. District pianning staff has reviewed the population projections and is in agreement with the figures. Exhibit 6 contains the populations of each of the service area components. HYDROLOGIC MODELING Theis non-equilibrium flow In order to determine the potential impacts that the withdrawals from the Floridan aquifer system might have on the resource and existing legal users, a drawdown impact analysis was performed utilizing the Theis equation, an analytical solution for groundwater flow. The modeling data is consistent with the criteria for basic analytical impact assessments set forth in Section of the BOR. Aquifer parameters were obtained from an on-site aquifer performance test (Teq-2). The purpose of the analysis was to simulate withdrawal of the maximum monthly allocation during a 1-in-10 year drought scenario. Withdrawal of the recommended allocation was simulated for 90 days with no recharge. The results of the analysis indicate that the cone of influence of the proposed withdrawals, defined as the 1.0 foot drawdown contour for withdrawals from a confined aquifer, does not encompass the Town of Jupiter RO wellfield. Therefore, a cumulative assessment including other users was not conducted. Modeling data and results are appended in Exhibit 13A. IMPACT ASSESSMENTS Water Resource Availability Surficial Aquifer System The base of the surficial aquifer system is approximately -350 feet Nationa( Geodetic Verticaf Datum (NGVD). Information obtained from the Village's saline water intrusion monitoring program well PB-727 (USGS cooperative well) shows that the end of dry season water level, inclusive of the effects of the historical withdrawals is 3.99 feet NGVD. The saturated thickness of the aquifer will be 354 feet (Exhibit 12). This application is for the continuation of an existing, historical, permitted use of water with no changes in this source, demand or withdrawal operations. Therefore, the potential for harm to occur to water resource availability as a result of the recommended allocation is considered minima(. Floridan Aquifer System The top of the Floridan aquifer system is estimated to be at -945 feet NGVD in the vicinity of the project (Village of Tequesta, Floridan RO Well No. 2 Construction and Testing Report and Summary of Floridan RO Weli No.1 Development, Reese, Macon and Associates, Inc.). The dry season potentiometric surface elevation of the Floridan aquifer system in the vicinity is approximately +47 feet NGVD based USGS Monitor Well PBF-1. The results of the modeling discussed above indicate a drawdown of 25 feet. Therefore, the total available drawdown is approximately 967 feet (Exhibit 13B). The potential for harm to occur to the water resource availability of the aquifer as a result of the withdrawal of the recommended allocation is considered minimal. Existing Legal Users Surficial Aquifer System There are numerous existing legal users of the surficial aquifer system in the vicinity of the Village's wellfields. The applicant is requesting no increase in allocation from the surficial aquifer system beyond historical base condition withdrawals. The potential for harm to occur to existing legal users as a result of the withdrawal of the recommended affocation is considered minimal. Floridan Aquifer System The nearest existing legal user of the Floridan aquifer system is the Town of Jupiter Public Water Supply (50-00010-W), located approximately 3 miles to the southwest of Village RO Well 5R. Based Page 4 of 13 060215-11 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY IMPACT ASSESSMENTS (CONTINUED) on the modeling discussion above, Floridan aquifer system water levels will remain 17 feet above land _ surFace. Withdrawais for the project will not result in the inability of an existing legal user to withdraw water, change the quality of the water to the extent that it can no longer be used for its authorized purpose, or prevent an existing legal user from meeting its permitted demands. Therefore, the potential for withdrawal of the recommended ailocation to interfere with existing legal users is considered minirnai. Sa�ine Water Intrusion Surficial Aquifer System Due to the potential for saline water intrusion and upconing, the Village has an extensive saline water intrusion monitoring program that has been implemented since 1979. Monitoring well data (Exhibit 14, top graph) indicate that a one foot head of fresh water has been maintained between the project and the source of saline water, which is consistent with Section 3.4 of the BOR, "Saline Water Intrusion". In addition, the chloride concentration monitoring results from the surficial aquifer system production well (Exhibit 16) show that the chloride concentrations have remained stable. Limiting Condition 28 requires the permittee to continue to submit monitoring data in accordance with the approved saline water intrusion monitoring program for this project. The potential for saline water intrusion or upconing to occur as a result of the withdrawal of the recommended allocation is considered minimal. Floridan Aquifer System Water quality data from the three active RO wells (Exhibits 14 and 15) indicate chloride concentrations between 1,500 to 2,800 mg/L within the past year. The data shows no apparent trends of increasing chlorides. The water is to be treated via reverse osmosis technology and blended with treated water from the existing water treatment plant. It is recommended that the permittee continue to implement the existing saline intrusion monitoring program (Limiting Condition 28 and Exhibit 18). The potential for saline water intrusion or upconing to occur as a result of the withdrawal of the recommended allocation is considered minimal. Wetfands Surficial Aquifer System , The authorized water withdrawal facilities from the surficial aquifer system are primarily located within highly urbanized areas of northeast Palm Beach Gounty. However, there are state jurisdictional wetlands located within close proximity to surficial aquifer system Well 24. As shown on Exhibit 17, these wetlands are located within Jonathan Dickinson State Park. The closest wetland is located approximately 0.05 miles / 270 feet to the northwest of Well 24. These wetlands primarily consist of wet prairie and hydric pine flatwoods which the District considers to be Category 3 wetlands (temporarily flooded and saturated). The authorized water use allocation from the su�cial aquifer system is no greater than the base condition and represents no net increase in surficial aquifer system withdrawals. Additionally, in order to minimize potential drawdown impacts to these wetlands associated with withdrawals from the surficial aquifer system from Well 24, the permittee will implement a wellfield operating plan which limits the maximum withdrawals from this well to 3.0 MGM. Therefore, the potential for harm to occur to these wetlands as a result of the authorized water withdrawals from the surficial aquifer system is considered minimal. Floridan Aquifer System The Floridan aquifer system in this region is confined and separated hydraufically by a 600-foot confining sequence from the surficial aquifer system. Due to the low hydraulic connection between the Floridan aquifer system and the surficial aquifer system, the potential for harm to occur to wetlands as a result of the authorized water withdrawals from the Floridan aquifer system is considered minimal. Page 5 of 13 060215-11 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY IMPACT ASSESSMENTS (CONTiNt1ED) Source Of Pollution Surficial Aquifer System The nearest pollution source is a dry cleaning site located 1,600 feet from Well 8. There has been no reported movement of contaminants in the past and the recommended allocation is limited to the historic base condition withdrawals. The potentiai for movemenf of contaminants, if present, from known pollution sources as a result of the withdrawal of the recommended allocation is considered minimal. Floridan Aquifer System The Floridan aquifer system is isolated from the surficial aquifer system, where potential contamination may be located, by a 600-foot thick confining layer. Based on this information, the potential for movement of contaminants, if present, from known pollution sources as a result of the withdrawal of fhe recommended allocation is considered minimal. Other Impacts Surficial Aquifer System EXISTING OFFSITE LAND USES: Pursuant to Section 3.6.2 of the BOR, the use is not expected to result in significant reductions in water levels on the property of an existing off-site land use to the extent that the designed function of a water body and related surFace water management improvements are damaged (not including aesthetic values), damage to agriculture, including damage resulting from reduction in soil moisture resulting from consumptive use; or land collapse or subsidence caused by reduction in water levels associated with consumptive use. