Utilities_Consumer Confidence Report_2012 PG � o F � tF G ��� �'�'� F �� , � PRESORTED STANDARD � U.S. POSTAGE ` r �r",=., _ ' PAID . �� � �,, ;� WEST PALM BEACH, FL � �� � , �, � � � � PERMIT # 1987 � � � �io � � � _ � � � � � -�- � �°, ��, - �. � _ 345 Tequesta Drive Tequesta, FL 33469 G � OF T£ P ��;�� °� ILLAGE OF E UESTA �� '� �� Q ,, r „�� ; O � �'' �%� Q 3 � '�\� ;, o� � � �� � COUN�y � _�— — _ � \ � � , _ : . - -- � _ ,�.�. - . � � � � / � _.: --� � _ - -_ � �� - l V V .... � _ � � _, . � C�� � � 0 ���C� C�� 2012 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report of the Ullage of Tequesta INORGANIC CON'i'AMINANTS CONTAMINANT & UNIT DATES OF MCL (VIOLATION) I LEVEL ', RANGE OF OF MEASUREMENT SAMPLING (mo/yr) y/N I, DETECTED I RESULTS Barium (ppm) ; 5/11 N I ', 0.0071 N/A � Fluoride (ppm) i 5/11 � N 0.031 i N/A i, � Nitrate (as Nitrogen) (ppm) 11/12 i N ! 0.015 I N/A STAGE 1 DISINFEC'l'ANTS AND DISINFECTANT BY-PRODUCTS AL EXCCEDED Y/N MCL I LIKELY SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION 2 I Dlscharge ot drilling wastes; discharge from metal refineries; erosion oi natural deposits ' Erosion of natural deposit: discharge irom fertilizer and 4.0 aluminum factories. Water additive which promotes strong teeth �vhen at optimum levels behveen 07 and 1.3 ppm 10 Run of( from fertilizer use, leaching from septic tanks, j se�vage, erosion of naWral deposits For bromate, chloramines, or chlorine, the level detected is the highest running annual average (RAA), computer quarterly, of monthly averages of all samples collected. For haloacetic acids or TTHM, the level detected is the highest RAA, computed quarterly averages of all samples collected if the system is monitoring quarterly or is the average of all samples taken tluring the year if the system monitors less frequently than quarterly. Range of results is the range of individual results Qowest to highest) for all monitoring location, inclutling Initial Distribution System Evaluation QDSE) results as well as Stage 1 compliance results. DISINFECTANT OR ' DATES OF MCL OR MRDL ; LEVEL �, RANGE OF I MCLG or MCL or LIKELY SOURCE OF CONTAMINANTAND ; SAMPLING mo/ r VIOLATION Y/N ' DETECTED RESULTS � MRDLG MRDL ' CONTAMINATION UNIT OF MEASUREMENT ; � Y) , I Chloramines m Monthy � I, I �Pp ) P012 l N 1.85 � 0.6 - 4.0 i MRDLG = 4.0 I MRDL = 4.0 I Water Additive usetl to control microbes Haloacetic Acids(five) (HAA°o)(ppb) TTHM (TotalTrihalomethanes) (PPb) Quarterly 2012 N i Quarterly i N 2012 LEAD AND COPPER (TAP WATER) CONTAMINANT & UNIT OFMEASUREMENT Copper (tap water) (ppm) Leatl (tap water) (ppb) DAI ES OF SAMPLING (mo/yr) 6/12 . 6/12 20.70 ; 3.00 - 36.80 26.60 i 8.00 - 45.50 MCLG 2 4 10 N/A � MCL = 60 i N/A i MCL = 80 90th PRECENTILE NO.OFSAMPLINGSITES i RESULT EXCEEDWG THE AL ; MCLG 'I AL (ACTION I LEVEL) Y I I OJ2 1 i 1 . 3 � 1.3 � � Y I 0.0083 I 3 I 0 j 15 By-protluct of drinking water tlisinfection By-product of drinking water cholorination LIKELY SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits, leaching trom tvood & preservatives Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural tleposits, AL—Acuon Level: The mncentra[ion of a mntaminant whlch, if exceeded, tnggers treatment or other requlrementr which a water N/A— No��ppficable system must follow. ND — means not detected and indicates that the substanw was not found by laboratory analysls MCL— Maxlmum Contaminant LeveC The hlghest level of a mntaminant that Is allowed in dnnking water MCCs are se� as dose m PPB— Parts per billlon (ppb) or Mlcrograms per II[er (Uo/I� one pa« be weigh± of analyte to 1 biillon pa«s by weight of the evater sample the MQG"s as teasible using the best available treaiment technology- PPM— Parts per million (ppm) or Milllgrams per Ilter (mg/p—one pan by welght of analy[e or contaminam to 1 mlllion parts by MCLG — Maximum Con[aminant Level GoaP. The level of a mntaminan� in drinking water below which there is no known, or weight oi the water sample. eepected risk [o health. MCLGs allowtor a margin otsafeTy MRDLG—Maximum Resdual Dlsinfectant Level Goal N/A— Not Applica6le MRDL— Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level This report reflects the #---� � � effort and dedication of the I ��C s � i Village of Tequesta Utilities � � � �� Department personnel to , ��� � � � � � communicate the results of ,� � :� � � all testing conducted in our �'� � � Water Treatment Plant and ' _-� - .;,. ,... _ r "`_ --- water s}�stem. Ow� goal is ` to continuc to provide a safc � ( ' and dependable water suppl�� � for j=ou, our customers. �, a If you have questions concerning your water utility, please contact Nathan Litteral, Water Plant Superintendent at 561-768-0493, or E-mail hinn at: nlitteral@tequesta.org. The En�ironmental Protection Agencj� (EPA) has established le�-els foi substances that ma}� be found in the Village's tap ��ater and requires that we communicate this infoimation to j�ou on an annual basis. The tablc above also shows dlese le�rels as regulated bj° EP11 and the highcst levels found in the Village's water. Drinking water, including bottled water, maj� reasonabl3° be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessaiilj� indicate that water poses a health risl�. l�lore information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained b�- calling: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY SAFE DRINKING WATER HOTLINE (800-426-4791) How do contaminants get into our water? The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. Contaminants that may be present in raw water include: Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. Inorganic contarr�inants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally occurring or result from urban stormwater runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining, or farming. Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a va ri ety of sources such as agriculture, urban stormwater runoff, and residential uses. Organic chemicals contaminates, including synthetic and vola- tile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and septic systems. Radioactive contaminants which can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. � In order to ensure that tap water is ' safe to drink, EPA perscribes regu- ��'`� ` lations which limit the amount of / �.; �+ \ certain contaminants in water I�� ,�'� provided by public water systems. `�'�"" Food and Drug Administration F '� � (FDA) regulations establish limits ( �#� for contaminants in bottled wa- � � ter which must provide the same ,r protection for public health. � Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drink- ing water than the general population, such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders. Some elderly and infants can be par- ticularly at risk from infections. These people should seek ad- vice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). The effects of lead in drinking water on children If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. Village of Tequesta is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the va- riety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for severa� hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at http://www.epa.gov/safewater/lead. The �Tillage curientlp has thiee sotuces of potable ��-ater suppl5° to meet its current needs. The first sotuce is the I'iltration Vl'latei Ti-eaunenC Plant, which utilizes ten suihcial u-clls and is rated at 2.73 1�1Gll. The second source is the Reverse Osmosis Water P1anY, raeed at 3.6 ,�ZGD being supplied b}' four deep ���ells �t�ithin the l�loridan Aquifer. The Chird is an emeigenc�° watcr agreeinent with the Tou°n of �upitcL. s1s of December 2011, the watcr s5�stem screiced a total of 4,975 water sereice connections within the Village's service area. � [�` In 2008 The Florida Deparhncnt of Lnvironmental ! Piotect�on created a Source �X/ater Assessment & � Piotection Pcogiam (SWt1PP) showing potcntial sourccs oE contatnination in the vicinin� of thc ��illagc �� � � of Tequesta public �eater sti�stem wells. With concerns ° � ranging from moderate to lo�c, l�resentl� thcre are 12 � ' � �� , I ,� � � unique potendal contuninant sources. u � r_� „_ w i a�uu s� a�' ""�= ^'��' The assessment results are available to i a 1- ��ey� — �,, ,� .: r 1� �__ ';ei � the public at: www.dep.state.fl.us/swapp. The Water Trcatmcnt Ylant iccei�°cs its ra��- �sater � fran fourtccn production ��-ells. 'I'hc P'iltei Plant �� �z�hich is supplicd b�° 10 surfical aquiEei ��-ells �—��� ph�sicall� and chcmicall�° trcats thc ��cll �catei to pioduce potaUlc ��Tatcr, �vhich mects and exceeds _ � the s�andards of the Safc Drinl�iilg Water Ace The p� � � Re�-eise Osmosis Watci '1'rcatment Plant pro�-ides '�� desalmation of salt�� �eater from threc of foui ���ells � J neail�� 1,800 fcct do��n into the l�loridan Aquifer. � The �� ater trearment precess inciud: s olidarion, � coagulation, filtrarion, and disinfection b�- chloram- � ( € ination. 