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION LEGAL CONTROL: The Village owns the water treatment plant sites and the withdrawal facilities. The service area has been approved by the Department of Community Affairs on August 31, 2009. WASTE WATER TREATMENT; The Village of Tequesta does not have control either directly or indirectly of a wastewater treatment plant. Loxahatchee River Environmental District (ENCON) provides reclaimed water to various users within the Village's service area for irrigation use. WATER CONSERVATION: The Village adopted Ordinance No. 1-09, in which the amendments to the applicable comprehensive plan were adopted. Amendments related to Water Conservation dealt with high efficiency plumbing devices, coordination with ENCON, and encouragement of Florida Friendly Landscaping practices. Limiting Condition 24 requires that the within six months of permit issuance the permittee will provide a detailed water conservation plan. The updated plan should include, but is not limited to, components of the Water Conservation Plan required by Section 2.6.1 of the BOR. WATER USE ACCOUNTING: Pursuant to Limiting Condition 17, the Village has installed flow meters on all existing wells and will install flow meters on the wells listed on Table A as proposed as they are constructed. In addition, a report of recalibration shall be submitted every five years from each previous calibration, continuing at five-year intervals. Pursuant to Limiting Condition 18, monthly withdrawals for each withdrawal facility shall be submitted to the District quarterly. The water accounting method and means of calibration shall be stated on each report. Page 6 of 13 060215-11 VIILAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (CONTINUEDI COMPLIANCE REPORTING: Pursuant to Limiting Condition 20, the Permittee shall determine unaccounted-for distribution system losses for the entire distribution system on a monthly basis. Loss reporting shall be submitted to the District on a yearly basis from the date of Permit issuance. Pursuant to Limiting Condition 22, every ten years from the date of permit issuance, the Permittee shall submit a water use compliance report for review and approval by District Staff. Pursuant to Limiting Condition 26, the Permittee shaA submit ta the District an updated Well Description Table (Table A) within one month of completion of the proposed wells. Pursuant to Limiting Condition 27, upon completion and activation of the two proposed wells the permittee shall submit an updated wellfield operating plan to the District for approval. Pursuant to Limiting Condition 28, the Permittee shall continue to monitor and submit the data from the saltwater intrusion monitoring program to the District on a monthly basis. REGIONAL WATER AVAILABILITY: The project is located adjacent to the North Palm Beach County/Loxahatchee River Watershed Waterbodies (Section 3.2.1.E (3) of the BOR). Criteria is in place to ensure that water necessary for restoration of the Loxahatchee River Watershed is not allocated for consumptive use upon permit renewal and there will not be a net increase in the volume or cause a change in timing on a monthly basis of surface and groundwater withdrawn from the North Palm Beach County/Loxahatchee River Watershed Waterbodies over that resulting from the base condition water use. The base condition for a public water supply is defined as the maximum quantity of water withdrawn by the applicant from the permitted source during any consecutive twelve month period during the five years proceeding Apri1 1, 2006. l'he Village's surficial aquifer system base condition is 401.32 MGY (August 2001 to July 2002). The applicant is proposing no net increased use of the su�cial aquifer system beyond the base condition, as continued withdrawals from the Floridan aquifer system are proposed to meet the remaining portion of the Vi(lage's total water demand. Therefore, the project meets the criteria in Section 3.2.1 E(2) of the BOR. MINIMUM FLOWS AND LEVELS (MFL): The Northwest Fork of the Loxahatchee River is an MFL waterbody covered under a recovery strategy set forth in Chapter 40E-8, Florida Administrative Code. Consumptive use permit criteria for MFLs are located in Section 3.9 of the BOR. Since the applicant is proposing no increases in allocation from the surFicia! aquifer system, the criteria in Section 3.9.1(A) are met. PERMIT DURATION: Pursuant to Section 1.7.2 of the BOR, Staff recommends a 20-year permit duration. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT STATUS: Not Applicable. RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT STATUS: Not Applicable Page 7 of 13 060215-11 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY RECOMMENDATIONS Project Name: VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY Application Number: 0602'15-11 Permit Number: 50-00046-W RECOMMENDATION TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Authorizing: The continued use of groundwater from the Floridan aquifer system and surficial aquifer system for public water supply for 13,988 persons with an annual allocation of 1,594.00 million gallons. STAFF EVALUATION REVIEWER SUPERVISOR '�'�"`�'� � � � K�-- ���2,�'�, ' Tris one, NRM Anita R. Bain, NRM �' �/O , � ���0��� ,���.�;� � % ` -;�� ° ° Paulette M. Glebocki, P.G., WU Thomas Colios, WU CONSULTING HYDROGEOLOGIST: % j,;, � ° - � Date: � James Harmon, P.G. WATER USE BUREAU CHIEF: � � �, , / � �` � )_ � ��% � �i �s�l�sf�: � �-��/yiC--�/Z�--r" Date: ���� � i ,° ! Maria C. Clemente, P.E. Page 8 of 13 060215-11 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY Limiting Conditions 1. This permit shall expire on October 31, 2031. 2. Application for a permit modification may be made at any time. 3. Water use classification: Public water supply 4. Source ciassification is: Ground Water from: Floridan Aquifer System SurFicial Aquifer System 5. Annual ailocation shall not exceed 1594 MG. Maximum monthiy allocation shall not exceed 230.11 MG. The following limitations to annual withdrawals from specific sources are stipulated: Floridan Aquifer System-: 1,251 MG. Surficial Aquifer System-: 401 MG. The following limitations to maximum monthly withdrawals from specific sources are stipulated: Floridan Aquifer System-: 167.90 MG. Surficial Aquifer System-: 62.21 MG. Monthly Withdrawals from Well 24 are limited to 3.0 MG Monthly Withdrawals from Well 23 are limited to 11.88 MG 6. Pursuant to Rule 40E-1.6105, F.A.C., Notification of Transfer of Interest in Real Property, within 30 days of any transfer of +nterest or contro4 of the real property at which any permitted facility, system, consumptive use, or activity is located, the permittee must notify the District, in writing, of the transfer giving the name and address of the new owner or person in control and providing a copy of the instrument effectuating the transfer, as set forth in Rul� 40E-1.61 Q7, F.A.C. Pursuant to Rule 40E-1.6107 (4), until transfer is approved by the District, the permittee shall be liable for compliance with the permit. The permittee transferring the permit shall remain liable for all actions that are required as well as all violations of the permit which occurred prior to the transfer of the permit. Failure to comply with this or any other condition of this permit constitutes a violation and pursuant to Rule 40E-1.609, Suspension, Revocation and Modification of Permits, the District may suspend or revoke the permit. This Permit is issued to: VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA 250 TEQUESTA DR SUITE 300 TEQUESTA, FL 33469 7. Withdrawal Facilities: Ground Water - Proposed: Page 9 of 13 060215-11 V{LLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY Limiting Conditions Harm, as determined through reference to the conditions for permit issuance includes: (1) Reduction in ground or surface water levels that results in harmful lateral movement of the fresh water/salt water interface, (2) Reduction in water levels that harm the hydroperiod of wetlands, (3) Significant reduction in water levels or hydroperiod in a naturally occurring water body such as a lake or pond, (4) Harmful movement of contaminants in violation of state water quality standards, or (5) Harm to the natural system including damage to habitat for rare or endangered species. 11. if any condition of the permit is violated, the permit shail be subject to review and possible modification, enforcement action, or revocation. 12. Authorized representatives of the District shall be permitted to enter, inspect, and observe the permitted system to determine compliance with special conditions. 13. The Permittee is advised that this permit does not relieve any person from the requirement to obtain all necessary federal�, state, local and special district authorizations. 14. The permit does not convey any property right to the Permittee, nor any rights and privileges other than those specified in the Permit and Chapter 40E-2, Florida Administrative Code. 15. Permittee shall submit all data as required by the implementation schedule for each of the limiting conditions to: SFWMD, Regulatory Support Division, MSC 9611, P.O. Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680. 16. In the event of a declared water shortage, water withdrawal reductions will be ordered by the District in accordance with the Water Shortage Plan, Chapter 40E-21, �.A.C. The Permittee is advised that during a water shortage, pumpage reports shall be submitted as required by Chapter 40E-21, F.A.C. 17. Prior to the use of any proposed water withdrawal facility authorized under this permit, unless otherwise specified, the Psrmittee shall equip each facility with a District-approvpd operating v��ater use accounting system and submit a report of calibration to the District, pursuant to Section 4.1, Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Applications. In addition, the Permittee shall submit a report of recalibration for the water use accounting system for each water withdrawal facility (existing and proposed) authorized under this permit every five years from each previous calibration, continuing at five-year increments. 18. Monthly withdrawals for each withdrawal facility shall be submitted to the District quarterly. The water accounting method and means of calibration shall be stated on each report. 19. The Permittee shall notify the District within 30 days of any change in service area boundary. If the Permittee will not serve a new demand within the service area for which the annual allocation was calculated, the annual allocation may then be subject to modification and reduction. 20. Permittee shall determine unaccounted-for distribution system losses. Losses shall be determined for the entire distribution system on a monthly basis. Permittee shall define the manner in which unaccounted-for losses are calculated. Data collection shall begin within six months of Permit issuance. Loss reporting shall be submitted to the District on a yearly basis from the date of Permit issuance. 21. Permittee shall maintain an accurate flow meter at the intake of the water treatment plant for the purpose of ineasuring daily inflow of water. Page 11 of 13 060215-11 VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPP�Y Limiting Conditions Upon completion and activation of the two proposed wells, the program (Exhibits 10 and 11) shall be updated and submitted to the District for appro�al. Withdrawals from well 24 shall not exceed 3 MGM on any month. 28. The Permittee shall continue to submit monitoring data in accordance with the approved saline water intrusion monitoring program for this project. The permittee shall continue to collect monthly water level, specific conductance and chloride concentration data from the following wells: WELL - 7, WELL - 8, WELL - 18, WELL - 19, WELL - 20, WELL - 23, WELL - 24, WELL - 25, WELL - 26, WELL - 27, WELL - 1R, WELL - 2R, WELL - 3R, WELL - D1-3, WELL - M1039, WELL - P6727, WELL - PB892, WELL - PB932, WELL - T23-1, WELL - T24-D, WELL - TQ25D1, WELL - TQD3-5, WELL - TQRD-1, WELL - TQT5, WELL - TQW25DD, WELL - TQW26D, WELL - TQW27D, WELL - TQW27DD, and WELL - 25D. Water level and water quality data wiil be reported for wells 4R and 5R once the wells are activated as production weils. The data shall be submitted on a monthly basis. 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A. . k�� s� . �`1 � � f '°�. � �����' '` � .. � 4 �� _��l .'� ��.. � R �t t ' ��e a fi k,� � . l�� � lfr 4 :4 ` � ��.{ , .�� / ��� �_��!,���R PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA N Legend � � Floridan aquifer system Map Date: 2011-09-14 Application Number: 060215-11 Permit Number: 50-00046-W Project Name: Name: VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA- PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY ���� 0 0.15 0.3 Miles Exhibit No: 4 TABLE - A Description Of Wells. Application Number: 060215-11 WeIIID 6625 6626 6628 6630 6632 6627 Name 7 8 18 19 20 23 Map Designator 7 8 18 19 20 23 FLUWID Number Well Field Existing/Proposed E E E E E E Well Diameter(Inches) 10 10 8 8 8 10 Total Depth(feet) gp 70 62 60 60 60 Cased Depth(feet) 50 50 37 35 35 45 � Facility Elev. (ft. NGVD) I Screened Interval From 50 50 37 35 35 45 To 85 70 62 60 60 60 Pumped Or Flowing P P P P P P Pump Type turbine turbine turbine turbine turbine turbine Pump Int. Elev. Feet (NGVD) Feet(BLS) -31 -31 -22 -21 -21 -36 Pump Capacity(GPM) 750 750 150 150 150 1250 Year Drilled 1980 1980 1975 1975 1975 1981 Planar Location Source Feet East 951787.749 952558.202 951260.013 951028.096 950829.617 950224.47 m Feet North 955632.145 955960.033 959818.882 960362.545 960786.477 958862.601 x Accounting Method in-line propeller in-line propeller in-line propeller in-line propeller in-line propeller in-line propeller � � Use Status Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary '--f z Water Use Type Public Water Supply Public Water Supply Public Water Supply Public Water Supply Public Water Supply Public Water Supply O Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor '' Su�cial Aquifer Su�cial Aquifer Su�cial Aquifer Suficial Aquifer Suficial Aquifer Surficial Aquifer � Aquifer System System System System System System Page 1 - TABLE - A Description Of Wells. Application Number: 060215-11 V WeIIID 6633 2088�3 20871 136235 20886 136467 Name 24 25 28 26 27 1 R Map Designator 24 25 28 26 27 1 R FLUWID Number Well Fieid Existing/Proposed E E P E E E Well Diameter(Inches) 10 10 10 10 10 16 Total Depth(feet) �5 70 70 70 70 1200 Cased Depth(feet) 40 50 50 50 50 1000 Facility Elev. (ft. NGVD) Screened interval. From 40 50 50 50 To 70 70 70 70 Pumped Or Fiowing P P P P P Pump Type turbine turbine none turbine turbine centrifugaf Pump Int. Elev. Feet (NGVD) Feet(BLS) -36 -38 -35 -36 -36 Pump Capacity{GPM) 275 205 300 365 365 1200 Year Drilled 1991 1994 1995 1995 1998 Planar Location Source FeetEast 948897.686 944457.4 951820 941418.619 942204.137 952118.301 m Feet North 962205.072 959558.9 957105 960396.588 959856.72 958239.965 � Accounting Method in-line propeller in-line propelier flow meter flow meter flow meter flow meter � Use Status Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary �+ z Water Use Type Public Water Supply Public Water Supply Public Water Supply Public Water Supply Public Water Supply Public Water Supply � Monitor Monitor Su�ciai Aquifer Monitor Monitor Monitor Surtciai Aquifer Surticial Aquifer System Su�cial Aquifer SurEiciaf Aquifer Floridan Aquifer � Aquifer System System System System System Page 2 TABLE - A Description Of Wells. Application Number: 060215-11 WeIIID 136468 189411 20870 20872 136197 136179 Name 2R 3R 4R 5R TQD3-5 P6727 Map Designator 2R 3R 4R 5R D3-5 PB-727 FLUWID Number . Well Field Existing/Proposed E E E P E E , Well Diameter(Inches) 16 16 16 16 Total Depth(feet) 1200 1200 1200 1200 121.4 49.4 Cased Depth(feet) 1000 1000 1000 1000 Facility Elev. (ft. NGVD) Screened Intervai From 0 0 To 0 0 Pumped Or Flowing P P Pump Type centrifugal centrifugal turbine turbine none none � Pump Int. Elev. Feet (NGVD) Feet (BLS) -100 -100 Pump Capacity(GPM) 1200 1d00 1200 1000 0 0 Year Drilied 1999 2005 2006 Planar Location Source FeetEast 952766.425 951779.135 953449 953818 952356.153 950817.302 m Feet North 958709.977 955571.491 954980 953853 960897.618 958462.897 �,. Accounting Method flow meter flow meter unspecified unspecified none none � Use Status Primary Primary Primary Primary Monitor Monitor � z Water Use Type Public Water Supply Pubiic Water Supply Public Water Supply Public Water Supply Monitor Monitor 0 Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Surticial Aquifer Surticial Aquifer '' Floridan Aquifer Floridan Aquifer Floridan Aquifer Floridan Aquifer System System � Aquifer System System System System Page 3 . TABLE - A Description Of Wells. Application Number: 060215-11 WeIIID 136199 136200 150807 154491 136183 136180 Name T23-1 TQT5 D1-3 TQ25D1 P6932 P6892 Map Designator T-23-1 T-5 PB-932 PB-892 FLUWID Number Well Field Existing/Proposed E E E E E E Well Diameter(inches) Total Depth(feet) 100 68.6 59.6 81.5 Cased Depth(feet) Facility Elev. (ft. NGVD) Screened Interval From To Pumped Or Fiowing Pump Type none none none none none none Pump Int. Elev. Feet (NGVD) Feet(B�S) Pump Capacity{GPM) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Year Drilled Planar Location Source FeetEast 950226.207 947579.286 952610 953057.068 949331.419 m Feet North 958872.712 959540.588 956120 955297.927 954917.774 � Accounting Method none none none none none none � Use Status Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor '-r z Water Use Type Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor � 5urticiai Aquifer Surticial Aquifer Surticial Aquifer Su�cial Aquifer Surticial Aquifer Surficial Aquifer �� System System System System System System � Aquifer Page 4 TABLE - A Description Of Wells. Application Number: 060215-11 We111D 136201 136203 154760 136202 136198 136164 Name TQW25DD TQW27D TQW27DD TQW26D TQRD-1 M1039 Map Designator 25D-D 27-D 26-D RD-1 M-1039 FLUWID Number Well Field Existing/Proposed E E E E E E Well Diameter(Inches) Total Depth(feet) 147.2 69.3 68.4 68 85.9 Cased Depth(feet) Facility Elev. (ft. NGVD) Screened interval From To Pumped Or Flowing Pump Type none none none none none none Pump Int. Elev. Feet (NGVD) Feet(BLS) Pump Capacity(GPM) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Year Drilled Planar Location Source FeetEast 944457.449 941877.588 940929.196 949661.169 952323.452 ('n Feet North 959558.988 959712.667 960776.538 956899.45 960412.648 x Accounting Method none none none none none none � � Use Status Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor �+ Su�cial Aquifer z Water Use Type MoniYor Monitor System Monitor Monitor Monitor � Surficial Aquifer Suficial Aquifer Surficial Aquifer Surticial Aquifer Surticial Aquifer '' System System System System System � Aquifer Page 5 . TABLE - A Description Of Wells. Appiication Number: 060215-11 WeiliD 136184 136159 Name T24-D 25D Map Designator 24-D 25-D FLUWID Number Well Field Existing/Proposed E E Well Diameter(Inches) Total Depth(feet) 122.4 119.8 Cased Depth(feet) Facility Elev. (ft. NGVD) Screened interval From To Pumped Or Flowing Pump Type none none Pump Int. Elev. Feet (NGVD) Feet(BLS) Pump Capacity(GPM) 0 0 Year Drilled Planar Location Source FeetEast 950156.141 945182.35 m Feet North 962346.138 959412.595 �. Accounting Method none none � Use Status Monitor Monitor � � z Water Use Type Monitor Monitor � Su�cial Aqu'rfer Surticial Aquifer � � System System � Aquifer Page 6 -�. `y i t�. 1 Pooulation Proiections ,_ 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Within Palm Beach " Coun Village of Te uesta. 5687 6146 6565 6946 7293 7598 '-� Unincorporated Palm 2106 2153 2194 2296 2345 2390 � Beach County (2006) - Ju iter Inlet Colony 318 318 391 391 391 391 � Sub-Total 8,111 8,617 9,150 9,633 10,029 10,379 • � Within Martin County �� Ju iter Island* 99 99 20 20 20 20 -- Unincorporated Martin 3230 3460 3478 3495 3513 �_, Coun • Sub-Total --- 3,329 3,481 3,495 3,515 3,533 Total 11,946 12,631 13,128 13,544 13,912 EXH/B/T 6 :?