'The Utilir�es Department pro��ides a high �1 � qualih� ��ater b�• using the best ai-ailable «ater �'f�_ t�eatmcnt technologies. � � � � ,� � x 1'hc ��illage of Tequesta Utiliues Department operates and maintains its �vatci t�eatment facilitics and 72 miles of dist�ibution sj-stem piping. The L'tilities Departmcnr is oper�zred under the super�ision of the Village Managerwho atso ser�res as thc L;rilities Director. The UGlities Department has foui divisions which includc adminismation, a-aeel treatment (pumping and storage), distiibudon and customer ser�rice. '1'he litilitics Deparement consists of siateen emplo�-ees of which siz are licensed watcr plant opciatois and fiti-e �cho are ccrtified watcr distcibution s�-stem opcLators. — "� To assure the safet�° and ieliaUilitZ• of our drinl�ing �vacer, ��� �� se�-eral hundred ,amples per �'ear arc anal�'�ed from the ��'ater Treatment 1 l�nt and distribucion p�ping sastem. The ' '� samples are collected nnd analj°zed bt- certified operators � 'i � and certified independent laUoratories. �111 of the analetical �� results from thc collccted samples are forwarded eo the � �`� ,� l�lorida Dcpu�tincnt of He�zlth on a monthlj° basis. Out of e all the contaminants thaY were monitored in our ���ate�; most � '1► ��°cic not deeccted. These non-detcctable contaminants in- clude oiganic and inorg�xnic chemicals, natural and s��ndletic chemical compounds, �Tolatiles, unregulated contaminants, I and microbiological organisins. Onl� the containinanes that ��,.._ _ y �� ��°ere detected are included in Che [est result taUle of this �X'arcr Qualin Rcporr. The Village of Tequesta routinel�� monitors for contaminants in our drinl�ing water according to Federal and State la�-s, rules and regulations. E�cept whcre indicated othei this reporti is based on the results of our monitoring foi the period of ]anuarj� 1 to December 31, 2012. llata obtained before Januar�� 1, 2012, and presented in this report are from the most recent testing done in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations. � � ,�� �_ . � f =_�� � � � . r � r ,.�, ,_, _ �r I I We are pleased to inform you that 5�oui public drinking water meers or exceeds all federal, state and local drinking ' water standards. This Consumer Confidence Report provides ��ou, the consumer, with a summar}� of our ��ear 2012 ' � analytical data, water resource information and a brief histor�r as it applies to the public drinking water svstem. i - , Our mission at the Village of Tequesta ! , �) Provide Yesponsive, courteous and qualiry service in ordeY to achieve customer satisfaction and � improve the quality of life for the citizens of the Village of Tequesta and its other customers. � �� Develop a long-range strategic plan to meet future infrastructure and utility service needs for � community growth, development, and expansion. � � Enhance public awareness of environmental surroundings. Village of Tequesta Leaciershin Village Staff VILLAGE COUNCIL: Michael R. Couzzo, Jr., Village Manager Tom Paterno, Mayor Nathan Litteral, Water Plant Superintendent Vince Arena, Vice-Mayor Abby Brennan, Council Member The Village Council meets monthly with Steve Okun, Council Member dates and times posted on Frank D'Ambra, Council Member www.tequesta.org 1 1 1 The original watei system was developed b�� the JupiteY Water 1977, the Village constructed additional surficial aquifer wells Company in 1954 to serve Jupiter Inlet Colony. This water and a treatment facility� at 901 N. Old Di�e Highway. This con- system included two surficial aquifer wells, a 1.00 million strucrion increased the Water Treatment Plant's permitted ca- gallon peY day (�1IGD) aeration�filt�ation�chlorination pumping pacity from 1.00 MGD to 1.80 IIGD. The Plant facility was station and a 60,000 gallon elevated sto�age rank located just expanded again in 1988 by the addition of new wells, chemical south of Bridge Road. By 1957, the system was expanded to feed sy�stems and pressure filters, incYeasing the overall water serve neighboring subdivisions and portions of the Village of trcatment plant capacit�� to 2J3 I�IGD. Tequesta. In 1998, the Village initiated the next phase of expansion In 1967, the Village of Tequesta puYChased the water to the Water Treatment Plant This included the construction system from the JupiteY Water Company for �1,700,000. In of a"state-of-the-art" reverse osmosis water t�eatment facility, with an ultimate capacity of 3.6 I�ZGD, initially sized for 1.2 , _ _ � _�- � .. -;.,. � �TGD. The $7.8 million expansion project was funded through � _ ' a bond issue. The reverse osmosis water tYeatment faciliry . _ _ _. y _ __ , �` became fully operational in i��Tarch 2000. _ �� :. ___. _ _. �' " ` ` ' ' " ' � '" - In 2007, a first expansion of the water treatment plant G - � -- ��� was completed providing 1.2 m.g. additional capacity to a* ,.�.�. ;� �+„ ,�` produce water and a third R.O. well for source supply. ,_ � � �`�" �,,. '` In 2011, the water treatment plant completed a second �,,.�... �. � _, - _ �� � �'����= � � expansion providing an additional 1.2 m.g. capacity to produce �., : ��.��we�t�f :.: . . : �.� .��,�- .., . water and a third R.O. for a total capacit;� of 3.6 i�1GD.