� Maximum and Combined Annual Aquifer Allocations __ Projected Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Average � Year population Combined Floridan Surficial Combined Month _: GPCD (MG) (MG) (MG) (MG) = 2011 12,030 321 1251.43 401.32 1409.98 117.50 ,- 2Q12 12,114 321 1251.43 401.32 1417.88 118.16 �-- 2013 12,198 320 1251.43 401.32 1425.80 118.82 - 2014 12,282 320 1251.43 401.32 1433.7Q 119.47 - 2015 12,631 318 1251.43 401.32 1466.53 122.21 ,__ 2016 12,707 318 1251.43 401.32 1473.68 122.81 _ 2017 12,783 317 1251.43 4Q1.32 1480.83 123.40 2018 12,859 317 1251.43 401.32 1487.98 124.00 � 2019 12,935 317 1251.43 401.32 1495.14 124.59 -' 2020 13,128 316 1251.43 401.32 1513.30 126.11 2021 13,198 316 1251.43 401.32 1519.88 126.66 2022 13,26$ 315 1251.43 401.32 1526.46 127.21 2023 13,338 315 1251.43 401.32 1533.05 127.75 2024 13,408 315 1251.43 401.32 1539.64 128.30 2025 13,544 314 1251.43 401.32 1552.44 129.37 2026 13,605 314 1251.43 401.32 1558.17 129.85 2027 13,666 314 1251.43 401.32 1563.92 130.33 2028 13,727 313 1251.43 401.32 1569.65 130.80 2029 13,788 313 1251.43 401.32 1575.40 131.28 2030 13,912 313 1251.43 4p1.32 1587.06 132.26 2031 13,988 312 � 1251.43 401.32 1594�.2'i 132.$5 EXHIBIT 7 Projected - Raw Water SURFICIAL AQUIFER SYSTEM FLORIDAN AQUIFER SYSTEM YEAR POPULATION PER ANNUAL QUANTITY POST ANNUAL (MG) QUANTITY POST TOTAL MAX TOTAL CAPITA (MG) TREATMENT (MG) TREATMENT (MG) MONTH ANNUAL (GPD1 (MGMI (MGY) 2011 12,030 321 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 158.05 1409.98 2012 12,114 321 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 158.89 1417.89 2013 12,198 320 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 159.73 1425.79 2014 12,282 320 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 160.58 1433.70 2015 12,631 3'i8 401.32 369.19 1251.43 876.00 164.08 1466.53 2016 12,707 318 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 164.84 1473.68 2017 12,783 317 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 165.60 1480,83 2018 12,859 317 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 166.37 1487.98 2019 12,935 317 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 167.13 1495.14 2020 13,128 316 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 169.07 1513.29 2021 13,198 316 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 169.77 1519.88 2022 13,268 315 401.32 36'1.19 1251.43 876.00 170.47 1526.47 2023 13,338 315 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 171.17 1533.05 2024 13,408 315 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 171.88 1539.64 2025 13,544 314 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 173.24 1552.44 2026 13,605 314 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 173.85 1558.17 2027 13,666 314 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 174.47 1563.91 2028 13,727 313 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 175.08 1569.65 2029 13,788 313 401.32 361.19 9259.43 876.00 175.69 1575.39 2030 13,912 313 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 176.93 1587.06 2031 13, 988 312 401.32 361.19 1251.43 876.00 177.70 1594.21 �.�,, ` � �.. y 00 Proposed Treated - Both Sources Per Capita Average Maximum YEAR POPULATION (GPD) MGM MGY Month (MGM) 2011 12,030 232 84.89 1018.70 108.66 2012 12,114 232 85.48 1025.81 109.42 2013 12,198 232 86.08 1032.93 110.18 2014 12,282 232 86.67 1040.04 110.94 2015 12,631 232 89.13 1069.59 114.09 2016 12,707 232 89.67 1076.03 114.78 2017 12,783 232 90.21 1082.46 115.46 2018 12,859 232 90.74 1088.90 116.15 2019 12,935 232 91.28 1095.34 116.84 2020 13,128 232 92.64 1111.68 118.58 2021 13,198 232 93.13 1117.61 119.21 2022 13,268 232 93.63 1123.53 119.84 2023 13,338 232 94.12 1129.46 120.48 2024 13,408 232 94.62 1135.39 121.11 2025 13,544 232 95.58 1146.91 122.34 2026 13,605 232 96.01 1152.07 122.89 2027 13,666 232 96.44 1157.24 123.44 2028 13,727 232 96.87 1162.40 123.99 2029 13,788 232 97.30 1167.57 124.54 2030 13,912 232 98.17 1178.07 125.66 2031 13,988 232 98.71 1184.50 126.35 EXHIBiT 9 �� � VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA SURFICIAL WELLFIELD OPERATING PLAN AVERAGE MONTH WELL WITHDRAWALS BASED ON ANNUAL ALLOCATION "* • Eastern Weilfield Western Welltfeld 23 24 vailable PI ;' WEL 7 B 18 . 19 20 (Maximum) (Maxlmum� 25 26 27 �MGD) � GPM 750 750 150 750 150 100U 1T6 205 385 383 ,• 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.885 Z � � � 1 3.262 . 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,865 •" d 1 1 0.75 1.517 . 5 1 1 1 1 i 1 3.463 _ 6 0.75 1 1 1 1 2.063 � f � 1 1 1 1.T78 +;z � g � 1 1 1 7.433 � g � 1 1 1 1 1 2.549 10 1 1 0.5 1 2.329 11 1 1 1 1 1 1.7T8 72 1 1 1 0.75 7AS7 �� � 1 1 1 1.56E 14 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.268 15 1 1 1 1 1 1.778 16 1 0.75 1 7 1.564 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.139 18 1 1 1 1 1.562 19 � � � 1 U.75 1 3.872 20 i 1 0.T5 '1 1 2.333 Z � � � 1 1 1 2.743 � � � 1 1 1 1.776 23 i 1 i 1 1.253 24 1 1 1 7 1 1 1.865 25 0.75 1 1 1 2.992 26 1 1 'I 1 0.75 2.122 ZT � q 1 1 1.253 28 1 0.5 1 1.462 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.089 30 7 1 1 1 1 1 2.549 TOTA! �MGM) 5.940 5.940 4,104 4.104 4.104 11.880 3,069 6.273 10.249 9.855 65.518 AVG DAY (MGD) 0.198 0.198 0.187 0.137 0.137 0.396 Q.102 0.209 0.342 0.329 (Maxtmum) (Maximum) WESTERN WELLFIELD TOTAL (MGM 2B.377 EASTERN WELLFIELD TOTAL (MGM 39.141 Nolea t. ThIS schetlule may be altered Aua to wealher, peak demand, mechanical breakdown and well redevelnpment 2. This scheaule is baseA on a 30 tlay cy:�e. Run days wll� be allered besed on number o1 days during operafmg monlh. " With tl�e exception of Welis 23 and 24 wAich retiect Maximum Month Wichdrawal - EXHiBIT 10 " VILLAGE OF TEDUESTA FLORIDAN WELLFIELD OPERATING PLAN AVERAGE MONTH WELL WITHDRAWALS BASED ON ANNUAL ALL.00ATION ** i R01 RO 2 RO 3 RO A(not Available Flow ; Run days equlpped) �te �-� 1,200 gpm 1,200 gpm 1,200 gpm . 10 Days x x 2,A00 10 Days x x 2,400 10 Days x x 2,400 -� OTAL (MGM) 34.56 34,56 34.56 103.68 � VG DAY (MGD) 7.128 1.126 1.128 Noles �` 1. This schedule mey be alteretl due lo waather, peek tlemand, machanical 6reakdown and weil redevetopment _� 2. This schedule is 6asetl on a 30 dey cycle. Run deys will be altered based on num6er of days during operating month. 3. 11 the Village installs a thi�d RO Train before the entl of the permit period R04 will he equipped entl I�e aveilable Bow rate will increase lo 3,600 gpm. The above table will ba adjusled accordingly. EXHIBIT 11 Groundwater Resource Availability ` � Renewai of Use of Water From an Unconfined Aquifer Application Number: 060215-11 Source: Surficial Aquifer System Project: Village Of Tequesta Reference Item Reference Value, Units Information Source � Land Surface Elevation 5 feet NGVD Estimated � Water Level 3.99 feet NGVD USGS Well PB-727 End of dry season water '::... __ ` level ��jj�j� Bottom of Aquifer -350 feet NGVD Village of Tequesta, Floridan RO Report Illustration not to scale Saturated Thickness 353.99 feet Elevation of Water level - Elevation of Aquifer Bottom Abbreviations: NGVD: National Geodetic Vertical Datum SFWMD: South Florida Water Management District USGS: United States Geological Survey WRIR: Water Resource Investigation Report TP: Technical Publication OFR: Open File Report BOR: Basis of Review for Water Use Applications Exhibit 12 i. _ � - , _ �r ��`� ` -- -- — _ � -. ����. �� _ �' i� � ' � {� y ' . . . 'eh .. � ;� R'{i. 1 .l � � �.1�i'�a , '� ' � � S t � 9 ` � . . � '�1 . . "� � O . � �"� b ' ' = la. � . ' �; _ ' ��O . ��'e�„ � w _.�� . � � � , � ( - , � s } J" r ., fy . . f�j� �:,L 0 N k1l��+h?�+. � - 1 ' �� G� �`' �. � ' B � °�, i �4 �` � ��`. C �� � ��" r �� � '_ � ;'�� ��: �\ �, � � � � �' + r ' �'e ��Fx '`� 4 i \ il ��f ��.� �.. � �� � � .. � . , � C :�`� �� • � . . . l. . , � �i.{i:a: � k ; � \, � , . � �,,: � � �� (� .-. ....-. � - .. _-�:i �i' ��� _ - . . .e� ; ��,.�� �� . �ei" ..�'� ��� 'l�`� � � � � . 1 `°� � � t � .-� ' �� `� � ��:Sk 1[ ;�; � +Rf' � V � � , � �� � � � t i , � . . ;��� � O .���' � � lG.S7�,.� � lta � • � � aF. �� � . �.�z.�' '-+yz . � \'fl'�iA�_1- JlnS��� 5��� ^� � , . ' � � � ,'` � r ' ` Q �'.� ' t Y"``,`' � _\ ,. t ' / ._�, c °g+i�l���,�' `` �iI `. _� y� . � ?.r..�%` .a � <�Ih.�'�?i� Orr, . `s� � .�'lf � ' —•. •� - � �� . . i� � �: � 1 ..� _ ,:, � � t. �:F :5;� _�+ � �...+� � 4 ! s � �. ' �".� . . . �. 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' `�.' �:. � . � `...�� �i � -.: �, 3�► . �ct A ,r "� , FLORIDAN AQUIFER SYSTEM Palm �each County, Florada Model parameters: THEIS Non-Equilibrium Equation qpplication 060215�1'i T - 76,450 ft2/day S - Oe13 Permit 50 Village of Tequesta Pumpage 167.9 MGM (5.523 MGD) EXHIB9T 13� Groundwater Resource Availability " Modification of Use of Water From a Confined Aquifer Application Number: 060215-11 Source: Floridan Aquifer System Project: VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY Reference Item Reference Value, Units Information Source j � Land Surface Elevation 5 feet NGVD USGS Topo Map / Water Level 47 feet NGVD USGS Monitor Well PBF-1 Average waterlevel 22 feet NGVD Resultant water level after 25 feet of drawdown � '� Top of Aquifer -945 feet NGVD Village of Tequesta Floridan R.O. Well No. 2 Construction and Testing Report and Summary of FAS R.O. Well No. 1 Development, Reese, Macon & Assoc. Inc. Illustration not to scale Remaining Head Above Aquifer 967 feet Elevation of Water level - Elevation of Aquifer Top AFjhreviations: NGVD: National Geodetic Vertical Datum SFWMD: South Florida Water Management District USGS: United States Geological Survey WRIR: Water Resource Investigation Report TP: Technical Publication OFR: Open File Report BOR: Basis of Review for Water Use Applications Exhibit 13B Permit �: 50-00046-W Project Name: VILLAGE QF TEQUESTA Requirement: Water Level from weIIPB-727 12 I , ,--- . . _.___.—. .._.______ . ____ ____ .. _ ___. � I 10 -� I I � ' -�,-___-� . ___ .. ; '—.. , -_. ________..: __�-____—__.________-_ � , I � ' . . _ _-_- ___._-____ 1 � i i I I ' ' � � 8 � , � ' ----- ---- - i i ---- -----_ - o i i i 1 - ----� ! � i � 8 - _---_ . : - _ - _ �� I ' - __ - _..__ _ _? - :, - .� . y • I I � ' � I I I I I I � � 1 1 j i ' - - - -- 4 , - - � --- i > I �� �. i I . I I I I I � i I i i i i I i i i i i � 2 � � : � . 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I �'� s �iL_..i ����,��.h��,L...�.� . w - " � � � � Requirement by Limiting Condition Report App No: 060215-11 Permit No: 50-00046-W Project Name: VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY Limiting Condition No: 17 Limiting Condition Code: WUSTD021-8 Facility Name Requirement Name Col Freq Sub Freq Due Date WELL - 7 Calibration report for WELL 7 Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 8 Calibration report for WELL 8 Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 23 Calibration report for WELL 23 Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 18 Calibration report for WELL 18 Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 19 Calibration report for WELL 19 Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WEL� - 20 Caiibration report for WELL 20 Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 24 Calibration report for WELL 24 Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 4R Calibration report for WELL 4R Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 28 Calibration report for WELL 28 Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 5R Calibration report for WELL 5R Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 25 Calibration report for WELL 25 Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 27 Calibration report for WELL 27 Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 26 Calibration report for WELL 26 Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 1 R Calibration report for WELL 1 R Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 2R Calibration report for WELL 2R Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 WELL - 3R Calibration report for WELL 3R Every Five Years Every Five Years 30-MAY-2015 Limiting Condition No: 18 Limiting Condition Code: WUSTD022-1 Facility Name Requirement Name Col Freq Sub Freq Due Date WELL - 7 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 7 Monthly Quarterfy 30-APR-2012 WELL - 8 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 8 Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 23 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 23 Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 18 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 18 Monthly Quarteriy 30-APR-2012 WELL - 19 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 19 Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 20 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 20 Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 24 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 24 Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 , WELL - 4R Monthly withdrawal for WELL 4R Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 28 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 28 Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 5R Monthly withdrawal for WELL 5R Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 25 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 25 Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 27 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 27 Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 26 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 26 Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 1 R Monthly withdrawal for WELL 1 R Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 2R Monthly withdrawal for WELL 2R Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 WELL - 3R Monthly withdrawal for WELL 3R Monthly Quarterly 30-APR-2012 Limiting Condition No: 20 Limiting Condition Code: WUPWS003-1 Facility Name Requirement Name Col Freq Sub Freq Due Date PERMIT Unaccounted for Distribution Monthly Yearly 30-NOV-2012 System Losses for Permit Page 1 of5 Exhibit No � V Requirement by Limiting Condition Report Limiting Condition No: 22 Limiting Condition Code: WUPWS008-2 Facility Name Requirement Name Col Freq Sub Freq Due Date PERMIT Ten-Year Compliance Report for Every Ten Years Every Ten Years 30-NOV-2021 PERMIT Limiting Condition No: 26 Limiting Condition Code: WUWC004-1 Facility Name Requirement Name Col Freq Sub Freq Due Date WELL - 28 Updated Table A for WELL 28 One time Only One time Only 01-JUN-2012 WELL - 5R Updated Table A for WELL 5R One time Only One time Only 01-JUN-2012 Limiting Condition No: 28 Limiting Condition Code: WUSAT001-4 Facility Name Requirement Name Col Freq Sub Freq Due Date WELL - 2R Specific conductance from weli Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 RO-2 WELL - 2R Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 RO-2 WELL - 25D Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 25-D WELL - 25D Water Level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 25-D WELL - 25D Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 25-D WELL - M1039 Chloride from weil Monthly Monthiy 31-DEC-2011 M-1039 WELL - M1039 Water Level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 M-1039 WELL - M1039 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 M-1039 WELL - PB727 Water Level from well Monthiy Monthly 31-DEC-2011 PB-727 WELL - PB727 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 PB-727 WELL - PB892 Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 PB-892 WELL - PB892 Water Level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 PB-892 WELL - PB892 Specific conductance from weli Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 PB-892 WELL - P6932 Water Level from weli Monthly Monthly ' 31-DEC-2011 PB-932 WELL - PB932 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 PB-932 WELL - T24-D Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 24-D WELL - T24-D Chloride from well Monthly Monthiy 31-DEC-2011 24-D WELL - T24-D Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 24-D WELL - TQD3-5 Specific conductance from weA Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 D3-5 WELL - TQD3-5 Chloride from weli Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 D3-5 WELL - TQRD-1 Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 RD-1 WELI. - T23-1 Water level from weil Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 Page 2 of 5 Exhibit No: 18 Requirement by Limiting Condition Report Facility Name Requirement Name Col Freq Sub Freq Due Date T23-1 WELL - TQW25DD Water levei from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 25D-D WELL - TQTS Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 T-5 WELL - TQW26D Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 26-D WELL - TQW27D Water fevef from well Monthly Monthiy 31-DEG2011 27-D WELL - 7 Water level from weil Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 7 WELL - 8 Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 8 WELL - TQRD-1 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 RD-1 WELL - TQT5 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 T-5 WELL - TQW25DD Specific conductance from well Monthly Month(y 31-DEC-2011 25D-D WELL - TQW26D Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEG2011 26-D WELL - TQW27D Specific conductance from weli Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 27-D WELL - TQW27D Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 27-D WELL - TQW25DD Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 25D-D WELL - 7 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 7 . WELL - 8 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 8 WELL - 18 Specific conductance from well Morthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 18 WELL - 19 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 19 WELL - 23 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 23 WELL - 24 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 24 WELL - 25 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 25 WELL - 27 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-QEC-2011 27 WELL - 26 Specific conductance from we{{ Monthfy Monthly 31-DEC-2011 26 WELL - 26 Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 26 WELL - 25 Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 25 WELL - 24 Water levei from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 24 WELL - 23 Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 23 Page 3 of 5 Exhibit No: 18 Requirement by Limiting Condition Report Facility Name Requirement Name Col Freq Sub Freq Due Date WELL - 20 Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 20 WELL - 19 Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 19 WELL - 20 Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 20 WELL - 19 Ch{oride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 19 WELL - 23 Chloride from well Monthiy Monthly 31-DEC-2011 23 � WELL - 25 Chloride from well Monthiy Monthly 31-DEC-2011 25 WELL - 27 Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 27 WELL - 1 R Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 RO-1 WELL - 1 R Chloride from well Monthly Monthiy 31-DEC-2011 RO-1 WELL - 1 R Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 RO-1 WELL - D1-3 Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 D1-3 WELL - D1-3 Water level from well Monthly Monthiy 31-DEC-2011 D1-3 WELL - D1-3 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 D1-3 WELL - TQ25D1 Chloride for weli TQ25D1 Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 WELL - TQT5 Chloride for weli TQT5 Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 WELL - TQRD-1 Chloride for well TQRD-1 Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 WELL - TQW26D Chloride for well TQW26D Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 WELL - TQW27DD ground water level for TQW27DD Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 WELL - TQ25D1 ground water level for TQ25D1 Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 WELL - TQW27DD Specific Conductance for Well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 TQW27DD WELL - 26 Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 26 WELL - PB727 Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 PB-727 WELL - PB932 Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 PB-932 WELL - TQD3-5 Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 D3-5 WELL - T23-1 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 T23-1 WELL - 7 Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 7 WELL - 24 Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 24 WELL - TQ25D1 Conductivity for TQ25D1 Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 WELL - 2R Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 RO-2 WELL - 20 Specific conductance from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 Page 4 of 5 Exhibit No: 18 �, . Requirement by Limiting Condition Report Facility Name Requirement Name Col Freq Sub Freq Due Date 20 WELL - 27 Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 27 WELL - 18 Water level from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 18 WELL - 18 Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 18 WELL - 3R Chloride from well Monthly Monthly 31-DEC-2011 RO-3 Page 5 of 5 Exhibit No: 18 STAFF REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY Application No: 060215-11 Permit No: 50-00046-W INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION X Paulette M. Glebocki, P.G. X ERC X Permittee - Viilage Of Tequesta X Permit File X Engr Consultant - Arcadis Rma X WU Compliance - B. Rasperger X WU Compliance - J. Floyd GOVERNMENT AGENCIES X Dept of Environmental Protection - West Palm Beach X Div of Recreation and Park - District 7 X Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District X Palm Beach County - Environmental Res Mgmt X Palm Beach County - Health Dept Environmental Health & Engineering X Palm Beach County - Water Utilities Operations Center X Palm Beach County School District of Palm Beach County X Patrick Martin, Director of Engineering Lake Worth Drainage District X Town of Jupiter Utilities David Brown OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES X Alexandria Larson X B.F. Sewell X Rosa Durando Exhibit No:19 i � -- - SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT t, ,' WATER USE PERMIT NO. RE-ISSUE 50-00046-W t; > �� `,' NON-ASSIGNABLE ,�, No� �ozz9 Rev. 0]/09 Date Issued: October 31, 2011 Expiration Date: October 31, 2031 Authorizing: THE CONTINUED USE OF GROUNDWATER FROM THE FLORIDAN AQUIFER SYSTEM AND SURFICIAL AQUIFER SYSTEM FOR PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY FOR 13,988 PERSONS WITH AN ANNUAL ALLOCATION OF 1,594.00 MILLION GALLONS. Located In: Palm Beach County, S25-26/T40S/R42E S30-32/T40S/R43E Martin County, S33-35/T39S/R42E S1-5, 8-18, 20-24/T40S/R42E, S18-19/T40S/43E Issued To: VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA (VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY) 250 TEQUESTA DR SUITE 300, TEQUESTA, FL 33469 This is to notify you of the DistricYs agency action concerning Permit Application No. 060215-11, dated February 15, 2006. This action is taken pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 373, Part il, Florida Statutes (F.S.), Rule 40E-1.603 and Chapter 40E-2, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Based on the information provided, District rules have been adhered to and a Water Use Permit is in effect for this project subject to: 1. Not receiving a filed request for an administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.57 and Section 120.569, or request a judicial review pursuant Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. 2. The attached 28 Limiting Conditions. 3. The attached 19 exhibits. Permittee agrees to hold and save the South Florida Water Management District and its successors harmless from any and all damages, claims or liabilities which may arise by reason of the construction, maintenance or use of activities authorized by this permit. Said application, including all plan and specifications attached thereto, is by reference made a part hereof.Upon written notice to permittee, this permit may be temporarily modified, or restricted under a Declaration of Water Shortage or a Declaration of Emergency due to Water Shortage in accordance with provisions of Chapter 373, Fla. Statutes, and applicable rules and regulations of the South Florida Water Management District. This Permit may be permanently or temporarily revoked, in whole or in part, for the violation of the conditions of the permit or for the violation of any provision of the Water Resources Act and regulations thereunder. This Permit does not convey to the permittee any property rights nor any privileges other than those specified herein, nor relieve the permittee from complying with any law, regulation, or requirement affecting the rights of other bodies or agencies. Should you object to these conditions, please refer to the attached "Notice of Rights" which addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a public hearing or other review of the proposed agency action. Should you wish to object to the proposed agency action or file a petition or request, please provide written objections, petitions, requests and/or waivers to: Elizabeth Veguilla, Deputy Clerk, MSC2440 South Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning this matter. If we do not hear from you in accordance with the "Notice of Rights", we will assume that you concur with the District's action. CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the Staff Report, Conditions and Notice of Rights have been mailed to the Permittee (and the persons listed on the attached staff report distribution list) no later than 5:00 p.m. on this 1st day of November, 2011, in accordance with Section 120.60(3), Florida tatutes, and a.copy has been filed and acknowledged with the Deputy District Clerk. 1� rr By ' /�%-� .' J � r ,�'�,� DEPUTY CLERK SOUTH FLORIDA WAT�R�, ANAG MENT DISTRICT Attachments PAGE 1 OF 6 s � PERMIT N0: 50-00046-W PAGE20F6 LIMITING CONDiTIONS 1. This permit shall expire on October 31, 2031. 2. Application for a permit modification may be made at any time. 3. Water use classification: Public water supply 4. Source classification is: Ground Water from: Floridan Aquifer System Surficial Aquifer System 5. Annual ailocation shall not exceed 1594 MG. Maximum monthly allocation shail not exceed 230.11 MG. The following limitations to annual withdrawals from specific sources are stipulated: Floridan Aquifer System-: 1,251 MG. Surficial Aquifer System-: 401 MG. The following limitations to maximum monthly withdrawals from specific sources are stipulated: Floridan Aquifier System-: 167.90 MG. Surficial Aquifer System-: 62.21 MG. Monthly Withdrawals from Well 24 are limited to 3.0 MG Monthly Withdrawals from Well 23 are limited to 11.88 MG 6. Pursuant to Rule 40E-1.6105, F.A.C., Notification of Transfer of Interest in Real Property, within 30 days of any transfer of interest or control of the real property at which any permitted facility, system, consumptive use, or activity is located, the permittee must notify the District, in writing, of the transfer giving the name and address of the new owner or person in control and providing a copy of the instrument effectuating the transfer, as set forth in Rule 40E-1.6107, F.A.C. Pursuant to Rule 40E-1.6107 (4), until transfer is approved by the District, the permittee shall be liable for compliance with the permit. The permittee transferring the permit shall remain liable for all actions that are required as well as all violations of the permit which occurred prior to the transfer of the permit. Failure to comply with this or any other condition of this permit constitutes a violation and pursuant to Rule 40E-1.609, Suspension, Revocation and Modification of Permits, the District may suspend or revoke the permit. This Permit is issued to: VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA 250 TEQUESTA DR SUITE 300 TEQUESTA, FL 33469 7. Withdrawal Facilities: Ground Water - Proposed: ► � PERMIT NO: 50-00046-W PAGE30F6 1- 16" X 1200' X 1000 GPM Well Cased To 1000 Feet 1- 10" X 70' X 300 GPM Well Cased To 50 Feet Ground Water - Existing: 3- 16" X 1200' X 1200 GPM Wells Cased To 1000 Feet 2- 8" X 60' X 150 GPM Welis Cased To 35 Feet 1- 10" X 75' X 275 GPM Well Cased To 40 Feet 1- 16" X 1200' X 1000 GPM Well Cased To 1000 Feet 1- 10" X 70' X 205 GPM Well Cased To 50 Feet 1- 8" X 62' X 150 GPM Well Cased To 37 Feet 2- 1d" X 70' X 365 GPM Weffs Cased To 50 Feet 1- 10" X 90' X 750 GPM Well Cased To 50 Feet 1- 10" X 70' X 750 GPM Well Cased To 50 Feet 1- 10" X 60' X 1250 GPM Well Cased To 45 Feet 8. Permittee shall mitigate interference with existing legal uses that was caused in whole or in part by the permittee's withdrawals, consistent with the approved mitigation plan. As necessary to offset the interference, mitigation will include pumpage reduction, replacement of the impacted individual's equipment, relocation of wells, change in withdrawal source, or other means. Interference to an existing legal use is defined as an impact that occurs under hydrologic conditions equal to or less severe than a 1 in 10 year drought event that results in the: (1) Inability to withdraw water consistent with provisions of the permit, such as when remedial structural or operational actions not materially authorized by existing permits must be taken to address the interference; or (2) Change in the quality of water pursuant to primary State Drinking Water Standards to the extent that the water can no longer be used for its authorized purpose, or such change is imminent. 9. Permittee shall mitigate harm to existing off-site land uses caused by the permittee's withdrawals, as determined through reference to the conditions for permit issuance. When harm occurs, or is imminent, the District wili require the permittee to modify withdrawal rates or mitigate the harm. Harm caused by withdrawals, as determined through reference to the conditions for permit issuance, includes: (1) Significant reduction in water levels on the property to the extent that the designed function of the water body and related surface water management improvements are damaged, not including aesthetic values. The designed function of a water body is identified in the original permit or other governmental authorization issued for the construction of the water body. In cases where a permit was not required, the designed function shall be determined based on the purpose for the original construction of the water body (e.g. fill for construction, mining, drainage canal, etc.) (2) Damage to agriculture, including damage resulting from reduction in soil moisture resulting from consumptive use; or (3) Land collapse or subsidence caused by reduction in water levels associated with consumptive use. 10. Permittee shall mitigate harm to the natural resources caused by the permittee's withdrawals, as determined through reference to the conditions for permit issuance. When harm occurs, or is imminent, the District will require the permittee to modify withdrawal rates or mitigate the harm. Harm, as determined through reference to the conditions for permit issuance includes: (1) Reduction in ground or surface water levels that results in harmful lateral movement of the fresh water/salt water interface, � � PERMIT NO: 50-00046-W PAGE 4 OF 6 (2) Reduction in water levels that harm the hydroperiod of wetlands, (3) Significant reduction in water levels or hydroperiod in a naturally occurring water body such as a lake or pond, (4) Harmful movement of contaminants in violation of state water quality standards, or (5) Narm to the natural system including damage to habitat for rare or endangered species. 11. If any condition of the permit is violated, the permit shall be subject to review and possible modification, enforcement action, or revocation. 12. Authorized representatives of the District shall be permitted to enter, inspect, and observe the permitted system to determine compliance with special conditions. 13. The Permittee is advised that this permit does not relieve any person from the requirement to obtain all necessary federal, state, local and special district authorizations. 14. The permit does not convey any property right to the Permittee, nor any rights and privileges other than those specified in the Permit and Chapter 40E-2, Florida Administrative Code. 15. Permittee shall submit all data as required by the implementation schedule for each of the limiting conditions to: SFWMD, Regulatory Support Division, MSC 9611, P.O. Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680. 16. In the event of a declared water shortage, water withdrawal reductions will be ordered by the District in accordance with the Water Shortage Plan, Chapter 40E-21, F.A.C. The Permittee is advised that during a water shortage, pumpage reports shall be submitted as required by Chapter 40E-21, F.A.C. 17. Prior to the use of any proposed water withdrawal facility authorized under this permit, unless otherwise specified, the Permittee shall equip each facility with a District-approved operating water use accounting system and submit a report of calibration to the District, pursuant to Section 4.1, Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Applications. In addition, the Permittee shall submit a report of recalibration for the water use accounting system for each water withdrawal facility (existing and proposed) authorized under this permit every five years from each previous calibration, continuing at five-year increments. 18. Monthly withdrawals for each withdrawal facility shall be submitted to the District quarterly. The water accounting method and means of calibration shall be stated on each report. 19. The Permittee shall notify the District within 30 days of any change in service area boundary. If the Permittee will not serve a new demand within the service area for which the annual allocation was calculated, the annual allocation may then be subject to modi�cation and reduction. 20. Permittee shall determine unaccounted-for distribution system losses. Losses shall be determined for the entire distribution system on a monthly basis. Permittee shall define the manner in which unaccounted-for losses are calculated. Data collection shall begin within six months of Permit issuance. Loss reporting shall be submitted to the District on a yearly basis from the date of Permit issuance. 21. Permittee shall maintain an accurate flow meter at the intake of the water treatment plant for the purpose of ineasuring daily inflow of water. 22. Every ten years from the date of permit issuance, the permittee shall submit a water use compliance report for review and approval by District Staff, which addresses the following: 1. The results of a water conservation audit that documents the efficiency of water use on the project site using data produced from an onsite evaluation conducted. 1n the event that the audit indicates additional water conservation is appropriate or the per capita use rate authorized in the permit is exceeded, the permittee shall propose and implement � � PERMIT NO: 50-00046-W PAGE50F6 specific actions to reduce the water use to acceptable levels within timeframes proposed by the permittee and approved by the District. 2. A comparison of the permitted allocation and the allocation that would appiy to the project based on current Qistrict allocation rules and updated population and per capita use rates. In the event the permit allocation is greater than the allocation provided for under District rule, the permittee shall appiy for a letter modification to reduce the allocation consistent with District rules and the updated population and per capita use rates to the extent they are considered by the District to be indicative of long term trends in the population and per capita use rates over the permit duration. In the event that the permit allocation is less than allowable under District rule, the permittee shall appiy for a modification of the permit to increase the allocation if the permittee intends to utilize an additional allocation, or modify its operation to comply with the existing conditions of the permit. 23. The Permittee shall notify the District within 30 days of entry into an inter-local agreement, contract, or other similar instrument to deliver or receive water outside of its service area or to serve a demand not identified to determine the allocation described in this permit. A copy of such agreement shall be provided to the District. The monthly volume of water delivered and/or received via each inter-local agreement, contract, or other similar instrument shall be submitted to the District on a quarterly basis. 24. The Water Conservation Plan required by Section 2.6.1 of the Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Applications within the South Florida Water Management District, must be implemented in accordance with the approved implementation schedule. Within six months of permit issuance the permittee will provide an updated plan for the following components to the Water Conservation Plan required by Section 2.6.1 of the BOR: a) Amended irrigation ordinance to include variance from irrigation requirements for the use of micro-irrigation systems; b) A copy of the ordinance showing the adoption of a Florida Friendly Landscape; c) Resufts of facilities audit; d) Amended rain sensor device ordinance to require the installation of moisture control mechanisms/systems with the install of any new automatic lawn sprinkler system; e) Copy of educational CD to be distributed to top 10% water users in the Village; f) Copy of program distributing free moisture control mechanisms (A copy of the modified water bill) formatted to include comparative water usage; g) A copy of the adoption of a 3 day/week irrigation ordinance in compliance with District year round rule. 25. If at any time there is an indication that the well casing, valves, or controls leak or have become inoperative, repairs or replacement shall be made to restore the system to an operating condition. Failure to make such repairs shall be cause for filling and abandoning the well, in accordance with procedures outlined in Chapters 40E-3 and 40E-30, Florida Administrative Code. 26. The Permittee shall submit to the District an updated Well Description Table (Table A) within one month of compietion of the proposed wells identifying the actual total and cased depths, pump manufacturer and model numbers, pump types, intake depths and type of ineters. 27. Permittee shall implement the wellfield operating plan submitted in support of the application for this permit. Upon completion and activation of the two proposed wells, the program (Exhibits 10 and 11) shall be updated and submitted to the District for approval. Withdrawals from well 24 shall not exceed 3 MGM on any month. 28. The Permittee shall continue to submit monitoring data in accordance with the approved saline water intrusion monitoring program for this project. The permittee shall continue to collect monthly water level, specific conductance and chloride concentration data from the following wells: a • � PERMIT NO: 50-00046-W PAGE 6 OF 6 WELL - 7, WELL - 8, WELL - 18, WELL - 19, WELL - 20, WELL - 23, WELL - 24, WELL - 25, WELL - 26, WELL - 27, WELL - 1R, WELL - 2R, WELL - 3R, WELL - D1-3, WELL - M1039, WELL - PB727, WELL - PB892, WELL - PB932, WELL - T23-1, WELL - T24-D, WELL - TQ25D1, WELL - TQD3-5, WELL - TQRD-1, WELL - TQT5, WELL - TQW25DD, WELL - TQW26D, WELL - TQW27D, WELL - TQW27DD, and WELL - 25D. Water level and water quality data will be reported for wells 4R and 5R once the wells are activated as production welis. The data shall be submitted on a monthly basis. r . � NOTfCE OF RIGHTS As required by Sections 120.569(1), and 120.60(3), Fla, Stat., following is notice of the opportunities which may be available for administrative hearing or judicial review when the substantial interests of a party are determined by an agency. Please note that this Notice of Rights is not intended to provide (egal advice. Not all the legal proceedings detailed below may be an applicable or appropriate remedy. You may wish to consult an attorney regarding your legal rights. RIGHT TO REQUEST ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING A person whose substantial interests are or may be afifected by the South Fforida Water Management District's (SFWMD or District) action has the right to request an administrative hearing on that action pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Fla. Stat. Persons seeking a hearing on a District decision which does or may determine their substantial interests shall file a petition for hearing with the District Clerk within 21 days of receipt of written notice of the decision, unfess one of the following shorter time periods apply. 1) within 14 days of the notice of consolidated intent to grant or deny concurrently reviewed applications for environmental resource permits and use of sovereign submerged lands pursuant to Section 373.427, Fl.a, Stat.; or 2) within 14 days of service of an Administrative Order pursuant to Subsection 373.119(1), Fla. Stat. "Receipt of written notice of agency decision" means receipt of either written notice through mail, or electronic mail, or posting that the District has or intends to take fnal agency action, or publication of notice that the District has or intends to take final agency action. Any person who receives written notice oi a SFWMD decision and fai{s to file a written request for hearing within the timeframe described above waives the right to request a hearing on that decision. Filing Instructions The Petition must be filed with the Office of the District Clerk of the SFWMD. Filings with the District Clerk , may be made by mail, hand-delivery or facsimile. Filings by e-mail will not be accepted. Any person wishing to receive a clerked copy with the date and time stamped must provide an additional copy. A petition for administrative hearing is deemed fifed upon receipt during normal business hours by the District Clerk at SFWMD headquarters in West Palm Beach, Florida. Any document received by the office of the S�WMD Clerk after 5:00 p.m. shall be filed as of 8:00 a.m. on the next regular business day. Additional filing instructions are as follows: • Filings by mail must be addressed to the Office of the SFWMD Clerk, P.O. Box 24680, West Palm Beach,.Florida 33416. • Filings by hand-delivery must be delivered to the Office of the SFWMp Clerk. Delivery of a petition to the SFWMD's security desk does not constitute filing. To ensure proper filing, it will be necessary to request the SFWMD's security officer to contact the Clerk's office. An employee of the SFWMD's Clerk's office will receive and file the petition. • Filings by facsimife must be transmitted to the SFWMD Clerk's Office at (561) 682-6010. Pursuant to Subsections 28-106.104(7), (8) and (9), Fla. Admin. Code, a party who files a document by facsimile represents that the original physically signed document wil! be retained by that party for the duration of that proceeding and of any subsequent appeal or subsequent proceeding in that cause. Any party who elects to file any document by facsimile shall be responsible for any delay, disruption, or interrupti�n of the electronic signa}s and acce�ts the �ull risk that the do�ument may not be properly filed with the clerk as a result. The filing date for a document filed by facsimile shall be the date the SFWMD Clerk receives the complete document. Rev. 07/01 /2009 1 r� . . Initiation of an Administrative Hearing Pursuant to Rules 28-106.201 and 28-106.301, Fla. Admin. Code, initiation of an administrative hearing shall be made by written petition to the SFWMD in legible form and on 8 and 1/2 by 11 inch white paper. All petitions shall contain; 1. Identification of the action being contested, including the permit number, application number, District file number or any other SFWMD identification number, if known. 2. The name, address and telephone number of the petitioner and petitioner's representative, if any. 3. An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the agency determination. � 4. A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the SFWMD's decision, 5. A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate. 6. A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the SFWMD's proposed action. 7. A statement of the specific rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the SFWMD's proposed action. � S. If disputed issues of material fact exist, the statement must also include an explanation of how the alleged facts relate to the specific rules or statutes. 9. A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action the petitioner wishes �the SFWMD to take with respect to the SFWMD's proposed action. A person may file a request for an extension of time for filing a petition. The SFWMD may, for good cause, grant the request. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the SFWMD prior to the deadline for filing a petition for hearing. Such requests for extension shall contain a certificate that the moving party has consulted with all other parties concerning the extension and that the SFWMD and any other parties agree to or oppose the extension. A timely request for e�ension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. If the District takes action with substantially different impacts on water resources from the notice of intended agency decision, the persons who may be substantially affected shall have an additional point of entry pursuant to Rule 28-106.111, Fla. Admin. Code, unless otherwise provided by law. Mediation The procedures for pursuing mediation are set forth in Section 120.573, Fla. Stat., and Rules 28-106,111 and 28-106.401-.405, Fla. Admin, Code. The SFWMD is not proposing mediation for this agency action under Section 120.573, Fla. Stat., at this time. RIGHT TO SEEK JUDICIAL REVIEW Pursuant to Sections 120.60(3) and 120.68, Fla. Stat., a party who is adversely affected by final SFWMD action may seek judicial review of the SFWMD's final decision by filing a notice of appeal pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.110 in the Fourth District Court of Appeal or in the appellate district where a party resides and filing a second copy of the notice with the SFWMD Clerk within 30 days of rendering of the final SFWMD action. Rev. 07(01/2009 2 r . • �' 1 . . . . � Water Use Limiting Condition Compliance Report Quarterly Report of Withdrawals From Wells and Surface Water Pumps This Report must be completed and submitted to the District at the address shown as required by your Permit Permit Number 50-00046-W Project Name VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY Return To: Issued to Village of Tequesta Water Plant , South Florida Water Management District Address P.O. Box 3474 Attn: Water Use Regulation Division (4320) City, State, Zip Tequesta FL 33469-0474 PO Box 24680 Phone / Fax No 561-575-6235 / 561-768-0711 West Palm Beach, FL - 33416 - 4680 E-mail RoyS67@aol.com Water Withdrawals, Million Gallons District Month: Month: Month: Requirement Name identification Year: Year: Year: Accounting Method Date Last Number Calibrated Monthly withdrawal for WELL 26 136235 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 1 R 136467 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 2R 136468 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 3R 189411 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 4R 20870 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 28 20871 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 25 20884 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 27 20886 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 7 6625 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 8 6626 Name of Person Completing Form Signature: Date: Form 0188-QMON (08/03) Printed: 10/31/2011 Page 1 of 2 • •' � � � � � � Water Use Limiting Condition Compliance Report Quarteriy Report of Withdrawals From Wells and Surface Water Pumps This Report must be completed and submitted to the District at the address shown as required by your Permit Permit Number 50-00046-W Project Name VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY Retum To: Issued to Village of Tequesta Water Plant South Florida Water Management District Address P.O. Box 3474 Attn: Water Use Regulation Division (4320) City, State, Zip Tequesta FL 33469-0474 Phone / Fax No 561-575-6235 / 561-768-0711 PO Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL - 33416 - 4680 E-mail RoyS67@aol.com Water Withdrawals, Million Gallons District Month: Month: Month: Requirement Name Identification Year: Year: Year: Accounting Method Date Last Number Calibrated Monthly withdrawal for WELL 23 6627 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 18 6628 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 19 6630 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 20 6632 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 24 6633 Monthly withdrawal for WELL 5R 20872 Name of Person Completing Form Signature: Date: Form 0188-QMON (O8/03) Printed: 10/31/2011 Page 2 of 2